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Unless I lose my heart. I have no idea what a broken heart feels like. What I do know is I don’t want to find out.8LoganWhat the hell have I gotten myself into? I’m not lying when I say I’ve thought those words hundreds of times since I’ve arrived at the Meyer house. Their family dynamic is one that I’m not accustomed to. It’s warm and inviting. When they look at one another it’s with love.

“Sorry.” Angel laughs as she closes the door to her bedroom. I set our bags down in the corner, looking around. The walls are painted a soft pink. The furniture is all white with a bed in the center with a canopy.

My eyes linger on the pictures she has taped to a mirror. They are all of her and another girl. That must be her best friend Carey. She told me a lot about her when she filled me in on the most important parts of her life.

“Why are you sorry?” I ask, picking up a framed picture. It’s her in a blue dress. It molds to her, showing off all the curves of her body. She’s laughing in the picture. Her date holds her close, looking down at her while she laughs. He looks enthralled with her. I get it.

There is something about Angel that has all my attention. Hell, it has me doing things I’d never do. Things that are outside of my comfort zone. Such as staying in her childhood home. There was no reason for it at all. We could be at my home in a matter of fifteen minutes, but yet I couldn’t deny her request.

“I know they can be a lot. You and my brother okay?” She tilts her head to the side. “You guys know each other?”

“We’ve met a few times,” I admit. I’m a few years older than Beau. He and my brother, however, are about the same age. If memory serves me right, they got into a fist fight at a football game in high school. It took me a minute to put it all together.

“You two okay?” She asks again before she takes the frame from out of my hand, putting it back down. I reach out and place it face down. I don’t want to stare at some fucker holding her all night.

“He wanted to make sure I’m not like my brother. Not that I can blame him. My brother’s an asshole.” I swear her eyebrows raise so high they almost hit her hairline.

“You’re not?” she teases me, but she’s right, I am somewhat of an asshole to her too. I pushed her into this. Then I went and used the fact that she would want to honor her deal with me to get closer to her. She could have told me to fuck off at any minute and there was nothing I could do about it. Yet, she is here, honoring the word she gave to me.

“I have my moments.”

She sits down on the edge of her bed. Fucking hell. She really does look like an angel. Then I must be the devil. Here I am in her childhood bedroom, and all I can think about is pushing her back onto her bed and finding out if she really is a virgin like she said.

I knew the words were true the moment they passed her plump lips, and her cheeks tinted pink. I should leave. Tell her I’ll be back to pick her up when we have to go to my parents’. I know it’s what I should do, but for some reason the words don’t leave my mouth.

Why would I want to go home when I can sleep in this bed tonight with her? I’ve never shared a bed with anyone before. Before now it sounded miserable. I rather enjoy my space and privacy. But the thought that being in bed with her will give me an excuse to touch her has me singing a whole new fucking tune. My gut keeps telling me to stay close to her. I always trust my gut. It’s gotten me far in life.

“This is weird.” She starts to fidget.

“Why?” I clear the space between us. She tilts her head back to look up at me.

“I've never had a boy in my room before.” Her tongue peeks out, swiping her bottom lip.

“That is not helping me right now.”

She gives me a confused look. I reach down and adjust my cock. I didn't know a person could be hard for so long. Angel’s eyes go round for a moment, putting together what I meant.

“Sorry?” Now she goes and bites her bottom lip. How is everything she does so damn sexy? I’ve never been this way over a woman.

Something had drawn me to her from the start. At first I thought she was only a solution to the situation I’d gotten myself into, but with each passing hour I am beginning to believe it was way more than that. She stands out in a way that has me losing my damn mind. She makes me feel things that I never thought were in the cards for me.

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic