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Brandon takes a few more steps back and sits down on the chair against the wall. He watches from afar with a provoking grin on his face. All while stroking his dick in full frontal view.

It’s as if he wants me to get excited.

No. I shouldn’t. It’s fucking wrong to even think about him that way.

So I close my eyes and focus on what I’m doing.

“No,” he says, his dark, stern voice intruding my every thought. “Eyes open and on me.”

I sigh and open them. The look on his face makes me wish I never came to the hotel in the first place. Goddamn that smug asshole. And fuck him for making me feel this aroused.

I try not to think about him as I circle my clit, but it’s hard when he’s sitting right in front of me, jerking off his huge dick like he owns the place.

What are we even doing? We should be on the run. Instead, we’re playing deviant games that neither of us can win.

“Make yourself come,” he says.

“What?” I mutter, stopping altogether.

This makes him get up from the chair and point the gun right at my forehead. “Do it.”

I try to suck in some oxygen, but my lungs feel tight.

Coming is something sensual, something I’ve only ever done to myself in private. I’ve never given a man the pleasure of seeing me come.

I didn’t want to give him this. Anything but this.

But he’s leaving me no choice in the matter.

With hate spewing from my eyes, I continue to flick my clit. I don’t take my eyes off his as he continues to rub his length while watching me. He lowers his gun only slightly, aiming it at my pussy, and it thumps in response. Why, I don’t know. I wish I understood my own body’s reaction to the situation, but I don’t. I’m so fucking confused right now as I play with myself, bringing myself toward nirvana.

His tongue quickly darts out in excitement as we both near our climaxes. I fear the end, dreading the cliff I’m about to drop off. But with him holding the gun, I’ll do it anyway.

My body shivers from the orgasmic waves. As my eyes roll into the back of my head, he groans out loud. A warm jet of liquid squirts out onto my face and neck. It’s fast and uncontrollable, just like my orgasm that floods me with emotions I can’t even begin to comprehend.

I hate the high I’m on as much as I hate him. As much as I hate the fact he just covered me with his jizz, and it’s dripping down onto my chest. As much as I hate the fact I’m still sweating and gasping for air.

Fuck. Him.

A dirty, satisfied smirk appears on his face. With my middle finger, I swipe along my lips, picking up the cum on the trail, and then stick it up to him.

“Good girl,” he says, smiling like he just won. “Now stick it in your mouth.”

I make a face. “What?”

He flicks the gun around, and it immediately catches my attention. Just like he wants. “Eat. It.”

“Why?” I ask, staring at the barrel of the gun.

“Because I said so,” he says, and he grabs my chin and pulls it down softly until my lips part and form an o.

Reluctantly, I bring my middle finger to my lips and suck on it. It tastes of filthy, naughty sex and all the things he wants to do to me. And it tastes how I imagined him to taste all those years ago.


I gotta remind myself again and again he’s not that same boy from before, and I’m not that same girl. We were both forced to become adults too quickly, and it’s all because of him.

“Thatta girl,” he says with such a smug voice that it makes me want to attack him. Suddenly, he grabs my throat. “You think you only get to enjoy this? No. I want you to suffer,” he says with a darkness in his voice that makes goose bumps appear on my body. “This is only a portion of all the punishment I have in store for you.”

He lowers the gun and picks up the towel. He wraps himself in it again, tucking away that half-hard dangling cock between his legs as if it was never exposed in the first place. He reaches for a small box of tissues sitting on the cabinet and throws a few at me.

“Clean yourself up.”

I do what he says, but only because I can still feel his cum on my face, and I don’t want it there. Especially not if I still wanna go outside and face the world. Hell no.

When I’m done, I chuck the tissues in the bin behind his legs. I quickly grab my panties and pants and pull them on as fast as I can. I don’t want to indulge him any more than I absolutely have to.

Tags: Clarissa Wild Savage Men Erotic