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Brendan, she whispered. Kiss me.

He lifted his face, bathed in candlelit shadows, and put his mouth on hers. She was still holding the candle, and when she fumbled, trying to find her way back to the dresser with it without breaking that pleasurable contact, his hand closed over her wrist, helped her safely take it back to the table. Then she brought both hands back to his shoulders, wrapped her arms tight around him, giving herself to that kiss. Her fingers found the wax, already hardening, but still soft with lingering heat. He slid his arm underneath her, keeping her close to his chest, so their hearts beat together, and she realized both organs were moving at a faster pace, almost synchronized, like that first night.

I want to be back inside you now. He looked at her through thick lashes, his gaze so intent. Just to be inside you. May I do that?

In answer, she curved her leg over his hip, welcoming him. Brendan shifted, bringing his weight onto her, watching every change in her face, the way she bit into her lip, the expression in her eyes as he brought his mostly erect cock back into her. A s he eased in, she gave a small whimper at that brief giving sensation when he made it past the gateway, then she sighed over the slow, deep glide, all the way to the heart, that point of fullness, when things that were meant to come together did, a perfect fit in nature.

You feel so good, she said in a hushed tone. Like everything Ive ever wanted. It scares me.

Me too. The corner of his mouth turned up.

Why does it scare you?

Because I know its real.

It made her breath catch funny, somewhere between a sob and surprise. Since she wasnt sure what to say in reply, she fingered the wax on his shoulder, broke a piece of it away. It got away from her, tumbling down his back, lost in the ocean of covers.

He smoothed a palm down her side, all the way to her hip and then to the thigh muscle, crooked over his buttock. While he took his time with the gliding touch, she realized with some amazement he was also making sure her muscles werent tense or tiring.

Youre not real, she whispered. Brendan, dont you ever think of yourself?

I dont have to do that. I know what I am, what I want, Chloe. Its other people who need my focus. Like you.

But do you want anything for yourself?

Your pleasure, your happiness. Your joy.

That brief ripple of fierce light in his eye should give her a burst of warmth, and it did. But still A true slave cant want anything for himself. She punctuated the words with a sound of pure want in the back of her throat as he moved, a slow stroke, his gaze latched on her face. Cant have desires. Beyond serving a Master, that is.

Or Mistress. He bent, touched that clever mouth to the corner of hers, not impeding her ability to talk, but certainly taking away her desire to do so. His ass flexed under her legs, his shoulder muscles constricting as he shifted his body lower, his chest a solid wall, her breasts compressed beneath. A s their abdomens touched, his cock made another slight but significant movement inside her, telling her he was hardening further.

Youve been reading, he added, the trace of amusement not lessening the burning desire in his face, the restraint that kept his jaw and chest muscles tense in a very appealing way.

I read a lot during this weekgetting ready. But it didnt tell meeverything. Tonightthose slaves and you Do you know why you willingly Submit?

Need that? Want that? Crave it? She knew she was coming back to that locked closet, and her questions would reflect more on what she wanted and her confusion about that, rather than his. But maybe one would lead to another. Since she wasnt sure how to word it, she asked the way she felt it. With great difficulty, because she was having to push past how he was distracting her.

Do you know why you cant do without it? Can you do without it?

His teeth closed on her carotid, making her body undulate, a slow roll attended by a keening note from her lips. Do you know why you prefer a mans cock inside you, he whispered, instead of a womans touch on your pussy?

No. Her whimper became a short cry as he executed a far more deliberate movement inside her. Her nipples, so aroused by him earlier, tingled with the response that glittered through her body like a shower of silver sparkles. I justI experimented, here and there, but I likemen. A lot.

His lips pulled into a smile against her throat. When he lifted his head, enough so their faces were close, his mouth was too inviting. She returned the favor, nibbling him back as he obligingly held still so she could taste and tease.

Oh, she breathed. I like that. Stay still, just like that.

She moved over his

mouth, the lips slightly parted, and discovered a new erotic pleasure as she dipped into it with tongue and lips. He didnt move, not even a twitch. The only movement was his cock pulsing hard inside her, indicating how pleasurable and difficult at once it was for him to obey, stay motionless as her hands went down his back, traced the width of his shoulders, found the taper of his waist, and then dipped to grip his ass.

With an impish smile, she brought her hips up, taking him deeper, then let her hips sink back to the bed, a heated, moist stroke, all executed by her will. His thighs quivered, a shudder running through his shoulders.

Brendan, why are you like this? she repeated in a whisper. What do you feel when a woman takes you over like this, pushes you to mindless obedience, makes her every wish your only desire, your only reason for living?

She saw all that in his eyes and face, in the tension and compliance at once in his body.

Because She was intrigued to see his gaze sweep down, his focus on her throat, the flush of desire across her sternum. His voice vibrated through her. I feelwhole, like Im doing what Im supposed to do. Im on the edge of being exactly what Im meant to be, and theres no need for anything but to beyours. When I get completely lost under a womans touch, her power and control, swept away, I know this is what I want most. Ill do anything for her. For you.

Tags: Joey W. Hill Nature of Desire Erotic