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“We’d all planned to sleep in here with you tonight, but I think you need some rest,” Tristan, now in pajama pants of his own, spoke to me as he crawled in a curled up behind me. “I’ll stay with you tonight if that’s alright?”

“It’s perfect,” I murmured, a little too tired to think about something better to say.

“Sorry, Nicolette, but do you want to watch something?” Daniel interrupted my descent into dreamland.

“Just a documentary. I watch them to get to sleep sometimes,” I said in a singsong voice. In two minutes, I’d be asleep. I just knew it.

“Let me cover you up, Nicolette. It’s always cold in these hotel rooms. Which probably isn’t a bad thing in Vegas, if I’m honest.” Tristan pulled a slate gray duvet up over us and I snuggled down into the lush mound of pillows against the black marble headboard.

This place was all about cold and stone, which you’d think would be unwelcoming, but as I slipped into sleep, the voice of some narrator droning on at my feet, I felt like I’d been embraced, welcomed into the cave clan.

I heard voices a little while later. The brothers as they discussed a new problem they’d discovered. I didn’t move, I just breathed as I tried to go back to sleep, but the conversation caught my attention.

“We can’t take her to Spain with us, she has her own life to attend to, but maybe we can bring her over for a week or two. Do you think she has a passport?” Tristan said behind me. Somewhere near the wall, I heard his brothers’ murmurs of approval.

“That’s a good idea. We’ll rush a passport for her if she doesn’t have one.”

“I do have one,” I answered dreamily. I wasn’t sure I’d remember any of this, or if it was a dream, but I carried on. “I almost went on a semester abroad and got my passport then.”

I felt myself snore as my eyes closed all over again. That woke me back up to hear the chuckles of my four lovers behind me.

“That answers that then. Is she asleep again?” Michael asked.

I wasn’t, but I was. I’d figure it out tomorrow.

“I think so. Now. We’re all agreed? She’s the one we’ve been waiting for?” Tristan asked.

Daniel spoke next. “I’d definitely like to spend a lot more time with her. I don’t see why we couldn’t open our program in Charlotte by the way.”

“You could be on to something there, Daniel. Charlotte doesn’t sound bad at all.” Adam agreed and I smiled. Oh, that’s nice, they want to be close to me.

“I’ve never had such an instant connection to someone like I have with her. It’s not just the sex either.” I heard Michael whisper loudly. “She’s so… provocative.”

“It’s those eyes of hers.” Daniel sighed. “I could drown in those blue pools of hers.”

“And she has a brain, and she fooled us until the end. And then she has some good points about giving up our trust funds.” Tristan answered him.

“That’s it then. We’ll ask her to carry on with this until we all tire of it, or not, whatever may be the case.”

All the brothers agreed, and I finally drifted into a much-needed sleep. I had one brother left though. And I was determined to have him.Chapter SixteenIt was early when we went to sleep, and I woke up after only a few hours. Las Vegas was also three hours behind my part of the world, so while my body knew it was late, my brain said it was way too early to sleep. I ached all over, but I felt Tristan’s warmth behind me, and I gently rolled over to look at him.

The room was dark, but the television was still on. It lit Tristan up in a bluish-white light as I looked at him. His face was peaceful in sleep and he snored softly, but I didn’t mind. I let my gaze run all over his face, and then, I couldn’t help it, I reached out to touch the strong line of his jaw.

His snores softened before they came back. I waited until then to let my hand move down, to the silky skin of his shoulder. He, like his brothers, was well-muscled on every inch of his body. From the swimming one of them had mentioned, I’d guess. I’d touched them all, I knew them all intimately, but I wanted to know every inch of their skin, their bodies.

My fingers splayed out as I ran my hand down over his chest. Smooth and satiny soft, his chest was broad, unlined, and unmarked by tattoos. I’d noticed none of them had any, which was unusual in this day and age, but not unheard of.

I let my hand go lower, always with an ear out in case his breathing changed. I found a hard abdomen, flat but muscled, that went down to the very heart of him.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic