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Tears shone in Riley’s eyes, and Thorne fought his own. He heard Kathryn sniffling, so they weren’t the only ones getting emotional.

It was Riley’s turn now, but for a moment he didn’t seem able to speak. Finally, he cleared his throat and unfolded the paper in his hand.

“Thorne, you have shown me what it’s like to have someone love me unconditionally, to have someone care for me and want to give all they can to make me happy. You’ve supported me and believed in me. You pushed me to follow my dreams. No one could ask for a better partner than you. I…”

Riley’s hands were shaking. There were more words on the paper, but tears were running down his face. He folded the paper and shoved it back in his pocket. “I love you, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be.”

Thorne and Riley both wiped their eyes. After giving them a moment to compose themselves, the officiant said, “Who has the rings?”

Thorne pulled them from his pocket and laid them on a pillow held out by the officiant who then said, “May these rings be visible symbols of the invisible bond that unites you. Thorne, please place the ring on Riley’s finger and repeat after me: I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow.”

Thorne’s hands shook as he slid the ring onto Riley’s finger where he still wore the Spiderman one. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow.”

The JP continued: “With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you.”

“With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you.” Thorne’s voice broke on the last words, and his tears flowed freely.

Riley took his turn, tears running down his face. The ring felt warm and comforting on Thorne’s finger. He’d known how much he wanted this, but he could never have guessed how powerful the ceremony would be.

“By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you married.”

Riley pulled Thorne to him for a kiss, a shorter and sweeter one than they might’ve had if his parents weren’t there, but they had all the time in the world for more.

The officiant laid his hands on their shoulders and turned them to face their friends and family. “I present to you Mr. and Mr. Shipton-Dashwood.”

Thorne saw his father bristle at the name change. They hadn’t told anyone what they’d planned, not even Kathryn. But any disapproval they faced couldn’t touch his happiness. Despite the chilly air, he was warm inside, and he felt like he could fly.

Their friends crowded around them for hugs and congratulations, and Thorne thanked the JP, Haley, and the assistants who were folding the chairs. Then he joined Kathryn, who was talking to their parents.

He took his mom’s hand. “Thank you so much for being here. It truly means a lot that you would come.”

“It was a beautiful service.”

His father nodded. “Very nice.”

“Are you joining us for lunch?”

His father shook his head. “No, we appreciate the offer, but we’re only here for the day, and I’m going to take your mother to a place we went to forty years ago on one of the best dates we ever had.”

“I hope you enjoy it.” Was it wrong of Thorne to be relieved that they didn’t want to be at the wedding lunch? The atmosphere would be so much more relaxed without them.

Riley joined them. “It was lovely to meet you. We’ll have you over for dinner after you’re back in Atlanta.”

Thorne’s mother beamed. “I’d love that. Thank you.”

“Congratulations,” Thorne’s father said, shaking Riley’s hand.

“I’m going to see them to the car they have waiting,” Kathryn said.

Thorne and Riley said a last good-bye and then chatted with their other guests, but Thorne could tell Riley was antsy. He pulled him aside. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, just… Can we take a walk? Just for a bit and then join them at the restaurant.”

Thorne nodded. “Wait right here.”

He found Kathryn as she was returning to their group. “Riley and I need a few moments. Can you usher everyone on to lunch, and we’ll join you?”

Kathryn raised a brow. “You do know there are ordinances against frolicking in the park, right?”


“Okay, fucking if I have to be blunt.”

Thorne laughed. “We need to breathe a bit.”

“I bet you do. That was beautiful. I’ve never been to a better wedding.”

“Neither have I.”

Kathryn grinned. “Go on with your sappy self. I’ll take care of everyone.”

As soon as they were away from the others, Riley took Thorne’s hand. “We’re married.”

“Yes, we are.”

“I just needed…”

“A chance to breathe?” Thorne asked.

“Yes, that, and to be alone with you.”

“Kathryn’s worried we will get arrested for indecency.”

Riley shook his head. “Not today. Not that I don’t… I mean…”

Thorne pulled Riley to him. “You’re so amazing, but I don’t want to fuck in the park either.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic