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“Hey, hun,” Mom says when I call her back. “How are you feeling?”

“All right. The morning sickness is slowly fading. Emphasis on the slow.”

“You’re in the second trimester. It should be gone soon. Hang in there.”

I put the phone on speaker and go to the sink, washing my hands. “Yeah. I’m only fifteen weeks. I still have so far left to go.”

“It’ll go by faster than you think,” she says and pauses. I know what she’s waiting for, and I throw her a bone and just say it.

“Archer and I talked about living arrangements after Emma is born. We’re going to move in together.”

“Ahh, yay! That’s what I was hoping to hear. Is he moving in with you?”

I grab a piece of cheesecake and sit on the couch. “It still depends on where he gets a job, but he’s applying to the different hospitals around here.” I stick my fork into my cheesecake. “And yesterday we ran into some famous doctor, or something who I think runs the fellowship Archer’s hoping to get into.”

“That sounds promising.”

“I think so too.”

“We miss you around here. Both of you. Jackson asks for Archer every day. That boy hasn’t forgotten who saved his life.”

“We might be able to come in like two weeks. Archer works next weekend, and I’m going to Indy to see him.”

“It’ll be nice once you two are in the same city.”

“I know. I don’t like this long-distance thing. I miss him.”

“Have you thought more about the baby shower? I know you said Archer is done with his residency at the end of the year and will start a new job right away.”

“That’s the hope.”

“Does he know his schedule far in advance?”

“I’m actually not sure how far, but I think so.”

“Let me know. I was thinking we could do it mid-December. You’ll be close to the third trimester, so I know it’s a little early, but it’s not like we’re doing it next week. And if we have it on the fifteenth or sixteenth, it’s far enough from Christmas it shouldn’t be an issue.”

“That could work. I’ll ask Archer about his schedule the next time we talk.”

“Great. And if that doesn’t work, then we can plan for the end of January.”

“We’ll know where we’re living by then.”

“Are you taking time off work after the baby is born?”

“I’m not sure,” I start and tell her pretty much everything Archer and I talked about. Mom thinks I should be a stay-at-home mom, which is appealing in a way but makes the feminist in me question if it’s oppressive. Though in the end, I suppose the most anti-feminist thing is going against what I want. And I’m leaning more and more towards wanting to be home with my baby.

“Whatever you decide will work out,” Mom goes on. “It makes me happy to hear you and Archer talking long-term. I don’t want you to be with him just because you’re having his child, but raising that baby as a family is the best thing.”

“Yeah,” I say, not totally agreeing with her. Raising the baby in a happy, healthy home is the best, not forcing a relationship so she can have two parents in the same house. “He’s a great guy. I’ve always thought so.”

Mom laughs. “I never would have thought you and Archer would end up together. But yes, he’s a good guy and we like him. And it seems like Dean’s coming around.”

“Finally,” I stress. “He’s been a total baby about this.”

“You have to understand—”

“Mom,” I interrupt. “I get he’s your kid and all, but come on.”

“Fine,” she agrees with a huff. “He’s always been my dramatic child.”

“So dramatic. Anyway, Archer and I are going on vacation together next month.”

“While pregnant? Are you sure that’s a good idea.”

I’m so glad Mom can’t see me roll my eyes right now.

“Morning,” I say to Raul, walking into the break room Monday morning. I woke up and didn’t feel sick today, which is enough of a small victory for me to talk to everyone in the office today.

“Hey, lady.” He adds slices of cucumber to his water. “Look at that little baby belly.”

“It popped more overnight, I swear.”

“You’re going to be all belly, I can see it now. My sister was small like you before she got knocked up. Looking at her from the back, you couldn’t even tell she was pregnant.”

“My feet might give me away.” I make a face and look down at my brand-new Gucci shoes. They fit like a glove at the store. And early this morning while I was sitting at my desk. But after standing and talking for just ten minutes, my ankles are looking a little puffy, and the straps of my heels are tight. Sorry, gorgeous metallic gold heels.

“Did you change your mind about letting us throw you a shower?” he goes on.

“I don’t know,” I say and get myself a cup of coffee. I add a tiny amount of regular and fill the rest up with decaf. “I feel weird knowing people are coming to a party for me and have to bring presents.”

“That’s the point of a shower. We all love you.”

Rene and Charlene come in and stop talking almost immediately. They both look impeccable, and I don’t understand how Charlene’s bun looks equally done up and effortless at the same time.

“Isn’t caffeine bad for the fetus?” Rene asks, eyes cold. Yeah, yeah. I get it. You’re jealous. You only wrote a dozen emails to your sister saying how you wished Archer knocked you up instead of me so you could quit and be a doctor’s wife. She really needs to learn not to send scathing emails about her boss on the company server…

“It’s fine in moderation.”

“Seems like a risk.”

I force a smile. “It’s not. My OB said it was fine and Archer—my boyfriend and the baby’s father who’s a doctor—also assured me it’s fine.” Maybe I’m being petty but fuck it. I’ll blame it on the hormones.

“Right. I guess it’s up to you in the end anyway.”

“Yeah. It is.” Raul catches my eye and raises his eyebrows. Most of the other people who work here fall into a similar category as me and were looked down on as nerds or dorks in high school and even college. It’s weird how something that happened so long ago still holds an effect on me.

I take my coffee into my office and go through emails, responding to clients and scheduling meetings for the rest of the week. I need to clear my vacation time with the few people above me, making sure it’s not going to interfere with anything we have going on. I don’t think it will, and since I haven’t taken any vacation yet this year, I doubt it’ll be an issue.

I really do have it good here, which is going to make it harder to leave. I don’t think there are many other places that are so up-to-date with the latest trends and technology while still being laid back and easygoing like this. I have no doubts I’ll enjoy being home with Emma, but I’m sure going to miss this place.

Tapping my pen against my planner, my mind starts to drift. I’ll be faced with opposition to whatever I choose. If I decide to be a stay-at-home mom, there will be plenty of people who will tell me I should contribute to my family by holding a job. And if I decide to come back to work, I won’t hear the end of i

t from others who think it’s the mother’s place to stay home and raise babies.

In the end, it comes down to what I want to do, and that’s all that matters. Trouble is, I’m still not sure what I want to do. Looking down at my belly, I shake my head.

“I’ll figure it out,” I tell her. “We still have time.”

Taking a drink of coffee, I get to work, reviewing a file and finding errors right away. It’s not an easy fix either, because changing one part creates change in other areas. Sighing, I lean back in my chair and give myself a minute before going and talking to those working on the project.

This part of my job isn’t something I’ll miss.

My phone dings with a text, lighting up from inside my purse. I roll my chair over to get it instead of getting up. It’s from Dean, texting in the group with Archer and me.

Dean: Have you picked a date for the baby shower yet? Kara keeps bugging me about our wedding shower and doesn’t want it to be close to your party.

Me: Why does it matter if they’re close together?

Dean: IDK. Kara thinks it’ll be too much for our side of the family or something.

Me: Mom’s not throwing the bridal shower. That makes no sense.

Dean: Can you just pick a date?

Me: We’re thinking December. Archer knows he’ll have a weekend off before Xmas

Dean: Are you sure on that? You don’t want to switch it?

I send an eye rolling emoji, having a feeling Kara is on the other side of his texts, telling him what to say. Dean felt betrayed by Archer, worried he lost his best friend, which is why he acted like an ass. Kara was on our side at first…and then realized her wedding isn't going to be the center of attention. Which is funny since she said she doesn’t like having all eyes on her.

Weddings bring out the best of us.

Me: If you want to have your shower in December, then just say it. Archer and I really don’t care when we have it. I’m sure we can find at least one weekend off together before Emma is born to have a shower. Right, Arch?

Dean: Okay. Thanks. Kara is freaking out about next semester in school. She’s turned wedding planning into a part-time job.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic