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“Well, I’m tired. Growing another person inside you can have that effect.”

He brushed the hair back from my face and spoke softly. “Do you know how much I like your curly hair?”

“Don’t try to sweet-talk me now, Mr. Smoking Cracks.”

“Charlotte, I will come home with you right now if you want. I’d rather be with you than any of them.”

I sighed with frustration. “I wish you could. Liam will probably come out looking for you any minute now.”

“I don’t even care. I’ll deal with it. Keeping it from him is upsetting you.”

“Not tonight. I just want to go home.”

He stepped closer and kissed my forehead softly. And despite my aggravation with him, I liked it.

“When can I see you again?” he asked.

“When do you want to?”

“I’m leaving for a road trip tomorrow. Can I call you after my game?”

I nodded and stepped away, opening the door to Tara’s car. “Call me before you go out if you want.”

His expression was sober and I knew he felt the dig I’d intended. But really, who were we kidding? We hardly knew each other, and he was a sexy professional athlete who could get with women any night of the week. He wasn’t going to stay abstinent just because he’d gotten me pregnant.

I was about to get in the car when I felt his arm wrapping around the small of my back. I sucked in a breath, surprised, as he backed me against the back door of Tara’s car. I’d barely gotten my face turned up to his when his lips met mine, warm and demanding.

My heart pounded wildly as his body heat surrounded me and his lips did a sweet, sexy dance with mine. This was different than the chaste forehead kiss. Bennett’s erection hardened against me as his tongue met mine.

I wrapped my arms around his back and spread my palms to take in the hard muscle. His stubble grazed my lips and he bit down on my bottom lip just hard enough to make me moan into his mouth.

“Come home with me right now, Charlotte,” he said.

I kept my lips an inch from his, hoping he’d kiss me again. “I . . . can’t,” I managed, breathing heavily. “Because Liam will come home . . . and Tara’s car. Also, I’m wearing maternity underwear.”

“Fuck it.” He kissed me softly this time. “Don’t think, just come home with me right now. Let me fuck the sass out of you, beautiful.”

“Oh, shit,” I mumbled, a needy burn forming between my thighs. “Bennett . . .”

“Come on, baby. I want you so bad right now.”

My body was screaming yes. Liam had to find out eventually, anyway. And if it was dark, I could probably get the granny panties off without him seeing them.


At the sound of my older brother’s voice, I pushed Bennett’s shoulders back. His eyes widened with surprise.

“Liam,” I said softly.

“Is that you, man?” Liam asked, squinting as he walked over to us in the dark.

“Bennett was just making sure I got to my car okay,” I said.

“Oh.” Liam stuffed his hands in his coat pockets and looked between us sheepishly. “Thanks. I should have done that.”

“Nah, it’s all good,” Bennett said. I looked at his crotch, where the outline of his erection was still visible. “I was just telling her I can give her a ride if she wants to leave her friend’s car here.”

He looked at me intently, a question in his eyes. Would I go home with him right now and face the consequences with him later?

Tags: Brenda Rothert On the Line Romance