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“It’s chai egg custard. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I think it does.”

Thorne nodded vigorously. “It does. It’s unusual but so good.” He gestured toward the containers of pie slices. “Aren’t you going to eat some?”

“Wouldn’t you rather I talk about them while you eat?” Riley asked.

“Not if we’re going to behave.”

“Should we?” Riley looked around. “How secluded is this place?”

“Don’t tempt me. Eat some pie, and we’ll sail back. I’m going to let you take the tiller.”

Riley wasn’t convinced he was ready for that. “Are you sure?”

“The wind is gentle today. You’ll do fine.”

Riley managed to get them part of the way back to the marina without wrecking or capsizing or any of the other things he’d feared. Thorne kissed him as he took the tiller. “That was fantastic, and you’re one fine sight with your legs spread to brace yourself and that look of determination on your face.”

“I think you’re mistaking scared to death for determined.”

Thorne shook his head. “You’re doubting yourself when you shouldn’t.”

“Let me know when you’re ready to make your first cake,” Riley taunted.

“After watching how fast you’ve learned today, I’m ready any time.”


THORNE GLANCED AT Riley, wanting to see if he looked as surprised as he sounded. He did. “We have insurance on the cabin, so why not?”

Riley laughed as Thorne turned the boat gently. “If I can sail this boat, you can make a simple cake without starting a fire.”

Thorne raised a brow. “You may discover that your logic is faulty.”

“We’ll see about that.” Riley smiled, and the sight made Thorne’s pulse speed up. That look of genuine happiness was what made him fall for Riley back when Thorne barely knew him.

He focused on the lake again as the wind picked up. Riley ran a hand up and down his back. “You know how you said we use sex to avoid talking?”

“Yes.” Where was he going with this? “If this is the start of a campaign to make me change my mind about waiting until we’ve talked, don’t bother. The answer is yes.”

Riley squeezed his ass, and Thorne almost lost control of the boat. “I was going to say that you’re right. I’m guilty of that.”

“Me too.”

“But I also think we fuck when we’re feeling off balance because that’s when we’re most honest, when we feel most comfortable letting go. We both know how to give and take in bed, literally and figuratively. I think we just need to remember how to do that in other things.”

“I think you’re right.” Thorne smiled as he gazed out over the water. He was glad Riley was talking to him now. It was easier to do when there was also the boat to think about.

“You want to give things to me, and I need to be more willing to accept them. Thank you for putting in the contract on the building. It’s an over-the-top gift, and I never expected it, but I appreciate it.”

Thorne couldn’t have been happier to hear him say that. “You’re welcome. It’s true I wasn’t in the market for a building, but it truly will be a good investment once repairs are made. You won’t be the only one who benefits.”

“Maybe not, but the space is perfect. I wouldn’t have had a chance at it if it weren’t for you.”

“You never know what kind of deal you and Susan might have worked out with another owner. But now it’s a certainty.”

Thorne gave Riley a quick kiss, and then it was time to dock the boat.

As they walked along the path toward the cottage, it was as if they’d agreed to postpone any further discussion about their relationship.

“What do you think about Marc and Darius?” Thorne asked.

“You know about that? I just found out he got the job yesterday.”

Thorne hoped he hadn’t said the wrong thing. “Marc put me down as a reference, so Darius called me.”

“Oh, so you don’t know the whole story.”

Thorne had already suspected Darius had an interest in a lot more than Marc’s sewing skills; now he was sure of it. “Are they fucking?”

“I think so. Marc was a little odd about it. He’s not usually cagey about discussing his exploits. But they were eye-fucking each other so hard when they met I thought I’d need to leave the room.”

“You wouldn’t want to watch?” Thorne asked.

“It would be quite a sight. Why didn’t you tell me Darius was so fucking hot?”

Thorne snorted. “I’m hardly going to give you ideas.”

“As if you’re worried.”

He shouldn’t be, but…

“Thorne?” Riley stopped walking and grabbed Thorne’s arm so he stopped too. “You do understand you have nothing to worry about, right?”

So much for keeping things from getting heavy. “I do. I should, but things have been…”

“Thorne, I would never—”

“I know that. You would never cheat. It’s more that I worry about you being lured away by a better prospect. I’m a lot of trouble.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Thorne and Dash Erotic