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I swear I’m beginning to see stars and giving up for the moment, I reluctantly tap out.

Jade lets go and bouncing to her feet, she gives me a triumphant grin. “You know, for someone who’s so damn protective of his friends, you can’t fight worth shit.”

Climbing to my feet, I grumble, “My grandfather isn’t a retired Navy Seal.”

“Excuses, excuses,” she taunts as she begins to circle me. “You’re twice my size. You’re stronger, but I still overpower you, pussy.”

That’s the third time she’s called me that. Wanting to take her down a peg or two, I dart forward, and with the element of surprise on my side, I pin her arms to her sides and copying the move she’s used on me, I take her down. Once I’ve straddled her, I restrain her arms down on the mat.

Leaning closer to her, I smirk, “You were saying?”

She squirms under me. “You just had a lucky break. I wasn't paying attention.”

“Excuses, excuses,” I mock her. Closing the distance between us even more, I can feel her quick breaths fanning my face. “And stop calling me a pussy. It’s the last thing you want me thinking of when I’m around you.”

She actually looks confused. “Huh?”

“Little Bean,” I drop my voice to a low timbre, “You have one, and I have them for breakfast. Let’s not go there.”

“What. The. Fuck,” Jade exclaims while two red spots bloom on her cheeks. “Get off!” Using all her strength, she bucks her hips up, and it only makes me slide forward until my ass is almost over her breasts.

“Damn woman, we’re in a public place. I think it would be frowned upon if you were to blow me here.”

“I swear to God, Hunter, I’m going to rip your nutsack off and shove it down your throat if you don’t get off me right now.”

Chuckling, I let go of her and climb back to my feet. “That’s one point each. Bring it on, Little Bean.”

She attacks me with a rapid succession of punches, finishing with a hard one to my side, which forces the air from my lungs. I let out another breathless chuckle as I try my best to block her quick blows. “You’re like a little kitten. Ffttt…ffttt.”

Jade stops and gives me a cynical look. “Yeah? Wait until my claws come out. Then you’ll have to explain more than just a busted lip to your parents.”

“Is that a promise?” I tease, a grin pulling at the corner of my mouth.

“Dude, is that all you can think about?” Jade shakes her head and begins to remove the head guard.


She tosses it in a bin so it can be cleaned before the next use. “Sex. Every damn comment you make is somehow related to it.”

I follow her and remove the gear. Picking up my towel, I wipe the sweat from my face and the back of my neck. With my eyes on Jade, I take a sip of water, then say, “Seems you bring out that side of me.”

Jade grabs her towel and water bottle then begins to walk toward the exit.

“Same time tomorrow?” I call after her.

She doesn’t stop walking away from me, but calls out, “Prepare yourself for a world of pain, Chargill.”JADEI’m still in a flat spin after this morning.

What… ugh… what was that?

I was so caught off guard by Hunter, I even forgot to be angry with him.

Deep in thought, I walk into my room and quickly shower so I can get dressed for class.

When I’m ready and walk to the kitchen to grab a bottle of juice, I find Mila checking her bag.

“Are you prepared for your first day?” I ask.

“Yeah, I just double-checked whether I have enough pens and pencils.”

“Girl, I’m pretty sure you have half the stationery department in that bag,” I tease her. Mila loves anything stationery related. She has a dozen unused diaries every year just because she thinks the picture on the cover is pretty.

“Are you ready? Then we can walk together,” she says as she hoists her bag’s strap to her shoulder.

“Sure.” I grab my own bag and follow Mila out of the suite. Once we’re outside the dorm, I ask, “What’s going on with the group?”

“What do you mean?” Mila asks as she glances at a bunch of students passing us by.

“Everyone was either flirting or taking a swing at each other yesterday.”

“Oh, that.” Mila waves her hand carelessly. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing serious.” Then she gives me a questioning look. “Things seem better between you and Hunter. Do I dare hope there won’t be a repeat of the fight?”

“Yeah, about that,” I pull a regretful face, “I’m sorry you all got dragged into it. I’m not calling a truce, but I’ll try to be civil with Hunter, seeing as we have to live in the same suite.”

Tags: Michelle Heard The Heirs Romance