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I didn’t want to face her yet, not until I had a plan in place to reveal exactly how I’d gotten my revenge on her. I’d ruined everything she worked so hard for. Although from what the brothers said, they’d never planned to do anything more than humiliate her anyway. I still wanted to be sure I could see her face when she got the news. I wanted to watch her face crumble and anger make her face go red with rage.

It was childish, I know that, but four years of her bullshit made me just a little petulant. Sue me.

I didn’t regret a thing, I thought as I drifted closer to sleep. I’d not only lost my virginity, but I’d also gained knowledge about how sex didn’t have to be just between two people. I’d often heard of men wanting two women at once, but I didn’t know women could have more than one man, much less four.

I’d thought it odd, all those weeks ago, but now that I’ve experienced it, well, I wasn’t totally sure I could go back to anything normal. I remembered the conversation I’d overheard earlier. Had it been a dream? I didn’t have time to think about it too hard. My brain drifted deeper, and then I was gone, into dreams about having each brother one by one again and then all of them at the same time.

We were in the mountains in a snow-covered cabin one minute, then a plantation house, back in the days when women wore long skirts. It was all dreams, fantasies, but it felt so real. I woke up to find that Tristan was over me again, this time with a condom on as he slid into me.

“Mm, hi there, baby,” I whispered and turned my head away when I thought about the fact that I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet.

“Good morning, Nicolette. Fuck, you’re so damn tight. It’s incredible.” He moved quick, fast, and before I knew it, he’d found his release.

Tristan was my gentle lover then, the one that wanted those sweet private moments to himself. Some might say it was selfish when you considered the dynamic we’d gotten ourselves into, but I thought it was more about him wanting a little romance in his life. It was nice to be dirty, to have all of them around me at once, but this was nice too.

I rolled out of bed when we caught our breath, one thought in mind. That bathroom, then the morning-after pill. The guys were great, but none of us needed a baby in our lives right now. I wanted to make sure that didn’t happen, so I knew I needed to find a pharmacy.

When I got out of the shower, I dressed in jeans and the shirt I’d worn on the plane, I found breakfast on the table and a setting ready for me. “Hi, guys!”

My hair was wet down my back, a heavy weight, but one I was accustomed to. It soaked the back of my shirt before I’d even sat down which made me shiver a little.

“Are you cold?” Daniel asked about to stand up. To change the thermostat I guessed, but I waved him back to his seat.

“It’s just my hair making my shirt wet.” I opened a bottle of orange juice and saw a pack of pills beside the plate. “What are these?”

“It’s the morning-after pill. Michael went out early to get them for you.”

I wasn’t sure if a man could get the pills, but it was Vegas and they had money dripping out of their pores, so anything was possible right?

Michael gave me the instructions and I took the necessary dosage quickly. “Thanks, I didn’t want to get caught in that situation.”

“No problem. We thought we’d show you the sights today if you wanted to go out?” Adam suggested from the other side of the table and I nodded.

“I think my body could use a break.” I blushed as I said it but didn’t look away. “Just a little one.”

“Good. Where would you like to visit first?” he asked me and we got into a discussion about where we should go as I finished my Spanish omelet.

We decided to just walk the Strip for a while, find someplace to eat for lunch, and then come back to the hotel when we were ready. I grabbed my handbag and we headed out. I saw each of the guys had on black shorts with black t-shirts, and black sandals on their feet. They weren’t exactly the same outfits, Tristan’s t-shirt had a neon green stripe across the chest, while Adam’s sandals were more like loafers than sandals, but there was a definite theme in their choice of clothing.

It was hot outside, but we spent a lot of our time in stores and a couple of museums we visited. I found some t-shirts for those back home, and one for myself, plain things with Las Vegas written on them. We all bought bottles of water as the hours passed, and I wished I’d brought shorts with me instead of jeans. I toughed it out, though, and drank more water.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic