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But seeing Archer balls deep inside his sister…yeah. Dean’s not going to come around any time soon.

“Close your fucking door,” Dean yells and slams my bedroom door shut. Archer’s cock is still buried inside of me. My legs are still wrapped tightly around his body. I’m shocked. Stunned. Horrified and embarrassed.

Yet I’m not pushing Archer off me.

“Did that really just happen?” Archer whispers, still too stunned to move.

“It did.” Fuck. It really did.

“Is it bad I want to finish?” Archer gives me a cheeky grin.

My head spins and my body is reacting to physical sensations. I was about ready to come for the second time, and while I’m still amped up and ready to go, my mind isn’t. Not at all.

“I don’t know,” I tell him. He relaxes a bit, and his cock rubs in the right spot. “No, it’s not bad at all.”

Archer nods but doesn’t start thrusting again. We’re at a standstill, so to speak, with his cock inside me but not doing anything.

“Should I go talk to him?” Archer asks, and a line of worry forms between his eyes.

I tighten my legs around him, wanting to ease Archer’s tension. “Give him a minute or two to cool down.”


“You can finish.”

Archer lets out a snort of laughter. “So romantic.”

“Sorry. I’m trying not to let it ruin the mood.”

“It kind of did.” Archer starts to pull out. I grab his ass and push him back down.

“We haven’t had sex in over a week. You’re finishing.”

He blinks. “No pressure or anything.”

“I’ll waive my multiple orgasm rule.”

He slowly circles his hips. “It’s a rule?”

“Mmm-hmm.” I close my eyes, trying hard not to think about the look of horror on Dean’s face. The door is closed but not locked. Though it’s not like he’s going to come back in.

Archer nuzzles his face against my neck. He thrusts in hard and fast, and it only takes a minute to forget about Dean. Well, until Archer tells me to keep it quiet because we’re not alone in the house anymore.

I nod, eyes falling shut. I angle my hips up, and Archer’s cock rubs against my G-spot. I’m close to coming again, but also starting to get a little sore, thanks to pregnancy hormones no doubt. I move against Archer, helping myself out, and clamp a hand over my mouth as I come.

Archer pushes in deep, turning his head down and biting my neck as he finishes. My inner walls contract around his cock, and he lets out a groan, muffled by my hair.

“I didn’t think I’d be able to come,” Archer confesses, moving off me. “You’re distracting.” He grabs his boxers, quickly puts them on, and goes into the attached bathroom to get me a tissue. I clean myself up and dash to the bathroom to pee. When I come out, Archer is dressed again and sitting on the foot of the bed.

“Should we talk to him now?” Archer asks. “Hey,” he says suddenly when I turn to pick up my clothes.


He strides over and puts his hand on my stomach. “You’re starting to show.”

“Can you tell it’s a baby?” I put my hand over his and look down. “Marissa says I look like I ate a big meal.”

Archer cradles me against him, splaying his fingers over my stomach. “I can tell it’s a baby. Our baby.”

I melt against him, and all the anxiety over my stupid brother goes away. Archer has a way of doing that with everything bad. It fades away until he’s the only thing left.

“I’m excited to feel her kicking.”

“Her? Did you look at the results?” he rushes out.

“No. I’ve been tempted,” I confess. After giving blood last week, I got the results yesterday. I had the nurse go over everything else—baby is fine—but didn’t tell me the sex. I had her write down ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ on a card and seal it in an envelope. Knowing myself and how hard it would be to resist temptation, I had her use thick paper so I couldn’t hold it up to the light and try to see what she wrote.

Because I did.

“If it turns out to be a boy you’ll have to get used to saying he,” Archer laughs. “But I have a feeling it’s a girl too. Probably because you refer to it as one.”

“I blame my mom for putting that idea in my head.” I bend over, purposely rubbing my ass against Archer’s pelvis as I pick up my underwear. “She’s the one who said it’s a girl. It’ll be nice to know either way so everyone can stop calling the baby ‘it.’ That’s too impersonal.”

“Yeah, it is.”

I get dressed, run my hand through my hair, and apprehensively open the bedroom door. Rufus is at the top of the stairs, looking at me and wagging his tail. The rest of the house is quiet, and I start to feel sick as we walk down the stairs. The nausea hasn’t faded at all. I don’t think it ever will.

“Dean?” I call softly, seeing him in the kitchen. He’s bent over his phone, no doubt texting our brothers to tell them what he just walked in on. I put on a fake smile and resist the urge to slap him upside the head. Archer and I are together. He needs to fucking deal with it.

Dean flicks his eyes up for half a second. “Good. You have clothes on now.”

“I’m sorry,” Archer blurts. If I could elbow him in the gut without being seen, I would. “We didn’t know you’d be here.”

“Quinn fucking invited me.”

“Yeah, I did.” I wrinkle my nose. I kind of forgot, though I didn’t think he’d show up this early. Our plans were for the evening. “We had dinner plans though.”

“I came over early because I thought we could hang out or something. I felt bad for getting mad at you before and wanted to make it up to you.”

I bite my lip. “Do you still feel bad?”


“Dean. Stop.”

He shakes his head. “I’ve seen more of you than I ever wanted to see.”

“Be glad I wasn’t on top.”

Dean responds with a glare. “Hilarious, Quinn.” He sits back, shaking his head. “You said this weekend would feel like old times.”

“You’ve walked in on me having sex before,” Archer tries to joke. “And I’ve walked in on you.”

“That was college. And not my sister.” He shudders. “I can’t unsee that.”

“You’re the one who came upstairs,” I remind him.

“I didn’t know Archer was here. Where’s your car?” he asks.

“Mom has it,” I tell him. “Archer got here early to surprise me and—it doesn’t matter. You’re acting ridiculous. Look, I’m sorry, okay? We didn’t know you’d be here, so we didn’t close the door. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“How’d you like it if you walked in on me and Kara?” he counters.

“I wouldn’t like it, but I wouldn’t sit there pouting like a baby.”

“I’m not pouting. I’m scarred for life.” He makes a face like he’s going to throw up.

“Oh my God.” I let out a sigh. “It’s not like you walked in on Nana having a threesome.”

“I’d rather see that.”

“Really?” I put a hand on my hip. “You’d rather see Nana naked and sweaty getting groped by two sexy men?”

“Who says they have to be sexy?”

I narrow my eyes. “You’re such an asshole.”

“I’m not the one fucking my best friend.”

“Grow up, Dean.”

“You can’t get mad that I’m upset about walking in on you two. I don’t care who you’re with, Quinn, I don’t want to see it.”

“And I said I’m sorry! Maybe Owen was right, and you do want Archer all to yourself. Well sorry, he doesn’t swing that way!”

“Quinn,” Archer says softly, hand landing on the small of my back. He’s been around us enough to have seen a fight or two between me and one of my brothers. He knows how over the top and dramatic I can get. Though Dean is just as bad if not worse. When the two of us get into i

t, it’s like a scene from The Real Housewives or something. We’ll keep going until someone cuts us off. Usually, I’m mad at him for a few hours—maybe a day—and then we’ll be back to normal. Things haven’t been normal between us since I told him I’m pregnant. I’ve never had a feud going with any of my brothers for this long.

“That’s a fucking low blow, Quinn. Even for you,” Dean shoots back.

“Really? Because you’re acting like you’re jealous Archer won’t play a private game of Operation with you right now.”

“Guys,” Archer says, stepping in front of me and looking right at Dean. “Quinn and I are together. We’re having a baby. Don’t like us being together? Fine. But you have to accept it and move on. If not for us, then for this kid.” He slips his arm around my waist. “Stress isn’t good for the baby, and I know this whole thing upsets Quinn. We just want you to support us.”

He’s trying to make things better with his best friend, and Mom’s words echo in my head. Dean was there for Archer when no one else was. Dean and Archer being friends is part of life. They have to be friends again. I know Logan and Owen are dying to start up the bromance jokes again at least.

I open my mouth to tell Dean I’m sorry for overreacting, more than ready to pull the pregnancy card, but quickly clamp my hand over my mouth and close my eyes.

“Are you going to be sick?” Archer asks, stepping in closer. Most people move away when someone looks like they’re about to throw up—myself included—but Archer does everything to comfort me. Tears burn behind my closed eyelids.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic