Page 51 of GRIND

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Bradley Rainshaw— sex on legs— stood feet away in the shower with soapy bubbles kissing his hard body. Lucky bubbles. God, to be one of those small bubbles able to soak in his entire being, traveling down every inch of his body.

That’s what I planned to do with my tongue.

Right now.

He ran his hands through his hair and turned my way and smiled.

God, that smile.

Those eyes!

That body.

That cock.

That thick, long, hardened cock had every inch of it covered with my name: Kate, take me. Now.

* * *


* * *

I couldn’t get the sound of her pleasure out of my mind. The moans, the way she had let go and really trusted her body with me. Out in the open when anyone could see us, if they really wanted to, out in the cold, next to the wild waves and quickly falling snow, it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

And now things were about to get hotter.

My cock throbbed so hard it ached. I had never been so hard for anyone like this.

Well, sans that video.

Of her.

I ran my fingers through my hair, bubbling anticipation raging through my body. I felt like a wild animal that needed to be tamed. The only hope would be finding my release inside of her tight pussy.

I wanted to take her slowly, make her quiver at my every touch, revel in the feel of every slow thrust, hearing her moan and beg for me to thrust her fast, take her deeper. To tease her with possibility.

But my passion and desire boiled to the danger zone. My skin was on fire for her.

I wanted to ravish her.

I would ravish her.

I hoped she would be forgiving of our first time like this. I hope she could understand that a tidal wave of passion greater than any tsunami was rising in me, so strong. I was about to unleash on her like a Tasmanian devil. I was consumed with damn desire. I was possessed. I was gone.


I’d be an angel in the morning, I promise.

My hands rested against the tile as I tried to calm myself down and talk myself out of the “ravaging her” part, but the steam added to my boiling point.

The door slammed. It lifted my hazy, lust-filled, drunken eyes past my open bathroom door straight to her.

There she stood.

She entered my room like every man’s fantasy, with a look of determination. The look of sex. The look I’d been dreaming of for over a decade.

And good Lord her robe dropped at her ankles.

She was like a beautiful statue. Her natural full breasts hung and I wanted to suck her nipples and let my hand trail down to her sweet pussy. Those curves. Her long tumbling hair. She walked toward me and I was transported to another place.

I couldn’t think.

I couldn’t compute.

I was gone.

My animal had taken over.

Chapter 13


* * *

After releasing myself from the greatest tease of a lifetime, I craved fresh orange juice for my nutrition. Then, I’d hit my bed for a long-needed rest. After all, I hadn’t slept all night and I was feeling weakness set in from the run and my sprained ankle, the drinks and the aftermath of the funeral, viewing and wake, all in one day.

It was then Mr. Fox notified me I had visitors. The police.

Not bothering to change or grab a robe, I hobbled my way over to them in crutches, not caring if they got a glimpse of my johnson. It was more out of spite. I met them at the mouth of the door and leaned into the crutches.

“Can I help you, officers?”

It was the jerk Sheriff Watson, one who always had it out for me, and his partner I’d never seen before. Great.

“Hello Bradley. Wild night last night?”

I looked down at my ankle and back up at them. “If you’re referring to my father’s funeral and wake, well, wild wouldn’t describe that type of loss.”

“Look, we know it was you, Bradley.”

“You know what was me?”

“Why don’t you get yourself dressed and meet us back here in five minutes to take you down to the station for some questioning.”

I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t help it as I sighed. “Look, you don’t have anything on me.”

“Five minutes.”

“You don’t have anything. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I think you do. And I think if you don’t get some clothes on right now, we’ll cuff you and bring you in just like that.”

“Just like that, huh? You wouldn’t. You can’t.” I leaned in, calling his bluff.

“But we can.”

Not thinking he would be the legendary jerk that he was known to be, especially after everything that just had happened with my father, there I was, behind a police car, a place I hadn’t seen since my teens. And the doorway of our home still hung open.

The snow was really coming down now and I was freezing cold sitting on the cold seats.

“You can’t prove anything.” I leaned in towards the screen.

Ignoring me, they continued driving to the station. I shivered at the freezing temperatures, immediately regretting not grabbing something. Anything. Shit, it was cold.

Denying me my crutches, I hopped my way into the station. My towel dropped and this time it wasn’t in flirtatious banter. This was fucking insane.

His partner I quickly realized was named Jackson, picked up my towel and attempted to cover me. He looked uncomfortable with this entire scene.

There I sat, naked against the freezing cold chair with the towel draped over me inside the station. My bare feet against the damp floor caused a shiver down my spine and I hoped to just get on with this sooner than later. Okay, I would confess if I could just get back home to the warmth of my bed.

“Look, I just borrowed a few books. It’s not like a Mona Lisa is in there.”

“You think it’s alright to just break into a library like that?”

Officer Watson was heated and angry. Talk about displaced anger. He acted like I’d just set a bomb off or something. I hated his disgusting mustache that just made him look like even more of a creep than he already was. With his bald head and the little bit of hair on the side, he was the epitome of the little man syndrome: the type of man who becomes a cop to boss everyone around and make up for how he was treated by the bullies in high school. There had been many reports of his crazy antics around these parts and I was shocked that he hadn’t been fired yet for his extreme behavior and abuse.

“I’m not saying it’s alright.” I shifted my arms behind my back. The cuffs were so tight it was uncomfortable.

“So you admit to it.”

“I was just borrowing them. I am going to pay the damages. You know we’re the donors for this library, right?”

“Is that what you people call breaking the law, just a convenient borrowing or a convenient choice to make things easier on you? When clearly the law is the law. You broke and entered public property. Clearly a rule is broken.”

“Look, we need to have this discussion with my attorney present.”

“Like hell we don’t. You jus

t confessed to breaking and entering.”

“A place that my family practically owns! Come on, gentlemen! It’s the middle of a freaking blizzard. No one is going to go to the library. I’m going to pay for the damages. I’ll pay for any violations I’ve caused, but you can’t just jail me. That’s against the law.”

“You know what’s against the law? Jaywalking. Being naked. Public intoxication. Which you’ve done.”

“Look, drama queen. I get it.” I rolled my eyes, feeling all heated. I know I shouldn’t have said it. I was just freezing my ass off, and I didn’t like the way he dragged me out of my home. I had a hard time playing it cool in situations like this.

“Alright. That’s it. Jail him.”

“What? Jail me? Come on, gentlemen. Gentlemen. Certainly there is a more civil way to go about this? A more compensational one, if you catch my drift. I’m sorry. I’m just freezing my ass off. I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

I lasered in on his partner, Jackson, who folded his arms and looked my way with tempted eyes. He was a heavier-set man and seemed to have a softer way about him. I could tell the money interested him as he scanned the other officers. It was either interest or pure shock that I was naked and about to be thrown in a county jail just like that.

“Well…”Jackson began.

“And nothing like a post-Christmas bonus. I’m sure your kids would love it. If you have kids.” I shrugged my shoulders.

But Hitler was relentless. His hand was on the back of my head pushing me even though I could barely hop that fast. I was led back down a hallway I hadn’t visited in years, when I used to get in trouble with the law as a young adult.

“Come on, man. It’s just a few books. I’m going to bring them back. I was going to pay for the damage.”

“Poor kid, his father just died. Think you ought to let up on him a bit?” Jackson asked.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic