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“Are you busy this weekend?”

“I am, actually. I’m driving up to Chicago to meet my brother and parents for lunch.” I undo my combination lock and pull out my jacket, but I’m still hot and sweaty and don’t want to put it on yet.

“Are you from Chicago?”

“No, I’m from a small town in Michigan, but my brother works at Rush.”

“Oh, okay. I’m from Chicago. I do not miss it, though. I like the quiet and lack of crime here.”

“I’ve only been to Chicago a few times, and I always did touristy stuff. Which is what I’m doing this weekend. I want to eat at the Cheesecake Factory.”

“Please tell me you’re getting cheesecake.”

“Do you even go to the Cheesecake Factory if you don’t get cheesecake?”

Scarlet smiles. “Thanks again for helping Quinn. She’s my best friend and is more like my sister than my real sister is to me.”

“I’m a nurse. I like helping people.”

“We’ll have to get together sometime when you’re not busy.”

I smile again. “I’d like that.”

We both walk out of the gym, and I strip out of my coat as soon as I’m in my Jeep. My phone is at three percent, and as soon as I plug it in, a text comes through from Annie, the charge nurse at the hospital. All her text says is to call her when I can. I’m at my max for hours this week, so she can’t be calling to ask me to fill in for a call off, so my mind immediately goes to me doing something wrong, though I can’t think of anything.

I crack my window, needing fresh air since I’m still sweaty, and call Anne’s cell. She answers on the first ring.

“Hey, Rory. Is this a good time?”

Oh no. I did do something wrong. Is she going to fire me? “Yeah. I just left the gym.”

“Great. How do you feel about Miami?”


She laughs. “How do you feel about Miami?”

“Um, it’s nice? I’ve never been there.”

“Would you like to go?” she asks.

“I’m not following.”

“There’s a medical convention there, and this year its main focus is on advancements in surgery. Several of our surgical staff have been selected to go, and one of the nurses who was originally going can’t make it due to obligations with her children. To be fair, I put everyone’s name in a pool to draw from, and you’re my lucky winner.”

I blink. “What?”

Anne laughs. “It’s not as good as it sounds. You’ll still have to pay for your own airfare, but the hotel and three meals a day are covered for you. Text me your email address and I’ll forward you the information. Look it over, and if it’s something you’d like to do, then let me know and I’ll handle the scheduling. Since this is considered training, you will get paid for the hours you spend at seminars.”

“Oh, wow. I’ll look everything over, but I think I already know my answer.”

“With that cold front moving in early next week, I think I know your answer too. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I end the call and text Anne my email address. I back out of my parking spot with the warm sun and ocean views on my mind.Chapter 19Dean“You are making a way bigger deal out of this than it needs to be.” Quinn pulls her arm free from my hold, stepping into her house. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” I counter. “You’re super pale, and I mean paler than normal.”

Quinn glares at me, sinking down on the hall tree in the mudroom to take her shoes off. “I just overworked myself, that’s all. I didn’t get much sleep last night, and I didn’t eat anything before working out today.”

“That’s a terrible thing to do.” I step on the heel of my shoe and slide my foot out, and then do the same with the other. “You have to eat or you won’t gain anything.”

“I’m trying to lose weight, not gain muscle.”

“You still need to eat.” I extend a hand and help her up, going through the mudroom and into the kitchen.

“You’re back early,” Bobby, Archer’s brother says, looking up from the kitchen table. He’s sitting with the girls, playing with Play-Doh.

“Mommy!” Emma and Arya squeal.

“Look what I made!” Emma holds up something that slightly resembles a turtle.

“Shhhh,” Bobby reminds them. “Your brother is sleeping in the living room.”

“You got Aiden to nap?” Quinn goes over to the table and sinks down. Her cheeks are red, but the rest of her face is pale. I get a glass of water and open the fridge, finding something for her to eat.

My mind goes right back to Rory, and knowing that she not only took care of my sister but also that Quinn considers her more of a friend now isn’t helping.

I tried everything to get Kara to hang out with my sister. Once Quinn and Archer got together—and I got my head out of my ass—I lost count how many times I suggested the four of us hang out.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic