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“I’m a good muse,” he says. “Especially when it comes to writing sex scenes.”

“Any more and I’ll have to call this book erotica and that would not go over well with the publisher.”

“Maybe just a deleted scene for me?” His hands slide down my waist and give my butt a quick squeeze.

“Get a room,” Quinn teases. If I’m tipsy, she’s drunk. We had a really nice time at dinner, and I like Quinn way more than I thought I would. Being friends with Sam’s friends is important to me, but I didn’t expect to become instant best friends with one of them. Quinn and I have a lot in common but are different enough it’s interesting to talk with her.

“I plan to,” Sam tells her, planting a kiss on my lips before stepping back and taking my hand in his. “I’d go now if we were ready to end our night out.”

“I’m getting kind of tired,” Quinn admits, scrunching up her nose. “I’m a lame mom, I know.”

“Nah, you’re not lame,” I tell her. “And I’m kind of tired too.” I’ve been fighting the sluggish feeling all day and hoped going out would knock it out, but the dull headache is coming back, and I really want a hot shower and Sam’s bed.

“And I have to work in the morning,” Sam adds. “We are lame.”

“We’re getting old,” Archer sighs, shaking his head. “I’d rather not drive home after midnight.”

“Are you parked nearby?” Sam asks as we cross the street.

“No,” Archer answers. “We parked in the garage by Quinn’s office and walked over. We’ll probably take an Uber back, it’s kind of a far walk.”

“I don’t mind walking,” Quinn says, taking his hand. “I miss the city and walking home from work.”

“You used to live here?” I ask.

She nods. “For several years. I worked at a software company right in the business district. I loved it.”

“What made you move?”

She looks up at Archer. “He got a job at the hospital in my hometown. I moved away for the job opportunity, but I always wanted to raise a family in Eastwood.”

Her words hit home, and I take it as yet another sign I’m meant to come back to the Midwest. Sam has a good job here in Chicago, but Chicago is a hell of a lot closer to Silver Ridge than LA is. I could easily drive home to see Dad, and Sam and I could escape to the lake on long weekends, soaking up the peace and quiet the solitude Silver Ridge has to offer.

“And that’s where Rory lives?”

“Yep! Ohh, I might see you there,” Quinn exclaims. “Sam comes to visit every once in a while. He’s our twins’ godfather too.”

“Awww, that’s sweet!”

“That’s only because they have so many kids Quinn ran out of family,” Sam pokes.

“It’s not far from the truth,” Archer says under his breath, and Quinn elbows him. “I have four brothers and you have one, we have five kids. I thought you were better at math than that.” She looks at me. “We picked Sam because we like him.”

I laugh. “That’s something we have in common.”

She smiles. “So hopefully I’ll see you again soon then.”

“I hope so too.”

We slow, moving to the side of the sidewalk to not be right in the way of the foot traffic. Quinn and Archer need to go the opposite way as us to get back to their car. Quinn and I exchange numbers, we say our goodbyes, and then Sam wraps his arm around me as we walk towards his apartment to try and catch a cab to go back home.

“I’m sorry if you wanted to stay out,” he tells me, fingers pressing into my waist.

“Don’t be. I really am tired.” I push a wave of hair out of my face. “Is it too soon to feel hung over?”

He laughs, tipping his head down to mine. “I’d say so.” He kisses my forehead. “You feel hot.”

“I know I’m hot.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

“You look fucking fantastic in that dress but—” He presses the back of his hand to my forehead. “You feel warm. Do you feel okay?”

“Kind of,” I sigh. “I have a headache and my throat is a little raspy. I don’t have time for a cold.”

“With how much you’ve flown lately, I’m not surprised you caught something.” He wraps his arms back around me, trying to shelter me from the very gentle breeze. He looks out at the street, and after only a few seconds pass and we don’t get a cab, he gets out his phone for an Uber. “We don’t have to go to Silver Ridge this weekend. We can stay here if you’re not feeling well.”

“It’s just a cold,” I say, waving my hand in the air. “And I need to tell Mason thanks for pushing you to me. Maybe I should show him my boobs.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Boys of Silver Ridge Romance