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“Yeah. There are ways for vampires to get around during daylight hours, and I kind of have a magical way of making the sunlight not hurt Lucas.”

“Oh, uh. Wow.” Silence falls between us for a few seconds. I pull the band from my ponytail. “So, when’s a good time to come over? Phil and I both have the night and then tomorrow off.”

“Once the sun goes down. Is that too late for Penny?”

“Lord no,” she says with a laugh. “That kid hasn’t been sleeping very well lately. It’s a Wonder Week.”

“What’s that?”

“A growth spurt that messes with her sleep cycle, her happiness, and basically my sanity. She might be up. She might not be.”

“Well, I hope she’s up. Totally selfish of me, I know. But I’d love to snuggle that little girl.”

“I’m sure she’ll love that too.”

“Do you want me to bring anything?” I ask.

“No, I’ve got it covered, though if you brought some wine I wouldn’t object.”

I laugh. “The good thing about sleeping with someone who owns a bar is basically unlimited access to alcohol of all kinds. I’ll bring something expensive that I don’t have to pay for.”

“Sounds good. I’m making that sour cream chicken Rosita used to make. Do you remember it?”

“I do.” Rosita was our nanny who doubled as a cook most nights. The last time I saw her was the day before I was sold to the highest bidder at a research laboratory. “I haven’t had that in a long time. Sounds good.”

“I hope I do it justice. Does Lucas need anything? I know he, uh, doesn’t eat food.”

“I don’t think so. This is actually our first dinner party we’ve been invited to as a couple.”

“Oh, is it weird? Being with someone who doesn’t eat food?” Since Abby told me she wants to be involved in each other’s lives again, she hasn’t held back on her questions. It’s oddly comforting to be poked and prodded about all things magic in my life. She’s really trying to understand my world.

“Kind of,” I admit. “Sometimes I think it would be so convenient to not have to eat but then again, I’d miss it.”

“Me too. I love snacking.”

“And I love wine.”

“It would save me so much time.”

“I know, right?” I laugh. “I hate cooking. Though, Lucas has been trying to cook for me lately. It’s sweet, even though he’s a terrible cook.”

Abby laughs. “That’s so weird to think about. I’m trying, Cal, really, but the thought of that vampire standing in front of the oven.” She starts laughing again.

“He looks good in an apron.”

“I think he’d look good in anything.”

I close my eyes and bring a hand to my face. “He really does.”

“So tonight. Right after sunset?”

“We will be there.”

“Good. I miss you, sis.”

“I miss you too, Abby. Especially lately.”

“Has something happened?”

“Something is always happening,” I confess. “I’m looking forward to a normal dinner, with normal food and a normal conversation.”

“I can promise you normal here. We’re not that exciting.”

“Sometimes that’s a good thing. Because lately for me, exciting means demonic possession and evil blackmailing witches.”

“I…I don’t even know what to say to that.”

I laugh. “Tell me we’re going to talk about the weather and work and other boring stuff.”

“Can we talk about magic just a little?”

“Of course. Phil’s okay with it?”

“He’s showing interest. I know it scares him, just like vampires do. Honestly I don’t think he believed me when I told him about everything you could do.”

“It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially for people who haven’t seen it firsthand. I still remember how unreal it felt to walk into Grim Gate Academy for the first time and see a whole new world of magic.”

“I’m sure it would be. I love you, Callie, and I’m proud of you. I feel like I haven’t told you that enough. But I do.”

“I love you too, Abby. See you later.”

I end the call, set my phone down, and put the last few cold items away before finding Lucas in his office. It looks like he’s on a video chat with someone, and he’s not speaking English again. He holds up his hand, letting me know it’ll be a minute, and I slip back out of the office and into the kitchen while I wait.

I’m finishing up my sandwich when Lucas comes in.

“Do you care if we go over to my sister’s tonight? I sort of RSVP’d for us already,” I admit.

“Do you want to go?” he asks carefully, and I know what he’s thinking. The last few interactions I’ve had with my biological family haven’t ended well. But Abby is trying so damn hard, and I miss my sister, now more than ever.

“I do. It’ll be nice to have a low-key night with Abby.”

“Then we’ll go.”

I smile. “Thank you. I also said I’d bring wine, so I need to go out and get some.”

“Take whatever car you’d like.”

“Walking is fine. I hate finding parking.”

Lucas chuckles, kisses me, and goes back into his office to work. I clean up after myself in the kitchen and then go upstairs to get a comfortable pair of shoes to walk in. I throw my purse over my shoulder and call Binx to come with me. The dress I’m wearing is black at its base, with multicolored flowers printed all over it. I add a black floppy hat and oversized sunglasses and head out, fully knowing how cliché I look walking down the street dressed like this with my black cat trotting along next to me.

And I love it.

I tuck the bottle of wine under my arm and ring Abby’s doorbell. Lucas rests his hand on the small of my back, fingers gently pressing into my skin. A few seconds pass before Abby opens the door with a smile on her face.

“Hey, sis,” she says and steps to the side. “Oh, right. I have to invite you in. Please come in, Lucas.”

“You’ve already invited him once,” I say, stepping inside. “The offer stands until you rescind the invitation.”

“I didn’t know you could do that.” Abby closes the door behind us.

“All you have to say is ‘I rescind your invitation’ with the intended vampire in mind,” Lucas tells her. “It will force them out of the house.”

“Really? And they can’t get back in?”

“Not until you invite them again.”

Abby shakes her head. “That’s just…so weird. I don’t get why you can’t walk into a house uninvited. It makes no sense.”

“There’s ancient magic in declaring a house a home,” Lucas explains, taking off his shoes after I give him a pointed look. I don’t wear shoes in the house, and I know Abby wouldn’t want us tracking germs all over the floor when she has a one-year-old toddling around. “It offers very basic protection, but unfortunately only against those of us who operate on those same basic principles of magic.”

“And I thought medical school was complicated.”

“Don’t think about it too hard,” I tell her. “That’s what I do, at least. Especially when it comes to different dimensions. Instant headache.”

“I can only imagine.” She leads us into the house. “I hope you’re hungry. I might have gone a little overboard on the appetizers.”

“I’m starving,” I tell her and she turns, looking from me to Lucas.

“Should I have bought bottled blood?” she whispers.


“I feel like I’m being rude, though. Inviting you both over for dinner and then making you watch us eat.”

“I already ate,” Lucas tells her and Abby’s face tenses. She’s trying to be okay with this, but I know it weirds her out. By Lucas saying he already ate, she knows he bit me and sucked blood out of my body, which is weird when I think about it too. “And human food has no appeal to me anymore. Besides, I watch Callie e

at all the time.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy