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He unlatched the clasp and I pulled my long hair aside as he clasped it around my neck. The huge yellow diamond sat on my chest. It could be easily hidden if I didn’t wear any revealing clothing.

“It looks beautiful, but I know it’ll look even more grand on your ring finger!” He laughed and kissed me. “Baby steps as you said months ago. It’s my line now.”

I giggled, “Knightly, please shut your mouth and start kissing me!”

“Hear hear, my Christmas almost-fiancé!”



“Grandfather,” I greeted William with a tight hug.

“How are you my child? Are you quite ready to take on the empire, eh?” William chuckled lightly as he took on the all the invited guests in the exquisite Parisian décor at The Savoy.

I’m sure he was quite relieved to hand the company over to me. If my father hadn’t died, William would’ve retired long ten years ago. He was eighty years old but he was still robust, quick-witted and sharp as they come.

“May I introduce Sienna, my girlfriend, you’ve met her ages ago but we weren’t an item then.”

“Ah, yes! You’re the woman who my grandchild abandoned his betrothed for, I suppose? All is well I do hope?” William asked and Sienna looked nervous.

“Really now William, this isn’t the time or the place to be rude!” I excused us both. Not once did the old man voice a thing or two about my broken agreement with the Clayworth’s and now he dare bring it up around Sienna?

“William is going to speak in ten minutes and you will be going right after. There are a few potential business partners from Brazil who want to speak with you in the mean time.” Luke cornered us and barked out orders.

Bloody hell!

“Are you going to be okay while I talk business with a few lads, poppet?” She smiled encouragingly and said she’d look for Chad and Luce.

I gave her a quick kiss and left her to her devices. I hoped she finds Chad or Lucy somewhere before men tried to clamor after her.

She looked radiantly stunning with a bareback emerald green silk dress. She had her hair piled up and she looked so perfect. Someday, she will wear my ring and will carry my last name. How does Sienna Knightly sound? Not bloody bad me thinks.

I smiled as I thought how the vacation in Courchevel unfolded. Chad got engaged with Luke. Who would have thought that the bugger was going to beat me to the altar first?

To be quite honest, I was relieved that Chad finally found happiness. He felt secure now and his self-worth was back. His parents should be ashamed what they caused their child to go through.



I came out of the gala and walked around the lobby. William Knightly seemed to have hated me on sight. I shuddered at his biting comment from earlier.

I wandered around for another ten minutes and decided to head out the bar.

“Excuse me, madam. A Mr. Blake Knightly wishes to speak with you this instant. He’s waiting for you in the stairway.” The stern English man said.

“Yes, will you show me the way? I don’t know where it is.”

He nodded and guided me to where Blake was waiting. He stopped at the hall and pointed where the black metallic door that led to the stairway.

“Thank you.” I graciously thanked him with a smile before I strolled towards the door.

Once I opened the door, I realized it was pitch black and I started to back track but someone grabbed me. Someone yanked my arm to get inside the darkened space before I had the chance to leave.

I screeched. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“You filthy whore!” The woman screamed as she threw me on the stairs.

It all happened in an instant.

It barely registered to me that I was being pushed off. The first impact on my head made me scream some more. But after a few thuds, I blacked out.



After four days in the hospital, Sienna finally woke up.

“Wha-t hap-pened?” She groaned.

“You were found looking lifeless after a fall down a flight of stairs. What were you doing out on the stairway, Sienna? You could’ve killed yourself!”

“I didn’t….someone else did, Blake. She pulled me out of nowhere and threw me down.” I tensed.

Someone was trying to hurt her, kill her even? That doesn’t make sense.

“Did you get a chance to get a peek of your attacker?”

She shook her head. “Although, she was a woman—a very angry one—she called me a ‘filthy whore’ to be exact.” She frowned as she rubbed her head. “Everything hurts!” she howled in pain.

I called for a nurse to give her some more medication as I reeled from what she just told me.

“Hang in there my love. I’m sorry I failed to protect you.” My throat tightened as I said those words. It was my fault. This was all entirely my fault. If I had not been under all the jolly merry holiday haze, my mind would have been working properly.

“Don’t be silly. This is not your fault babe. Don’t blame yourself, please.”

I kissed her forehead and held her hand. Apart from a slight concussion and a few cracked ribs, Sienna was going to get better.

“I love you, Sienna. You don’t know how much this breaks me that I have failed you.”

Sienna tried to slap my hand, but she was too weak to do so. “And, I love you, Blake. Please, do me a favor and stop blaming yourself, okay?” She meekly said.

I merely nodded because what she’s asking will never happen. For the rest of my life, I will bear this cross of failure.

After half an hour, the gang came to join us. I haven’t left her side since she was admitted. I don’t plan on leaving until she is discharged. I was guilty for letting her convince me to give Gareth the night off. She argued that my two security details were enough for them. She even said that she didn’t need protection because when she’s with me, she’s never felt more secure and safe. Obviously, her security was not on top of my list that night or she wouldn’t have been in this particular situation. If I wasn’t so busy….then she wouldn’t be hurt and bruised. I felt gutted each time I see her beaten up state.

“How are you feeling baby love?” Chad leaned over and gave Sienna a kiss on the forehead.

She grumbled. “I’ve been better.”

“Are there any suspects?” Luce asked me and I shook my head. I had the tapes and the footage but the cameras were blocked with spray paint. I had the head of my security team, Simon Wickers to work with the team of investigators I hired after the accident.

Tags: Pamela Ann Chasing Young Adult