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I let out a satisfied sigh as I finished telling Selina all about the week I’d spent with Earl. When I looked her way I saw the same dreamy look on her face that I knew was on mine. She sat up and shook her head, blinking several times before turning her attention back to me. Not once had she stopped smiling since I told her about Earl and myself. Her joy continued to inspire me .

“This has to be like the greatest love story ever, a modern-day Cinderella .”

I laughed, “You realize you just called Mom an evil stepmother and you one of those bratty stepsisters .”

She scoffed, “You know what I mean. You, down on your luck and all sad are swept off your feet by a knight in shining armor .”

“Whoa,” I said, raising both my hands. “Take it easy there, girl. We’ve gone on four dates .”

“In as many nights,” she interjected .

“We are just seeing how things go, okay? I like having my freedom and whatnot. I’m just getting on my feet so I don’t need anyone sweeping them out from underneath me again, thank you very much .”

“Oh come on, where is the romance in that?” she pouted .

“Life isn’t always a fairy tale okay? I am really happy with how things are going right now so let’s just leave it at that. There are no wedding bells or babies in the making .”

“Yet,” she whispered .

I glared at her, but couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Her body tensed and she knew what was coming as I lunged for her. I tackled her onto the bed and tickled her ribs as she giggled frantically. My sister was ticklish to the extreme, a fact that I used at every advantage .

“Mercy!” she screamed out through the laughter .

I rolled back on the bed, tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. “You are a pain in my ass .”

“But what would you do without me ?”

I shook my head. “I really don’t know .”

“Hey Tabby?” she said .


“I’m really happy for you and Earl. I think you guys make a good couple .”

“Thanks,” I said .

“And don’t let Mom ruin this for you okay?” she said quickly. “You deserve to be happy more than anyone I know, especially her .”

Her words surprised me. She wasn’t one to speak out against my mom. I wanted to press the subject, but it didn’t feel like the right time. When she was ready to tell me what was going on I knew that she would. Pushing her now would only drive her away. My sister was a wonderful person, but all too often she let people take advantage of her. It took a lot to get on her bad side where my mother was apparently at now .

“Anything you want to talk about?” I asked her, trying to sound casual .

She shook her head and rolled over onto her stomach. “No, but this food is for the birds. What do you say we go shopping, courtesy of mother’s credit card ?”

“She would cut you off if she knew you were getting me stuff with her money .”

“Screw her,” she said vehemently. “I say we go out and have a good time. Let the pieces fall where they may .”

“Alright.” I shrugged. “I owe her a little payback for the dinner disaster anyways and I can always use a new pair of shoes .”

Selina jumped off the bed. “To the car!” she yelled out in a military voice .

I laughed and jumped up, following suit. “To the car!” I exclaimed .

Like little girls again, we giggled and ran from the apartment, carefree and loving life .

Chapter Sixteen


“I think this is my favorite part of the night,” he said as he curled his body around mine. “What do you think ?”

I sighed, there were no words to express how happy I was. Earl was everything that I could hope for in a boyfriend. He didn’t push me to spend time at his place, knowing the lavishness of it made me uncomfortable. Some would say that we were moving too fast, but everything with him felt right. This was the third night he’d spent in my apartment. Even though it added time to his morning commute he never once complained about it. Somehow, I had hit the jackpot with Earl .

“I have no complaints,” I told him honestly .

“Good.” He nuzzled against my neck. “I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow .”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “I thought since you were the boss you could pick your own hours. I’d love to get you alone for a whole day and night .”

“Oh yeah?” he said .

His boner pressed against me and I giggled. His sexual appetite was just as ferocious as my own. If we could have stayed in bed all the time, it would have been perfect. The real world though loved to get in the way. If his assistant wasn’t calling with one appointment or another then it was my sister looking for support in her fight against family drama .

“Have you talked to Selina at all?” he asked me .

“Not since this afternoon. I don’t know what is going on between her and Mom, but it’s getting ugly. She said that your dad and Opal were fighting a lot .”

“Well,” Earl said. “I think that the best thing we can do is stay out of it. Be there for Selina as support, but don’t get sucked in .”

“I agree,” I told him as I butted my rear up against him. “My mother and her problems can stay far away from us .”

He reached around and pinched my nipple, I squealed with delight. Just as I turned around to give him more access, someone pounded at my door .

I bolted up in bed. “I wonder who that is .”

“Do you want me to answer it ?”

I shook my head and pulled my dress back over my body. “No, my neighbor likes her boyfriends. They sometimes get the room numbers mixed up. If I had to guess, it’s probably some poor sap looking for a good time .”

“That doesn’t make me feel much better .”

I chuckled. “Don’t worry, they are mostly harmless .”

“Mostly?” he called after me .

I laughed again and went around the corner to the front door. Peeking out the security hole my heart started to race. Suddenly, I wished it had been a drunken boyfriend of my neighbors. I took a deep breath and undid the chain holding the door closed .

“What do you want?” I hissed at my mother .

She stepped past me, not bothering to ask first before barging in. Her eyes were bloodshot, she’d been drinking again .

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” she asked me, her voice slurred. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to set this god damn marriage up ?”

“Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about ?”

“You think a

whore doesn’t know another whore? Whatever con you’ve got running on that boy of his I want you out of it now!” she boomed .

“You are drunk,” I said pointedly. “And I don’t have to answer to you. My life with Earl is none of your business .”

“The hell it isn’t! I spent three god damn years buttering up that old man. Do you know how long it takes to get an old man’s dick hard? Three years! I’ll be damned if I’m going to lose out on my money because of a new, younger toy .”

“Oh my god,” I said. “You’ve lost your damn mind !”

She took a step forward, her finger raised up and pointing at me though it wavered in her current state. I was blown away by her accusations that I was using Earl or that I was like her in any way at all. She was the last person on Earth that I had anything in common with. I knew that she was playing Gary, but he was no fool. I doubted if anything really slipped past him. Earl had told me a few nights ago that most of the time his father just pretended to drown people out to get out of conversations .

“You,” she slurred again. As she stepped forward, she lost her balance and grabbed ahold of the table. “That old fart doesn’t do a damn thing and now all the sudden he’s got meetings at night? I know when a new cunt is trying to get her piece .”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you seriously accusing me of sleeping with your husband ?”

“Nope!” she said in a fit of rage. “You are fucking his son !”

“Again,” I said through clenched teeth. “What I do with my life is none of your business. I’ve tried to stay out of yours .”

“Bullshit,” she blurted out .

There was nothing I could do to reason with her. She wanted to believe that I was stealing her meal ticket and no one’s opinion was going to change that. I heard shuffling and looked up. To my horror, I saw Earl standing in the hallway, slowly tucking in his shirt. I could tell from the horrified look on his face that he had heard everything .

“Earl,” I whispered .

He ignored me and went to my mother. “You bitch. You’re using my father .”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Forbidden Medicine Erotic