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“How do they always know I’m a dog person? It’s like they’re punishing me.”

Leo rolled his eyes. “It’s a cat, Niall. You negotiate with terrorists to get hostages free, but you can’t handle a fucking cat?”

Niall shuddered. “They scratch.”

Lane cuddled Mittens tightly. “She doesn’t scratch. Right, baby?”

Fuck, I was really gone for him. I was turning into mush watching him snuggle with his cat. I needed help.

When I glanced back at Leo, he winked at me. I knew he’d seen me go all heart eyes over Lane and Mittens.

“I can put Mittens away if…”

Niall shook his head. “No. I’m fine, seriously.”

“Can we get back to business?” Leo asked.

I glared at him.

“Well, that’s what you said you wanted.”

“I do. We need to figure out a plan to take out Alan and everyone else involved in this bullshit.”

Leo sighed. “Too bad we can’t just kill them all without somebody noticing.”

“True,” Niall said. “Have you learned anything new?”

“Joe called me earlier.”

“And…” Niall waved his hand for me to continue.

“He told me about a fundraiser Alan will be attending. It’s at Marshall Digby’s estate in Cohasset.” Digby was another one of the men associated with Congressman Swain and his nefarious dealings.

“How does that help us?”

“The charity is ostensibly a children’s medical fund, but it’s a front. Alan and his associates are shuttling most of the money to their own accounts, using the money to fund their sex parties and pay for their indulgent lifestyles.”

Lane snarled. “Are you serious?”


“When is the fundraiser?”

“Tomorrow night.”

His eyes widened. “Alan invited me.”

“What?” That bastard had dared to contact him again?

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier, but when I got up, I saw that he’d texted me. He gave a fake apology for sending other people after me, saying he should have come himself. He wants to make it up to me by bringing me to a fundraiser tomorrow. He says there will be lots of artists there.”

“Fucking delusional asshole,” Leo said. “Are you sure we can’t just—”

“He’s my kill,” I said.

Niall rolled his eyes. “I think Lane has more to say.”

“Thank you,” Lane said, his tone letting me know how angry he was. “I think I should go.”

“What the fuck? No.”

Mittens jumped down from Lane’s lap and ran off, knocking her ball toward the hallway. She could sense a storm brewing.

“I told you I want in on this.”

Leo made a noise that sounded like he was choking. I glared at him and noticed Niall was full-on smiling.

I ignored them and focused on Lane. “I’m here to protect you, not to put you in danger.”

“You’re the one who said people can do incredible things when threatened. If I can lure Alan—”

“Fuck no. We’re not using you as bait.”

“What are you going to do instead? Storm in there and shoot him?”

That plan was sounding better and better.

“If you were going to just kill him, why didn’t you do that before we ever went to the cabin?”

“We’re not just going to kill anyone,” Niall said. “Our goal is to close down their entire operation.”

Leo sighed. “It’s easier when we don’t play by the rules.”

“We made the rules,” Niall insisted.

“I suppose you know our backgrounds,” Leo said, looking to Lane.

“I know you were CIA, Niall was FBI, and Giorgio was special forces, but I don’t know how you met or how you all ended up working for… whatever your agency is exactly.”

“We all met on my final mission,” I said. “Niall and Leo were each there in different capacities.”

“We all left our jobs after that fuckup,” Leo added.

Niall glared at Leo. “That is all we’re going to say on the matter.”

Leo rolled his eyes. “Yes, he’s always this uptight.”

“What if I went with one of you. That would make Alan jealous, and he’d be more likely to do something to expose what he’s really like.”

“Fuck no. That’s way too dangerous.”

“If I go in with one of you, you’re going to be there to protect me, and the rest of you will be there to move in if we need you.”

No. This was not happening. “This isn’t like a movie. We can’t just—”

“Actually,” Leo said, “sometimes it kind of is.”

Niall ran a hand over his hair and sighed.

Lane laid a hand over mine. “Let me help.”

I shook my head. “Our boss will never go for it.” He wouldn’t let a client take a risk like that unless it was someone like the Marchesis, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let his son put himself in danger.

“Have you had lunch?” Lane asked Niall and Leo.

They glanced at each other, then at me, obviously not sure how to respond to the change of subject.

Lane continued. “I was thinking this might be an excellent time for you to check the building’s perimeter and then pick up some food for all of us.”

Leo grinned. “Damn, he’s good.” Looking at Lane, he said, “Any chance you need a side hustle?”

Tags: Silvia Violet Vigilance Erotic