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“Yeah Ryder, I need another one,” I yell. He nods and comes out of the house. I shake my head still needing a moment to get used to his new look. He shaved his beard and head the other day. Now every time I look at him, I think of Drax in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

“It’s her, isn’t it?” Crystal brings my attention back to her. Her shoulders slump as she sits on the edge of the cushion. Thankfully the backyard and pool area are packed with drunk brothers and club whores. Someone turns the music up as Eminem pumps through my chest. It’s so loud that Crystal’s fake tits are bouncing to the beat. I lift her chin and feel a pang of remorse. I led her on, even going as far as having Edge make sure she was off at the club so that she could be here today. She was so happy that I asked for her. We’ve been drinking all day and now I’m done. The sun and stale beer are starting to aggravate me, along with the fact that I have no balls anymore. Ryder walks up with a bottle of Jack. He looks from me to Crystal and lights a cigarette.

“Hey darlin, I need a moment with the Prez.”Crystal looks up at me, her face slightly burned and black mascara running down her cheeks.

“Jesus. She’s a mess.” Ryder glances back at her then me.

“Crystal, go clean up,” I demand. She tries to stand, but she’s so sloppy drunk she sinks back into the cushions sobbing.

“I’m done.” My eyes meet Ryder’s.

He nods. “I’ll take care of her. I was coming to let you know Dewey’s back.” He takes her arm. She starts to argue then stumbles with him as he walks her toward the house.

Those are the magic words. I scan the yard littered with drunk brothers and naked girls and it’s not even night yet. A bonfire is being set up a few feet away, the smell of lighter fluid permeating the air. I scan the yard spotting Dewey immediately. He’s the only one dressed in jeans and a T-shirt along with his cut. He’s talking to Axel. The hair on my arms stands up.

“What happened today?” I snap. Dewey jumps and looks at Axel who instantly lights up a joint. He inhales and hands it to Dewey.

“What happened? Before you party, you tell me everything.”

He drops his hand from taking the joint. “It was so cool.” His whole face seems to light up like he’s almost hopeful.

Axel snorts and Dewey shakes his head. “No, Eve was awesome. And her new doctor loved her, like he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Even saying she was his new favorite patient.”

“What the fuck are you talking about he?” Suddenly the rancid smell of the weed along with the massive amount of sweaty bodies makes me look away and up at the sky.

“Dewey?” I demand.

“Her doctor is a man.”

I blink at him.

“And she’s almost three months, can you believe it? She couldn’t.” He chuckles. “She kept saying ‘Are you sure?’ to the doc.”

He looks at me then Axel, a huge excited smile on his face. “I heard the baby’s heartbeat!” Excited, he rubs his hands up and down his legs, and for the first time ever I want to take Dewey out. Like lay him flat. I take a breath and sense Axel’s strong hand on my chest, pushing me back.

“Take it easy, Prez.”

Dewey’s eyes widen. “I did what you told me. I was with her the whole time.”

Axel pushes me back some more. “Let’s take this inside and you can tell Blade all about it where it’s quiet.”

Throwing his hand off me, I storm into the clubhouse, ignoring the crap that’s going on inside. Drugs are everywhere, but I couldn’t give two shits. Adrenaline pulses through me. It’s that same feeling I get when I use my blade or gun. My mind keeps repeating heartbeat.

Dewey heard my baby’s heartbeat. I don’t know how I haven’t broken a tooth at how hard I’m clenching my jaw. I throw open the door to the meeting room, my breathing harsh. Christ, I’m like two seconds from doing something I’ll regret. But I can’t stop it, so I growl, “Now. How the fuck did this happen?”

Axel clears his voice as he moves to the refrigerator in the corner. “Anyone want anything?”

I glare at him.

“Christ, Blade, leave it alone.” He snaps the cap off the beer bottle and tosses it in a trash can. “If you really wanted to hear the heartbeat, you would have taken your pregnant girlfriend instead of getting fucked up with Crystal and humiliating her and Eve.” He looks me straight in the eyes with that shit. Suddenly all I hear is my heartbeat as I move to stand face-to-face with my best friend.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic