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“Eat, Eve.” I turn, leaving her standing with a pale face and eyes glistening with tears. What the fuck is happening? I swing open the cabinet in the kitchen and reach for the bottle.

“Jason?” I don’t look at her and take a swig.


“This is where I’ll stay. That way you can fuck whoever you want at the club house!” She spits it out, venom dripping with every word. If she didn’t have a slight tremble I would believe that she was done. I lean my head down as I grip the counter.

“That’s perfect. You can decorate… and see the doctor.” I take another swig looking out the kitchen window, seeing nothing but my Angel. “Yeah, that’s best.” I lift my head and turn to her. Our eyes lock and time stops as my heart aches. I take a step toward her.

Her big eyes are filled with an emotion I don’t know or understand, but it’s something I want. In a second, her eyes change and it’s gone. She turns and walks back into the bedroom and shuts the door. Grabbing the bottle, I slink onto my couch and turn on the TV absently thinking I should order another pizza because there is no way I’m going into that bedroom.EVEI wake up and stare out the window. Alone, I can’t fight the tears forming in my eyes. Dejected. That’s what comes to mind as I stare out at the gloomy morning. Turning onto my back, I look up at the ceiling. How is this even possible? I have become everything I swore I wouldn’t.

“Oh God,” I groan, laying my hand over my forehead as I wait for my stomach to reject what little I put into my mouth yesterday. Somewhat in awe, I touch my flat stomach. Since the age of twelve, I’ve been told I could never have this. Jason left early this morning. I heard the door close and lock behind him, the click reminding me I’m a prisoner. Why did I have to be so weak and fall in love with a dick? I sigh, loud and dramatic. It bounces off the white walls. Sitting up, I look at the fantastic room. With the right furniture and maybe some paint, it could be spectacular. I haven’t seen the whole house yet, but if it’s anything like the rooms I’ve seen, I might actually enjoy decorating. My mind is already conjuring up a pleasing green that would look great in here.

Stretching, I stand annnd here it comes. “Christ.” I sit back down as the dizziness and horrible nausea that strike anytime come roaring back. It’s always bad the first hour or so after I wake.

“God this sucks,” I groan, but at least I’m not dying, so there’s that. I take another deep breath and my phone dings. Reaching over for it, I see three messages. One’s from Dolly, with OMG! Then there’s a gif of a pregnant woman and hula hoop going around her stomach. I texted her yesterday after Jason told me that I was basically his slave and that he has no responsibility to his baby. Instead of being outraged or even sad for me, if her gif is any indication, she seems excited, like all of this is rainbows and unicorns.

The last message is from Jason the asshole telling me that Dewey will be picking me up in an hour for a doctor appointment.

“Whatever,” I mumble as I push on Dolly’s number.

It doesn’t get more than one ring when she screams, “Holy shit! We’re dying over here.” Loud music blasts through the phone.

Clearly she’s at the salon and I hear Doug’s voice in the background. “Is that our queen? Hand it over.”

“Knock it off, Doug. Me first. I can’t stand it… I mean, I couldn’t understand your text yesterday. You hate him, you love him. You want to fuck him.” She starts giggling at that last comment. “You were all over the place.” She squeals and I have to pull the phone away.

“Dolly, stop screaming. I’m already nauseous. There’s not a lot of time. I have to go to the doctor.” Loud shushing makes me roll my eyes again.

“Okay, I’m putting you on speaker. Don’t worry—it’s only us.” Her nervous energy sinks straight into my gut causing my breath to hitch. I stand up and look out the window, ultimately deciding to open the adorable farm-style door, which has glass on the top and wood on the bottom. I pull it open and step onto the redwood deck.

“Wow,” I mumble looking at his backyard. Nothing but green grass and a view. The deck has been glossed so much you could probably skate on it if you wore socks.

“What? Eve go tell us everything. How did you do the unbelievable?”

“You’re set, baby girl. Mission accomplished. You know that, right?” Doug starts in and Dolly steamrolls over him. She and Doug talk about how I’m so lucky. Jason is going to be a great dad and our kid is going to be so beautiful.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic