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“Here,” I say, bringing Quinn a cheese stick and a glass of water. Not the best meal, but it’s better than nothing. “You need to eat.”

“You okay?” Bobby asks. He’s a recovering addict, and it was because of him Archer and I got to be such good friends, actually. Our first year of college, Archer’s parents had to fly out to Vegas over Christmas break and deal with Bobby, who’d overdosed.

Not wanting my roommate to have to spend Christmas alone, I invited him to come back with me. He fit right in with our family and became an honorary Dawson before break was over.

Archer wouldn’t let Bobby around the kids until he got clean, and while he struggled a lot, he’s going on a full year of sobriety now. He looks much better, and I know how much having a relationship with his brother again means to both Archer and Quinn.

“Yeah, I just got a little lightheaded while running.”

“What does lightheaded mean?” Emma asks, giving Quinn a blob of playdough.

“Dizzy,” she says and starts molding the playdough. “But I’m fine now.”

“You need to go lie down?” Bobby asks. “I can stay.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

He taps his phone to check the time. “I got about an hour before I have to leave. I can put in a pizza for the kids if you’d like.”

“Yeah, that’d be great. Thank you.” Quinn looks at me. “And thank you for driving me home. I would have been fine.”

“Better safe than sorry,” I say. “The roads are still a little slippery.”

Quinn rolls her eyes and looks at her daughters. “You are so lucky your brother is younger than you.”

“I wish I didn’t have a brother.” Emma sticks out her tongue. “Boys are gross.”

“That’s not a nice thing to say. Aiden loves you.”

“I love Aiden,” Arya says. “My brodder.”

“He’s a good little brodder,” Quinn repeats, leaning in to give Arya a kiss. “Uh-oh.” Quinn clamps her hand over her mouth and gets up, running to the bathroom. The distinct sound of her throwing up echoes through the house.

“Should we get Arch?” Bobby asks, making a face as he looks in Quinn’s direction.

“Nah. I’d rather send her upstairs if she’s sick. I don’t have time to catch a stomach bug.”

“You’ve already been exposed.”

“I’m thinking positive on this.”

“Can we have pizza now?” Emma asks, unfazed by the sound of puking.

“Sure.” Bobby pats her on the head and gets up to preheat the oven. I bring the glass of water to the bathroom and pull my shirt up over my mouth and nose.

“Stop being so dramatic,” Quinn moans, reaching for the water. “You were in the car with me. You would have gotten it then.” She takes a drink and slowly gets up. “I am going to go lie down, though. Thanks again for driving me home.”

“No problem, sis. I hope you feel better soon.”The screen of my phone lights up with a text, and I glance away from the TV to see the message. It’s not from one of my contacts, but as soon as I see the out-of-state area code, I know it’s Rory.

Why is she texting me? Maybe she changed her mind after all and wants to come over. I grab my phone and open her text.

Rory: How’s your sister doing? I didn’t want to text her in case she wasn’t feeling well or something.

Me: She seemed better once I left, though she might have a stomach bug. You were exposed.

Rory: Poor Quinn. And I think I’m fine. I don’t get sick often.

Me: Thanks for helping her today.

Rory: You’re welcome.

I stare at the phone, not sure what to say. I can’t really fit a witty remark or find a way to flirt with Rory after a conversation about my sister throwing up. Three little dots pop up on the screen only to disappear, and then pop up again a few seconds later. She’s typing…typing…typing…and now she’s not anymore.

Fuck it.

Me: What are you doing?

Rory: Not coming over for a booty call

Me: You’re no fun.

Rory: I’m lots of fun.

Me: Prove it.

Rory: Well…I do like role playing ;-) I get reeeaalllllyyyy into it too.

That was not the response I expected from her.

Me: Oh yeah?

Rory: Yeah. I love when it lasts for hours. Actually, the last time I role played, it lasted days. We had to break it up into sessions, but the big finish was worth it.

Me: You’re not talking about what I think you are, are you?

Rory: Unless you’re thinking about role playing a half-elf sorceress who uses her magic to con people while avenging a loved one, then no.

Me: I don’t know what to say to that.

Rory: I’d be willing to role play with you. You’d make a great dwarf.

She sends a picture of a Dungeons and Dragons character sheet along with a winking face.

Me: I’d rather be a Dragonborn. It’s easier for me to get in character that way

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic