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“Guys,” I yell over the gushing on the sex of said unborn heir. “He’s not happy. He thinks I’m trapping him and he’s making me stay at his house so he can stay at the clubhouse to fuck other women.” My voice is getting louder and higher until I have to stop and gasp in some air.

Silence ensues and they start laughing. I roll my eyes again.

“You both suck.”

“All right, let’s break this down.” It’s Doug speaking in a calm, soothing voice much better than Dolly’s excited energy.

“First, Jason says stupid stuff. He’s completely obsessed, so don’t worry about the fucking of the skanks. Second, he’s going to fall in love with the baby, so he’ll be around too much and third… he has a house? I didn’t know he has a house, did you?”

And they’re off again carrying on their own conversation. I walk back into the bedroom and lock the door, putting them on speaker as I go into the bathroom. Apparently Dolly knew he had a house but has never been here before. So I tell them both I’ll need help decorating, which makes them both scream and I can’t help but smile. Somehow their excitement and complete support make me feel drastically better.

“Okay, you two, I have to get ready. I’ll call soon.”

“Yeah, we need to go too. Customers and all that. Congrats! Love you!” Dolly chirps and the phone tells me the call has ended.

I start the shower and decide that maybe they are right. Jason talks the talk yet he didn’t abandon me. He didn’t come in and sleep with me last night, but he didn’t leave either. My mind goes over all my options as I shower quickly. Suddenly I decide to play this out. The phone call with Dolly and Doug ate up a lot more time than I thought. Throwing on a pink tube dress and some light makeup, I decide I look pretty good. My skin has a healthy glow thanks to all the veggies Amy shoves down my throat. Either that or my body likes being pregnant because besides the morning sickness, I look fantastic. Emerging from the bathroom, I look at the box of pizza. I love cold pizza, so I flip it open and grab a slice as the doorbell rings. My heart goes to my stomach until I remember it’s not Jason. He wouldn’t ring the bell.

Throwing on some ballet flats, I open the door and smile at happy Dewey.

“You ready?” He’s practically beaming. Jason wouldn’t have told everybody, would he?

I grab my bag. “Um, I don’t have a key, so—”

“Don’t worry. Prez gave me one.” He proudly pulls it out of his pocket and grins when I step out and allow him to lock the door. I hold out my hand, but he puts it back in his pocket.

“Wait, that’s not my key?” My voice gets louder as I see the gloom starting to burn off and the warm sun coming out. I take in his neighborhood. Last night was dark so I couldn’t see the two neighboring houses up here. They’re beyond nice. I almost feel like I’m in a dream. I mean, who would ever think I’d end up in this neighborhood and pregnant a year ago?

Dewey opens the Tahoe door for me.

“Nope, Prez says you’ll get one when he says so.”

As he slides into the driver side, I say, “You know, you don’t always have to drive me. I can drive if you’re tired or…”

His brows knit and he frowns. “Girls don’t drive.” He starts the truck and pulls out.

“Dewey, I hate to break it to you, but I’ve been driving since I was thirteen.”

Again, he frowns as if I’m ruining his fantasy. Whatever, it’s not his fault he was raised the way he was. My baby won’t be raised like these guys or like me for that matter. My baby is going to have everything I never had. I can’t wait to tell my dad. This might be exactly the inspiration he needs.BLADE/JASON“Hey Prez, you want another one?” Ryder yells from inside. I’m out by the pool trying to decide this very second if I’m going to go down the rabbit hole tonight. The pool glistens like sparkling diamonds. I blink at the glare only to have Crystal’s big fake tits dripping water on me as she tries to straddle me. I lay back and close my eyes as she slithers up my chest, rubbing her fake breasts all over me. All I see is Eve.


“God damn it.” I sit up and gently but forcefully scoot her off me.

“What the hell, Blade?” she whines, making me stand up. I’m not even hard. Christ, I might be fucked, like fucked fucked. Like karma’s a bitch fucked. I run my hands through my hair, looking at Crystal’s hurt face.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic