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“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I tell him. Kimberly and I will be alone at the station and I’ll bet she’s going to get really horny when she sees me in my fire suit.

“Thanks, bud. We’ll be back as soon as we can.”

The line clicks dead and Kimberly is staring at me.

“No climbing the mountain?”

“How would you like to climb a fireman instead?”

She looks even more excited.

I knew I loved this girl for a reason.

Chapter Ten


“Are you going to give me a VIP tour?” I ask as I walk around the fire station with a grin. I never thought I’d get to date a fireman. This is so cool.

Westin just showed me how to connect a fire hose to the hydrant outside. It’s lying on the floor, thick, hard, and dripping wet. I think he misunderstood me when I asked him to show me how he handles his hose…

“What do you want to see?” Westin is leaning against the wall, watching me with that possessive territorial look in his eyes. The one that always gets me all worked up.

I grin as I look down his massive torso to the bulge in his jeans. “How about your fire pole? Is it long and hard?”

“You keep talking like that and it will be,” he says with a hint of a growl in his voice.

I bite my bottom lip as my cheeks start to blush. I’m taking that as a challenge.

We’re all alone in the station and now is my chance to fulfill the ultimate female fantasy—sex with a hot fireman in a fire station. That’s not even taking into account that he’s a bear shifter…

I walk over to him with a seductive look on my face, swaying my big hips in the way that always gets him drooling. His blue eyes darken with need as he watches me approach.

“I have a fire inside me, Mr. Big Strong Fireman,” I say in a sultry voice. “Can you put it out?”

He grabs the waistband in front of my jeans and yanks me toward him. He catches me in his big arms and my whole face flushes.

I’m already so wet. So inappropriately wet…

His lips come down on mine and just as they touch, there’s a commotion outside that yanks his attention away.

Nooooooooo! Not fair!

Several men come crashing into the station and Westin quickly steps in front of me and pulls me behind him with a protective arm. I peek out beside him and spot five huge men. The crazy thing is that I recognize all of them.

The four men I served at the diner that Westin got in a fight with—Debbie told me they’re a pack of wolf shifters. And they’re holding Mr. Snooty in a Suity—one of the rich assholes from out of town.

The mood is tense as they drag him in

“Fuck,” the big guy hisses, Debbie told me his name was Lincoln Graves. She told me all their names. Westin broke his wrist, but he looks all healed up now. That shifter healing sure works fast. “Not this fucking guy again.”

Emmett is holding the rich guy’s right arm while another of the wolves, his cousin Hunter, holds his left arm. Parker has his thick tattooed arm wrapped around Mr. Snooty in a Suity’s neck while Lincoln walks beside them.

“Where’s Ethan?” Lincoln asks.

“On a job,” Westin barks back. “This the dragon who’s been sniffing around town?”

Dragon? My mouth drops as I look at the rich guy. Does he mean like a dragon shifter? Like a real dragon shifter?

Lincoln turns back to the guy who’s glaring at us with bright jade green eyes that seem to be lit from within. It’s incredibly eery to look at. I move a little closer to Westin’s muscular back where I feel safer.

“We caught him breaking into Ethan’s house,” Lincoln says. “We were having some beers on my porch when we saw him fly over and land on his roof.”

Westin’s hands squeeze into fists as he walks over to the dragon shifter with his back flexed tight. His body is starting to swell, which means his grizzly bear is close.

I should be afraid or better yet, making my exit right now, but I just stay rooted to the spot, excited to finally see Westin phase into the bear I’m mated with.

“Who the fuck are you?” Westin asks as he stands in front of Mr. Snooty in a Suity.

The man raises his head and gives him a fiery look. “Reginald Kirk. Brother of Aylwin Kirk.”

Westin takes a step back and looks shaken for a minute.

“You know him,” Reginald says accusingly.

“He tried to kill my friend’s mate,” Westin says. “Tied her to a desk and lit the building on fire, so we returned the favor.”

Reginald’s face darkens as he glares at the man I love. The look gives me cold shivers and I get a worrisome pit in my stomach as he stands up straight.

The three wolf shifters start grunting as they struggle to hold him down, but Reginald just shakes them off easily. He yanks his arm away from Emmet and then pushes Hunter to the ground. Parker tries to tighten his grip around his neck, but Reginald grabs his hand, twists it, and tosses him to the side. During all this, he’s glaring at Westin, never taking his eyes off him.

I want to scream at him to run, to flee, but I can’t find my scared little voice right now.

Westin stands tall, unafraid and unintimidated as they face off.

“You killed my brother?” Reginald hisses as his whole body begins to shake and tremble.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. He begins to grow unnaturally large, his body twisting as crunching and tearing sounds fill the station. In a flash, a giant blue dragon explodes out of him.

He’s bigger than the fire truck behind him and Westin looks so tiny compared to him. My heart has stopped as I stare in terror.

But then, Westin pulls his shirt off and his chiseled body begins to tremble as well. He stands his ground and phases too, letting his grizzly bear come out. My pulse is racing as I watch his body grow and then burst into a massive vicious grizzly bear.

“Wow,” I whisper as I see him land on four paws. The bear looks back at me and I can feel the possessiveness in his eyes. It sends a jolt right between my legs knowing that Westin is in there, more protective than ever.

The blue dragon raises his massive head and chirps out an ear-splitting call that has me covering my burning ears.

Westin rushes forward on his big paws and the four other men explode into their wolves.

Just like that, chaos erupts.

The wolves leap onto the dragon as he shoots a surge of flames at my man’

s bear. Westin’s grizzly leaps out of the way just in time as three wolves climb onto the blue dragon’s back. They’re snarling and trying to bite his wings as he struggles to shake them off.

I can feel the intense heat of the flames so I run to the corner of the fire station and hide beside a vending machine. A wolf comes flying through the air and smashes into it, breaking the glass with a whimper. He falls to the ground beside me, glances at me quickly, shakes the broken glass out of his fur, and then rushes back into the fight.

What the fuck? What is happening right now?

Reginald’s blue dragon goes down when Westin’s grizzly crashes into him. One of the wolves is already limping and the other three are helping to pin down the dragon.

It looks like they got him under control when a red missile comes crashing through the glass ceiling of the fire station.

I scream at the top of my lungs when it lands with a thud on the fire truck, crunching it down and making the windows explode.


It’s not a missile. It’s Reginald’s brother, Mr. Frowny Face…

And he’s in his dragon form.

The terrifying red dragon is even bigger than his brother.

Westin’s grizzly charges over to meet him and the dragon opens his mouth and lets out a surge of flames.

I scream as they engulf the man I love.

Chapter Eleven


Everything is moving too quickly to process. There are streams of fire shooting everywhere, wolves leaping and dodging the flames, and I haven’t seen Westin anywhere.

I’m terrified that something happened to him. I don’t know if I can survive if I lost him. I know we’ve just met, but he’s my other half. He’s my everything. I can’t breathe as I look around for him.

I gasp when I catch a sight of a smoking brown beast jumping onto the back of the red dragon. It’s Westin. His bear is alive but injured with burnt patches of fur and a long bloody gash along his right shoulder.

Tags: Olivia T. Turner Alphas in Heat Paranormal