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From what I understood, he usually wanted his dates to leave soon after they’d fucked, but he had been so sweet with me. Snuggling me and asking if I was okay. Going to get me dessert without question. It was like he liked me. Like he wanted me and for more than a one-night stand. I was never going to be able to relax until I knew for sure.

The crew was outside the shop, as usual, waiting for Chad to open up. No sign of Will or the other pros, but they probably knew they could come in late and be fine. I couldn’t help but wonder how much I had to do with that. They didn’t seem to be on mutiny anymore, and the other trainees were really coming along. I couldn’t help but feel proud of my influence. Accidental as it might have been.

Merging into the group of trainees, I sort of hid behind Juan, both anticipating and dreading when Chad would show up. I needed to know what was going on with us, but also, I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.

I heard a familiar sound, though I couldn’t remember where I’d heard it before. It was only when Chad’s truck came around the corner that things became clear. It was the same sound I’d heard before he’d rescued me from my nightmare wedding.

Chad didn’t even look in our direction as he came and unlocked the doors. Probably trying to avoid seeing me. My heart sank, wondering again if he might be mad at me for sneaking out.

I did my best to focus on work, actually getting a lot done. It was interesting what could happen when you could put your energies into something positive. I did all the tasks Will gave me and helped Juan with some of his. He was doing a lot better. I had the feeling he was only in the program because his family wanted him to be, and he didn’t know how to say no. I certainly knew what that was like.

Near lunch, Chad came out of his office lair, casual as you please, and came over to where I was replacing spark plugs.

“Nina, may I talk to you, please?”

“Sure, you think you can handle things here, Juan?”

“Of course,” he said, accepting the socket-wrench as though it were the scepter of the king of the realm.

I sat in the chair opposite his desk as Chad closed the office door, feeling very much like a kid who’d been sent to the principal's office. The boss kept his look unreadable as he sat down in his chair.

“I missed you this morning,” he said gently, “I’d planned on breakfast and everything.”

“Sorry,” I said, really meaning it.

“It’s okay, Nina. I was just a bit worried, is all. Not that I’m not used to waking up to an empty bed. Are you okay? It was a pretty big thing. I really do understand that and wanted to make sure you don’t have any regrets.”

I shook my head. “No, not about that. I-it was lovely, I-I mean wonderful. I loved it, and it feels right that it happened then.”

“Good,” he said, seeming relieved.

Chad relaxed into his chair and ran a hand through his dark hair.

I smiled, feeling butterflies in my stomach. “I would like to take you on a picnic tomorrow. After work, of course.”

“Sure,” he said with a smile that made my pussy wet.

We did our best to keep up appearances for the rest of the day, not wanting the guys to catch on. Despite our best efforts, there were still many warm, loving glances across the shop, making it clear Chad was as crazy about me as I was about him.Chapter Sixteen - NinaLife was like a beautiful dream — nothing like the horrors that visited me at night. It was getting to the point where I was dreading the night while rejoicing in the dawn. I couldn’t get enough of being with Chad, even if it was mostly at work. Though we’d managed to figure out ways to be together, like taking extended lunches and meeting up after work. Auntie Blair was more than happy to drive me to whatever meeting spot. There were a lot of picnics, particularly at Album Park. A nice cluster of trees with water views where I was confident we wouldn’t be found. I felt terrible that we couldn’t be open about things but was really just glad we could be together at all. I felt so safe with Chad, so loved.

The picnic date had been the real start of things. The drink had been a plot of my part thought the dinner at his house had been great, especially what happened afterward. Though the park picnic felt like an actual date, like something a real couple would do. Not, just co-workers who’d had a fling. It felt real.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance