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Chapter One


I was born for this life. Biker through and through. I've watched many men come and go from this club. Seen a lot take old ladies, even wives, seen a few lose them, too. I've seen some have kids, and some lose them. Also seen more than a few lose their own lives.

I've watched women being snatched from this club, tortured and even killed. My sister included. Snatched and tortured, I mean. She wasn't killed. However, I'll admit, she almost was. She had her throat cut and I still to this day don't understand how she survived.

I've watched her get married and have a child of her own. Willow is special to me, always has been. She married Hammer, biological brother to Tank, my best friend, and husband to my other younger sister, Nova. They have a little girl, Ember, and a little boy, Michael. Named after his grandfather, aka Titus, former high ranking member of the Snakes Henchmen. He was killed along with his wife years ago.

Noah, Willow's little boy, also has his grandfather's name. Noah Michael. Noah was born three months ago, little Michael a week later. They'll be close when they grow up, just as it should be.

My mother, nephew's, niece, and three younger siblings are safe. We've all made sure of it. Hell, we've made sure every woman and child belonging to this motorcycle club is safe.

You wouldn't believe the shit we've dealt with over the past few years. It's only been quiet these past few months thanks to Draven Vidal.

Crazy story.

It turns out that Hammer is, in fact, the half-brother of Don Draven Vidal on their father's side. Yeah, massive shock for all of us. A badass outlaw biker the brother of a mafia Don. You couldn't make this shit up!

Anyway, Vidal wanted Ghost dead for daring to fall in love with his cousin. Hammer talked to him, and Ghost ended up living and being able to marry Avery, Vidal's cousin. They also had a baby around the same time as Willow and Nova.

Vidal also wiped out the threat against us at the time of wanting Ghost dead. Some small time MC trying to make a name for themselves. Trust me; they're always trying to make a name for themselves.

What better way to do that than fuck with the big boys?

I'm not sure what was going through my mind at Ghost and Avery's wedding. Theirs was the second wedding I'd been to in three months. Nova and Tank, Willow and Hammer, all got married in September. Their wedding was a huge double ceremony that rivaled any MC had ever seen. Then, after waiting a few months for Avery to get better after being hospitalized for a while, Ghost and Avery got married at the beginning of December. Thank God no one else wanted to get married, I've needed this three-month break to get over it all.

However, there's just something about weddings and hot women. I knew who she was the second I laid eyes on her. Maria Vidal. The most beautiful creature I had ever seen, her long brown hair hanging down her back in silky waves. A flat stomach, full hip, tits big enough to fit in my big hands, long, toned legs, an ass I wanted to sink my teeth into had my mouth watering. She had a smile that lit up her whole face, skin so flawless and soft that I wanted to touch her all night long, and eyes of deep chocolate that sparkled with her laughter. My dick strained to get out and attack her pussy!

Should I have flirted with her at the bar?


Should I have made it damn clear what I wanted from her?


Should I have taken her to my room and fucked her damn brains out all night long?

Hell, no.

However, who was I to turn away from a woman that hot? And she was hot. Fuck was she ever. Yeah, she was a little worried that her brother would notice she'd gone, but luck was on my side. He came over to her, and I pretended to be talking to Red. I couldn't have Vidal thinking I wanted to fuck his sister, it would have caused all-out war. He'd made it plenty clear what he'd do to any man who so much as looked at her for too long. Never mind what he'd do if any man touched her. Not the death I want.

Anyway, Vidal told Maria he was heading out, that she could stay a little longer and only because Hammer was there to keep an eye on her and make sure none of the MC men came near her, and that some bodyguard of hers would drive her home when she was ready to leave.

Hammer didn't notice Maria was gone that night.

As soon as Vidal left, I grabbed Maria's hand and dragged her behind me. Didn't give a shit who was watching us, although I have to be honest and say it was only Red who noticed. The man gave me the cautiously raised eyebrow, but right then, I didn't give a fuck about anything but being inside that girl, and I was inside of her, deep inside the second I closed the door to my room. I pinned her against it, tore her clothes off and fucked her like I'd never fucked anyone in my life before. Her body was picture perfect. Precisely as I'd imagined all night. There was just something about her that I couldn't quit. I couldn't get enough of touching her, tasting her, fucking her, needing her.

I never thought any woman could be my drug, but she was exactly that, a drug I couldn't get enough of, felt like I'd die if I didn't take one more hit of, and just like a drug addict, the more I tasted her, touched her, kissed her, fucked her, the more I wanted. It just never fuckin' ended.

I make every woman I fuck scr

eam, ain't me being cocky, it's just the truth. However, with Maria, it was so much more. Every time she came, I felt it deep within my soul. She called out my name as she came, each and every time, and believe me, she fucking came so many times it made my head spin.

To this day, I still feel her legs around my waist, her nails down my back, hear her moans, her begs, my name on her lips. I see her lying beside me, that beautiful blissed out smile on her face in my dreams at night. Never has a woman invaded my thoughts like that.

I have to forget her. Nothing could ever come of our night together. I know that. Hell, she knew that. ‘This can never happen again,’ She said. We were lying in my bed after the most intense orgasm of my life. Both exhausted after hours of animalistic fucking. The only time we stopped before that moment was so she could answer the text Hammer sent her asking where she was.

She sent a text to both him and her bodyguard, apologizing for leaving without telling them, that she was home safe in her bed. Neither was too happy, but Hammer told her that as long as she was okay, that's all that mattered. Maria's bodyguard told her he'd be stationed outside her apartment for the rest of the night. How she'd get past him without him seeing her, I didn't know, didn't even care at the time.

‘I know.’ I told her with a kiss to her head. ‘If our paths ever cross in the future, you act like you don't know me.’

‘Don't worry, handsome. I knew what tonight was.’ She smiled, and it was a genuine smile. She wasn't upset about how the night had to end. She'd enjoyed herself as much as I had. ‘You will be my secret, my very hot secret.” She winked. ‘I'll never forget tonight. It was the best night of my life. Thank you, Jett.’

‘No, darlin', thank you.’ It was probably stupid pulling her into my arms and holding her close to me. However, I felt a connection with that girl, something I'd never felt before. It got me right in the heart.

That's when she remarked how many damned condoms we'd used. A full box of twelve, no lie. I mean, I'm a man that can fuck and fuck long, but twelve condoms? Shit, I hadn't used that many condoms with one woman in my life. Fuck knows how she was even walking the next day.

I've seen her once or twice since that day. Never to talk to, but around town with her bodyguards. She's a hard woman to forget, let me tell you. Every woman I've been with since that night has paled in comparison. There is just no connection there with anybody. I've always been the fuck 'em and walk away type. However, now it's more like I fuck them hard and fast just to get off.

Since when was sex supposed to become mundane?

That woman has wrecked my head! Yeah, I'll forget about her in time, but for now, I like remembering all the things we did. Every single dirty fucking thing. I've never been the settling down type, don't want that shit. I like my life the way it is. I like to be free to fuck whom I want when I want. I can't deny that I wouldn't mind fucking Maria now and again. I think she's the only woman I've ever slept with that's been able to keep up with me.

Sure, she was no virgin, but she was a little shy at first. Like when she got to her knees in front of me, I'm not sure she'd ever sucked a dick in her life. But she was fuckin' perfect, sucked my cock so hard I shot my load down her throat in seconds. She got off on the fact I held her throat and felt my cum as she drank it down. She got off on it so much she came without being touched, and fuck if that didn't have me hard before she'd even released me from her mouth.

God, I need to move on from this shit.

I drop my head on the bar and groan. “You look like I feel, brother.”

I look up at Tank. Fuckin' shithead has been my best friend since I was born. The best friend a man could ever ask for. “What's up with you?”

“Ember has kept me up all damn night. The girl doesn't realize she has her own room for a reason, and because she was screaming most of the night, she had Michael up screaming.” Tank shakes his head with a smile on his face.

Now, Tank isn't Ember's birth father. No one, including my sister, knows who is. She was attacked, badly. However, from the moment Nova came home and brought Ember with her, Tank has loved that little girl like his own. He adopted her over a year ago. He's brilliant with her, and she sure does love her daddy.

Ember is two years of age and still thinks she can sleep in bed with her mommy and daddy. That's the rod they made for their own backs when they gave into her as a baby. They gave her, her own room over six months ago, and it's still not going so well. Some nights she'll sleep in her own bed, others she'll cry all night long because she wants her daddy. My dad told them to let her cry it out, but with Nova being so tired because Michael is just as clingy to her, she needs her rest when she can get it. It looks like neither of them is getting much.

“Stick with it, brother, it'll happen soon enough.”

“I hope you're right.”

I slap him on the back and chuckle. Rather him than me.

“Am I going to have to put up with this shit from my son?”

I laugh loudly. “Damn right you will. Those kids love their mom and dad. It's tough now, but stick with it, Tank. Those kids know they're loved. Ember pushes it because you give in to her too easily.”

“Can't help it,” He shrugs. “She's my little girl, and I hate to see her cry. Nova's the same with Michael, butI think that's because he's still a baby.”

“Probably.” I laugh because there's no point trying to give him any advice where his kids are concerned. “I'm going for a walk, need to clear my head.”

“You know you can talk to me about anything, Jett.”

“I know.” I smile but say nothing more. There's nothing to talk about. I can't even tell my best friend what I did with Maria because he'd kill me. She might not be his sister, but he looks out for her as if she was.

There's a car parked just outside the front gates. I noticed it as soon as I walked out the front door, a white Mercedes-Benz. A nice car. Expensive. Razor, the guy manning the gate, is leaning into someone.

A woman.



No man here would ever threaten a woman, but the fact that little fuck has his unwelcome hands on her is too much. She hates it, I can see it from the way she's cringing. I'll kill the cunt!

I take off running. I want him away from her, and now!

Chapter Two


What the hell am I doing here? One night of stupidity at my cousin's wedding a couple of months ago, and I'm in a complete mess that I have to get myself out of before my brother kills me, and he will. Okay, not literally, but he thinks I'm some pure little virgin girl, the good little Catholic Italian girl. Traditional. Pure. Untouched.

Yeah right. I'm not a virgin, haven't been for a long time. However, I am traditional in the sense that I won't be an unmarried mother. I will marry my child's father. I just have to convince him that it's the only way my brother won't kill him.

I don't even know how this happened. Okay, we spent one hell of a night together. He fucked me in ways you could only imagine. He was like a wild beast, couldn't keep his hands off of me. He was so demanding, and I was more than just a little submissive. I'd never wanted to submit to anyone before, but with him, I let go completely. I loved the way he demanded things of me. I loved the way he took me. I had never felt so free or beautiful in my life.

My whole life has been one fight after another to keep control. It has always been hard in the world I live in, so many rules to live by, so many men always telling me what to do. Not that I always listen. However, what Jett gave me that night was freedom like I'd never known. I had no idea handing control over to someone else, permitting them to take my body and mind to places I'd never known could make me feel like that.

He was not the kind of man I usually go for, I mean, come on, a biker? A Vice President at that? Okay, he was a man of power in his own right. Men with power, a bad boy with muscles and tattoos, are a real turn on. For me, at least.

Jett was not what I thought a biker would be. He was strong,

beautiful, and filthy mouthed. I couldn't resist the way he whispered his dirty words in my ear. God, he told me exactly what he wanted to do to me, he held nothing back, and he wasn't scared of my brothers at all. He wanted me, so he took me, consequences be damned.

If Draven had known, he would have shot the guy right then and there, and at that point, Jett's MC and my brothers family had declared a truce. I should not have been tempting fate.

Why a truce?

Because my brother, Draven, the Boss of the Vidal Crime Famiglia, declared war on the Snakes Henchmen MC a few months ago. I don't know the Ins and outs of why, but long story short, my cousin, Avery, fell in love with a member of the MC, Ghost. They'd been having a secret relationship for months. Not only did it cause my brother almost to execute Ghost, but Avery swore she would never live without him.

Avery helped Draven get the sample he needed to prove what he already knew deep down. He and I had a brother within said motorcycle club. Our father was Hammers also. Once the sample came back positive, Avery slit her wrists at the dinner table. She wanted to die so badly she didn't care how she did it or where. All she wanted was to be with her Danny. Danny being Ghost's real name.

It broke my heart to see her like that. I never in my life imagined anybody could be so in love that they'd not want to live without the other person. Avery is like a sister to me and having her try to kill herself hurt me so badly I couldn't breathe.

Tags: Alivia Grayson Snakes Henchmen MC Erotic