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He walks up and grabs my face with both hands. “I would give my fucking soul to have a love like yours and Dolly’s. She needs some time, man. Give her some time.” He lets go, his words entering my brain.

I reach out to him. “Get me the fuck out of here.” He nods and wipes his bloody nose on his dress shirt. Like me, he’s still wearing his suit.

“Let’s go get some breakfast.” He grins. I nod as I look up at the sun, which is starting to make its appearance. Mother Nature’s magnificent beauty, her purples and yellows make me stare for a second.

I used to think these things were good omens.

Now, I think it’s dull like the way my heart feels.

I can’t make Dolly do what I want. I’ve been trying my whole life, but Axel’s right: I can give her time.

Axel looks down at his phone as we cross the street heading toward the Golden Nugget for steak and eggs.

“Shit.” He looks at me and even as fucked as I am, I can tell something’s happened.

“What?” My heart starts to race at an alarming rate. If it’s Dolly… if something’s happened…

“Relax. It’s Charlie. She had the baby.” He pockets the phone.

“Wait, what?”

“Let’s eat first. I’m starving and she had to have a C-section, so she’s in the recovery room.”

I should be happy. But for a second, I’m a shitty brother. I’m jealous. Jealous of the one person who deserves to have this more than anyone in the world. I look up at the sky, which is now turning light blue, and let myself grieve for everything I’m not going to have.

Then I force myself to let it go. “Let’s eat. I can’t wait to meet our latest Disciple.”EDGE

Thirty-one years old“Oh my God.” Eve lowers her phone as Axel and I walk in carrying some stupid balloons.

I made us stop at the gift shop, which was opening for the day when we arrived. Since we forgot to ask if it was a boy or a girl, I bought six blue and six pink.

“Christ.” Blade looks over at us and Ox starts laughing.

“Are you okay?” Eve steps over to me. Without saying a word, I hand her the balloons. “O-kay.” She spins and walks over to Charlie who looks tired but is glowing.

“Look what Edge… and Axel brought you.” Her voice sounds phony and I can tell she’s talked to Dolly.

“Edge.” Blade’s voice pulls my attention away. “I need to talk to you outside.” I glance around the cheerful room, noticing how big and airy it is for a hospital room.

The walls are a pleasant light yellow with happy watercolors of the beach. Tons of flowers are on the table intended for serving food, but I’m guessing they can move them. Good thing I thought to get balloons. Nobody else did.

“Edge.” Blade’s voice breaks into my mind’s rant.

“Yeah… sorry. Congratulations.” He frowns as I realize that I just said this to him. Axel sighs and walks over to David. Only now do I notice him wearing blue scrubs and holding the baby.

“Congratulations,” I say to him. His silver eyes dart to me and I bite the inside of my cheek because… is that pity I see in them?

“Thanks, man.”

I turn away and follow Blade who’s already out the door, and mumble about how I don’t need anyone’s pity.

“Edge.” Blade puts his hand on my shoulder, and I realize I might have been talking out loud.

“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Because I am. I should get out of here. I’m making an ass out of myself and this is a happy day.

“What has happened?” His voice makes my head snap up.

“I… I think maybe I should go.”

“That’s not an option. David has just had a baby and you owe him more than this. Now I don’t need to get into why my treasurer and VP look like they have been beating the shit out of each other.” A doctor and a couple of nurses pass by and he waits until they are out of earshot to continue.

“And I don’t need to know why my wife is in the corner whispering on the phone, consoling your wife. What I need is for my officers… meaning you to get your shit together and act like a fucking Disciple.”

Before I can speak, he walks back into the room. I stand in the hallway and let his words sink in. He’s right; of course he’s right. That’s what makes Prez the Prez. I clear my throat and walk over to the nurses’ stand.

“Excuse me, can I get some water?” A pretty dark-haired nurse looks up.

“Oh goodness.” She stands. “Are you okay?” She moves over to the side and grabs an ice pack.

I hold up my hands. “No… thank you. I do need some water.” She forces the ice pack into my hands, walks back to the fridge, and hands me a bottle of water.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic