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I stop by the restaurant and get a cup of coffee from the barista before I head over to my first class.

As the lecture starts, I force myself to pay attention. I take down notes, and when the professor ends the session, I check my schedule to make sure I have ethics next.

I pack up my stuff and file out of the auditorium with the other students, bumping shoulders with the next class already arriving. Making my way down the hallway, I hear Jase’s laughter, and my head snaps up, only for my eyes to connect with Hunter’s.

“Shit.” I begin to back paddle and swinging around, I say, “I… forgot something.” I hightail it back to the economics class and fall into the first open seat I can find.

The professor’s eyes scan over the students, and I slide down, using my hand to cover my face just in case he recognizes me from the previous lecture.

The group must be third years because I have no freaking clue what the professor is talking about, but my butt remains glued to the seat.

Good one, Jade. Now you’re behind in ethics as well.HUNTERJade’s avoiding me.

It fucking sucks that she runs away at the sight of me, but I can’t blame her.

It’s been a long day, and I can’t say that I remember anything from my classes.

“This day sucks ass,” I grumble to Jase as we walk into the suite.

The one second Jade is standing in the kitchen, and the next, there’s no sign of her. I stop by the counter and frown, sure I just saw her drinking a bottle of water.

Jase walks to the fridge and taking two bottles out, he throws one to me, then his eyes go to the floor, a frown forming on his brow.

I watch him lift his chin, and then he grins like an idiot. “Let’s go to my room.”

I shake my head and walk toward him, which has him widening his eyes at the floor.

Yeah, pretty sure that’s where Jade disappeared to.

When I reach the edge of the counter that also serves as a breakfast table, I lean over it and glance down at Jade. “Hey.”

Slowly, she glances up, and then she gives me an awkward smile. “H-hey.”

When she scrambles up from the floor, I set after her, and before she can shut her bedroom door in my face, I follow her into the room. Locking her only exit, I pocket the key then turn to look at her. “I think it’s time we talk. I’m not going to have you hiding just to avoid me.”

“I’m not,” she blurts out, and when I tilt my head at her, giving her a knowing smile, she begrudgingly admits, “Fine, I’m hiding.”

“Is it because you’re angry with me. If that’s the case, I understand, but I don’t want this thing between us getting any worse,” I explain.

She quickly shakes her head, and walking to her bed, she slumps down on it. “I’m not angry.”

She gives me a quick awkward glance before ducking her head low, then mumbles, “It’s because you saw me in my underwear.”

I’m surprised by her confession. I was certain she would be angry because I forced a kiss on her. “Let’s pretend you were wearing a bathing suit,” I offer to make her feel better.

Bullshit, Hunter. No bathing suit on this planet has ever looked so good.

I might have been intoxicated, but I’ll never forget the sight of Jade in her bra, panties, and those damn boots.

She gives me a grateful smile, then asks, “Are you really ready to talk, though?”

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to her. “Yeah.” Glancing at her, I say, “You start. Tell me why you blamed me.”

She clasps her hands together and clears her throat. “I don’t have an excuse. I was upset with you for walking in on Brady and me. I think it just got out of hand when I heard he had taken his life.” She sucks in a deep breath and lets it out on a sigh. “With time, I convinced myself you had something to do with his suicide. It was stupid of me, and I’m so sorry.” Her eyes come up to mine, and I can see the regret written on her face. “I was awful to you, and I’ll understand if you can’t forgive me, but I’ll do anything to make up for it.”

There’s a moment's silence as I gather my thoughts. “I’m not going to lie, the past two years have been hard.” Turning my head to face her, I admit, “You really hurt me.”

Her face crumbles a little as if she’s fighting not to cry, but she keeps it in. “I’m sorry sounds so inadequate. I wish I could tell you how much I regret my actions.”

“I know what you mean,” I admit. “My behavior from the other night is right up there with what you did.”

Tags: Michelle Heard The Heirs Romance