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I tried my best to resist, but it was no use. Daddy’s hold on me was just too strong. If I didn’t know any better, I would have sworn that the organist was playing a death march instead of the Bridal. There was no point in fighting. This was my fate, and all I could do was accept it. The tears welling in my eyes refused to actually fall.

I wasn’t sure what was going on at first. The rumble unlike anything I’d heard before. It wasn’t until the big black truck came smashing through the doors that I knew what it was. Roaring up the aisle, the vehicle skidded to a stop right in front of the altar.

Daddy being Daddy, he flew at Chad only to get knocked on his ass with a single punch. Art had no such fight, scrambling away like the coward he was as Chad pulled a buck knife to cut the ropes. Scooping me up into his powerful, loving arms, my love conveyed me up into the truck. It roared away, leaving it all behind.***

It wasn’t the most subtle dream I’d ever had. Though that’s what the theater of my mind decided to show me after I’d woken up in Chad’s bed and returned home. Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight. At least according to Bruce Cockburn.

On the other horn of the dilemma, I was faced with a charging bull of a life-changing decision. I was right on the tipping edge of ‘disobeying’ my folks. Not only rejecting the man they so thoughtfully picked out for me but choosing a man I knew they would disapprove of. They were good and loving people in their hearts, but both my momma and daddy had some pretty old-world ideas about things. Mainly when it came to class. They saw anyone who made less than 80K a year as basically shit under their boots.

I was desperately hoping I could be with Chad and keep intact with my family, though it was looking like if I went with Chad, it would be turning my back on them. I respected my daddy, but he didn’t seem to have any respect for me, still treating me like a little girl he could order around.

I wondered, not for the first time, if Daddy knew about Art’s infidelities. By my count, he had technically cheated on me upwards of 20 times. We weren’t married. At least not yet, though we were supported to be going steady… at least as according to our daddies. Though that didn’t stop him from literally charming the pants off any girl who took his fancy.

I noticed I was grinding my teeth and did my best to stop. How could a supposedly loving father want me to be with such a selfish asshole?

It seemed kind of odd in the circumstances, considering what I’d just done. Still, I needed to get to know Chad better before making such a significant decision, at least before I had to go back home. It would be a lot easier to tell off my daddy if I was at least sure myself.

I tried to focus on Chad as I got ready for work. Fighting the urge to touch myself while in the shower, though it was a struggle. What he had done to me flooding unbidden into my mind. The pussy licking stood out the most, by far the most pleasurable experience I’d ever had. Though the fucking came in a close second. His huge cock doing wonderful things to my pussy. It made me feel even more infatuated than I’d been before. There was no doubt about it. I was falling for Chad. I just had to be sure he felt the same way, and we could actually make a go of it.

“You look deep in thought,” Auntie Blair said as I poked at the pancakes she’d whipped up in a jiffy the next day. Insisting I have something to eat before going to work.

“Sorry?” I asked, suddenly aware she was there.

“Oh, dear.”

“What?” I asked, getting scared.

“Someone’s in love,” auntie Blair teased.

I blushed furiously, unable to be able to actually deny it. It would be too much like a lie.

“I guess,” I said finally.

“Guess nothing. You have all the signs. Distracted silence, slightly pale complexion, loss of appetite. It’s Chad, right? He’s dominating your thoughts.”

“Yeah,” I admitted quietly.

“That’s normal, babe. Just as long as it doesn’t get in the way of normal life.”


Easier said than done. I’d managed to get through breakfast with no further mental invasions by either Chad or Daddy, though by the time we got close to the garage it was all I could think about. How was I going to face Chad after walking out on him like that? Was he going to be mad? Would he hate me?

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance