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“You’re not fucking recruiting him.” I was going to murder him and Niall both.

Niall pushed back his chair and stood. “We’ll knock real loud when we get back.”

Leo snorted.

“Get out,” I yelled.

They were both laughing as I closed and locked the door behind them.



I watched Giorgio’s friends leave. I liked them, and it was comforting to see how relaxed he seemed with them. He wouldn’t have needed to tell me he trusted both men. I could see it. Giorgio always seemed tense and hyperalert—except when we were in bed together—but with Niall and Leo here, he didn’t hold his shoulders so tight, not even when they pushed all his buttons.

I knew he didn’t want me involved, but I also knew we had to do something to get Alan’s attention. For whatever reason, Alan was determined to include me in his twisted games. He wouldn’t forgo an opportunity to make that happen.

I followed Giorgio to the door as Niall and Leo left. The second he turned toward me I took his face in my hands, rose on tiptoe, and kissed him. He stumbled back, and I smiled against his lips, thrilled I’d actually startled him.

I moved forward as we kissed until he was backed against the door. I wanted him off balance. Seduction was one of the few weapons I knew I could use as well as he could.

He resisted me at first. He didn’t try to push me away, but he held himself stiff until I hooked my fingers in his belt loops and pulled his body against mine. His arms went around me then, hands flexing on my back as he pressed us more tightly together. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and kissed me until it felt like maybe I was the one being seduced.

When I finally pulled back for air, we simply stared at each other.

Giorgio was first to break the silence. “You didn’t actually send them away so we could fuck, did you? Because, Jesus, that would be hot.”

I smiled. “Yeah, it would be, but I sent them away because I need privacy to make you understand I am going to help you.”


“Yes.” I shoved at his chest, pressing him against the door with my hands as if I could actually hold him.

“I feel like such a fool not to have seen Alan for what he was from the beginning.”

“You’re not. I’ve told you—”

“I know, but if I can help you catch him, if I can help you bring down these men who want to hurt people, manipulate them, use them against their will, then it will be easier to believe that. They think we’re easy targets because we’re young. They’re preying on people who are naive, and I need to show them I’m more than just a pretty toy.”

“I never thought you were—”

“I know you haven’t, but so many men have, and sometimes…”

“Don’t you dare listen to them. You are beautiful, but you’re so much more than that. You’re a gifted artist. You’re smart. You’re caring, and I…”

My breath caught. The intensity in his eyes held me immobile. “You what?”

He shook his head. “I need to keep you safe.”

I knew that wasn’t what he was going to say. I wanted to push him, to make him admit whatever it was, yet I was afraid to. It was going to hurt when he left me, but I was afraid if things got any more serious, my heart would shatter.

“Please let me do this.”

“My boss will never agree to it.”

“If all three of you are watching out for me—”

“It doesn’t matter. You’re a client. Your safety is our main goal, and… there are… other reasons.”

“Other than the fact that your boss and my mother are friends?”

“He’s not going to let his friend’s son endanger himself.”

“Aren’t you the best? You’ll be able to protect me.”


He didn’t look as certain as I expected him to. “It’s a fundraiser, not one of their parties. Won’t there be people there who aren’t part of his group of worthless assholes?”

“Yes, but one thing I learned during my years in the military—and it’s been solidified in years since—no matter how innocuous a situation looks, never assume it’s safe. There are no guarantees. People will do things you’ve never imagined, and their motives aren’t always predictable.”

“I know I’m taking a risk, but I need to prove I can be useful.”

“No, you don’t. Your value has nothing to do with how Alan is brought to justice.”

“I know that’s true objectively, but that doesn’t matter. I need to do this for my own sanity. Remember how you told me that when you were with me, you feel like more than just a sniper?”

Fuck. “I shouldn’t have—”

“You shouldn’t have opened up, let yourself be vulnerable, allowed me to care for you?”

“Yes. No. Fuck, Lane. I can’t risk you like this.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Vigilance Erotic