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Smoke and spice are all I smell as warm lips find my neck, and I grab the counter so as not to fall. I swing around to look into silver eyes that are filled with something I have only seen in a few precious guarded moments.

The world has ended, or maybe I’m just dead. How else is he here? David is standing in front of me cupping my face, holding me prisoner as I vaguely hear my mom scream and Cindy’s calm voice as she tries to reassure her.

“What are you doing here?” It sounds ridiculous.

He doesn’t answer but brings his mouth to mine. His lips are warm and he pulls my face closer to his. Our tongues tangle and I taste smoke and cinnamon. It’s relentless, as if he’s scared to let me breathe, and we groan into each other’s mouths. My hands find his neck as he lets go of my face to deepen the kiss. I’m swimming on shock and hope.

Oxygen thief. It rings in my head as I taste my own tears.

Finally, he lifts his head. His thumb wipes away my tears as I hear a person ask for a check and Cindy shushing them.

David stares down at me, his eyes open, clear, and not holding anything back.

“I love you. I left to become a better man for you. But I’m just a man.” He leans down to kiss my lips, and as he talks, he steals my breath then gives it back.

“I want to tell you everything is going to be perfect, but all I can tell you is that you are my light, my very reason for standing here today. And if you will have me, I’d like to spend every day with you for the rest of my life.”

The diner is silent as I hear my breathing. I will myself to stop crying and start to think.

“Beautiful?” I look up into his eyes and I’m trapped, ensnared. Nothing matters. Only this. All of our pain and sadness can heal as long as I have this man looking at me this way.

“I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember,” I say at last. “It took you long enough.”

He grabs my face and kisses me again as he whispers, “You ready? I want you on my bike.”

Before I can answer, he sweeps me off my feet, kisses me, and walks us to the door.

“Jesus Christ, tell me you’re filming this.”

I look over at Doug and Dolly who are hugging each other. Doug has his cell phone out and Dolly is crying.

“Mom? You might have to close today,” I yell as I cry and laugh at the horrified expressions of a couple walking in holding the door for us.The morning is crisp and cool as David carries me like a bride to the shiny black Harley.

I slide down and look up at him.

“I almost didn’t do this.” His voice cracks. “I almost… decided that I wasn’t worth it.”

Not trusting myself to speak, I simply nod.

“But I am, Beautiful. I fucking love you and I want it all with you. Kids, a house, maybe even a dog.

“I want that too.” Still crying, I throw myself at him.

He pulls me close. “Let’s drive to Vegas and get married.”

“Really?” My heart pounding, I’m almost scared to look around the parking lot for fear this has all been a dream and I’m going to wake up late for work.

“You know, once we’re married there’s no turning back?” He demands my attention.

“I know.” I sigh into him. “My mom hates you.”

He chuckles. “I know. I guess I’ll have to work on that.”

“Guess so.” I climb on the back of his bike.

“When’s your dad coming home?”

“Who knows.”

His eyes caress my face as his hands move to my neck. His silver eyes darken and again, my breath stutters.

“Maybe we should make a pit stop at your apartment,” he says slowly as he climbs on the bike and starts it up.

“I thought you wanted Vegas,” I yell.

“I want you, Beautiful, only you.”DAVID/POET

One year laterIt’s 5:00 a.m. as I bury my nose in my wife’s neck. I do this sometimes, when the monsters try to come out and play. I snuggle into her light and let her zap them away.

Grinning, I roll to my back and visualize Charlie as my fantasy superhero. She always has nothing but biker boots and a lacy black G-string that matches her wild raven hair. Her red lips are glossed with poison that only my lips have immunity to.

Her real power comes from her heart. It’s a deadly light that can melt any monster or demon that wants to fuck with me.

I snort back a chuckle causing my Beautiful to groan and turn on her side.

My hand reaches out to caress her ivory skin. She wiggles her ass against my hard cock as I caress her stomach, which carries our baby. Charlie is six months pregnant with my son.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic