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I loved green spaces. And I used to love it when Daddy would take me to the country club. It wasn’t much, but it still gave me a chance to connect to nature. Garrett would play with me in the surrounding woods while the grown-ups did whatever they did there.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Chad asked, squeezing me tight as we cuddled under a blanket near the ponds.

“Absolutely,” I said, wiping away a tear, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

We hadn’t had sex again, even though we had the whole weekend away from work to get down to it. I wondered if maybe Chad had regretted what we’d done as if he was taking responsibility for something wrong or something changing. That would be just like him.

The thing was, something had changed, and I wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Auntie Blair asked, cutting to the chase as usual.

“I love Chad,” I said at the breakfast table Monday morning.

“Isn’t that good news? You look like your puppy just died.”

“Yes, yes it is good news, except—”

“Your daddy won’t be happy about his little princess marrying a mechanic.”

I nodded and dropped my head into my arms. “Yeah.”

“Well, you know how I feel about the matter.” My aunt put her hands on her hips.

“Yup,” I agreed.

“And that I think you should tell your daddy to go eat his hat.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Auntie Blair really did have a way with words. While likely not making much sense to most folk, ‘go eat your hat’ was a grave insult among the Dunn clan. Which Auntie Blair knew all too well.

I just wished I could be so bold. I wanted to be brave, to tell my daddy precisely what I wanted and what I thought, and hang the consequences. I wanted to but wasn't at all convinced that I could. I’d never disappointed my daddy so much and was afraid if I stood up to him, he might have a heart attack right then and there. He wasn't called ‘Big Earl’ ironically, like ‘Little John.’ He’d taken to carrying a doctor sanctioned emergency defibrillator in the trunk of his limo as an emergency precaution. I wanted to stand up to my daddy, not kill him. Though the two seemed to be dangerously linked.

The whole sad drama replayed in my head every night. All my dad had done for me. He had forever spoken about how I would marry Art and waxing poetic about how blissfully happy we were going to be. He really seemed to believe it too. His God complex apparently extended to thinking his will would always be done. Daddy had hijacked my mind or was trying to, though my body and my will were all mine. I had given them over to Chad.

I was nearly bouncing up the street. It was the first official workday since our secret picnic, and I was buzzing to see him again. We both knew we had to be careful. Society would have some pretty specific things to say about our pairing, few of them complimentary. So, we kept things on the down-low. Even though we both knew what was really happening.

The only thing that would have made it better would be if Chad would fuck me again. I really wanted him to, even if I didn’t have the nerve to say it. I got the feeling he was treating me gently for fear of breaking my heart, blissfully unaware that he was filling it with love.

It came on suddenly, like a hurricane that all the sensors missed. I was bent over a car, replacing an old battery, when the office door flew open. Chad stormed out, looking unmistakably pissed. Even Will looked a bit worried.

“Nina, get in here now!” he bellowed.

All heads turned to me as I slunk toward the office, my head hung low. I actually was scared. I didn’t know what I’d done, but he seemed really pissed off.

“W-what’s the matter, s-sir?” I asked, fighting tears as he closed and locked the door.

“Nothing at all, sweetheart,” he said, with a smile letting me know everything was alright.

He pulled me close and kissed me lovingly. I giggled a bit as I enthusiastically returned his affections, tears of joy beginning to flow. It had been a ruse to get me alone, and I couldn’t be happier.

As we kissed, Chad took out his big hard cock and wrapped my hand around it. I pulled back from the kiss and looked down at his cock as it softly throbbed in my hand.

Chad unzipped and pulled up my shirt and bra, tenderly playing with my breasts as I stroked him. Making me moan as he touched my super-sensitive nipples. He kissed me to keep me quiet. It was a considerable risk fucking during opening hours but also thrilling. It was the naughtiest thing I’d ever done, and I loved every second of it.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance