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“Jesus Christ, you two. Take her to the mall. I’ll do your two p.m. appointment. But for the love of God… go.” Jenny pulls open the door, swinging her arm like a traffic guard.

Both Dolly and Doug look at her and start laughing as they grab for me. “Bye, sourpuss, be back later.” Doug throws her a kiss.

We all pile into Dolly’s black sports car. I offer to sit in the back because Doug is taller. They argue and laugh the entire way. I almost wish sourpuss Jenny had offered to take me. Something tells me she wouldn’t care if I ripped off the whole mall.

“Valet it.” Doug waves at the guys.

“Um… so I love your bag.” I eye his saddlebag. “I think that’s the first thing I need: a bag, a wallet.” I try to sound casual; a huge bag is necessary.

“Bloomingdales it is.” He jumps out, pulling the seat up so I can get out. It’s sunny out. I love LA. We spent a lot of brutal winters in the Midwest the last couple years. It was so much cheaper, so when Benny said it was time to make our way to the West again. I was thrilled. I hate the cold.

Dolly and Doug breeze through the glass doors, and I hang back already self-conscious. At least my hair looks awesome even if I’m in a T-shirt and shorts. The bag and shoes section is right at the spot where we entered.

My eyes trail over all the gorgeous purses. So many bags, all different colors. For once in my life, I want to be able to walk into a store like this and not worry about money. Walk in and buy whatever I want. Of course, I would steal something. I mean, you have to stay sharp.

I walk up to a huge black leather bag and nearly drool. It’s fabulous. I check the price tag and nearly throw it. “Holy shit,” I mumble.

Doug takes it out of my hand. “I know, but it’s a Marc Jacobs bag, so it’s pricey. How much did Blade give you?”

“Not that much,” I almost scream.

Dolly takes the bag from Doug. “Do you love it?” She arches a finely plucked brow at me.

“Who wouldn’t, but that’s an insane amount to charge for a bag.” I think about my huge ten-dollar bag at my trailer. I got it at Target and it could hold a shitload of cargo.

“Let’s get it for her. I’ll make Blade give me the money. After all, he is the king and she’s now his queen.”

I stiffen. “No, no, no I have a certain amount I can spend and this bag costs more than what I have.”

And there is no way in hell I’m spending most of it anyway, I want to add. “I want something like Doug’s,” I say, eyeing his bag.

“Sorry, my love. Got it in West Hollywood. Besides, you love this one. I think Dolly’s right—nothing but the best for our queen. Now what kind of wallet do you want? We can stick with Marc Jacobs or maybe…. oh yes, look at this one—it’s fitting.” He smirks as he points at a large black wallet with a gold skull on it.

I hold up my hands. “Guys, they are incredible, but I can’t afford it.” I turn away only to have Doug jerk me back. Both he and Dolly look me in the eye. I don’t know who to focus on, so I dart back and forth.

“First, Blade has never claimed a woman.” Dolly holds up a finger. “Second, you are a virgin.” She leans in with big eyes. “So, don’t sell yourself short. He has a shitload of money. We are going to get this bag. Pick out a wallet, and let’s move on to shoes.”

I stare at her, then Doug. “Who are you people?”

“Friends,” they both say, then start giggling. I roll my eyes and point to a black wallet that has the same logo as my bag. My bag. Holy God, I can’t even comprehend having anything this nice. If anyone tries to jack it from me they will definitely regret it. I need to get another knife. I’m startled when Dolly hands me the bag and wallet. I slowly drape the black leather bag around my shoulder. My hand caresses the leather. “Wow, it’s so soft.”

“Italian leather.” Doug snorts.

I reach into my pocket and discreetly pull out my precious wad of cash Blade gave me and unzip my new wallet. It has the most wonderful smell ever. Actually, Blade kind of smells a little like this leather. Looking around, I notice the store is fairly empty, which makes me breathe easier as I shove the hundreds into my new wallet and slide it into my bag.

“Okay, let’s do this.” I’m ready. I have a killer bag and I’m ready to tackle the mall.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic