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“Listen, tonight”—Dolly snaps me back to her—“the Disciples are having a big welcome back party. Everyone will be there. That means all the club sluts, so I need you to trust me and do what I say. I know exactly what Blade likes.”

Cautiously I look at her. “What does that mean?”

“Oh.” She waves the hair dryer. “I haven’t fucked Blade. He’s like my brother… Ewww.” She shudders dramatically.

“Whatever.” I hold up my hand to stop her from saying more. “I give up. I don’t know anybody but you so… sure why not trust you.” I look at her in the mirror.

“Good, now let’s get you waxed and then I’ll finish your hair. Then we will tackle shopping.”

“What are you waxing? Because I like my eyebrows.”

Doug gasps. “Bite your tongue, we would never wax these.” He rubs his hand over my eyebrows.

I look at them and shake my head because I’m not stupid—they’re talking about waxing my girl parts, but I want to see their faces when I say no.


She pulls me up and I lean forward. My hair is like a different girl’s. She took off a couple of inches. It’s still at the middle of my back, but I have layers now, so it falls around my face. It’s so clean and shiny-looking I almost smile. Almost, because she is pulling my hand.

I jerk away. “Look, I have no intention of allowing you to wax my vagina,” I whisper, glancing around to make sure no one is around. An old lady sits in Jenny’s chair. She doesn’t look up from her magazine, but by her tight mouth I can tell she heard me.

“Knock it off. Stop being a baby. You have to.” Dolly pulls me into the back. I see a small kitchen with a table and adorable bistro chairs. Coffee hits my nose and I wish I could have one.

“In here. It’ll take a minute.” She drags me past the kitchen and the amazing aroma of coffee and into a small, dark room. After she flips on the light, I blink at the Pepto-Bismol–pink walls that nearly blind me. A huge mirror hangs on the wall and a table stands in the corner. And that’s about it besides a small cart that holds the wax.

“Why? Seriously, is he not going to fuck me if I have hair?” This is crazy. She’s acting like I’m committing a sin by not skipping in here.

Marina used to try to persuade me to get waxed. I always said no. I mean, it has to hurt. Putting hot wax anywhere near my vagina does not seem like fun.

“It’s part of the Disciples thing. All the women have to be bare.”

“Wait. What?”

She rolls her neck. “I know. It started years ago. Like before it was in to get waxed. The old timers shaved their women’s pussies. Now it’s tradition, but at least you can get waxed rather than have Blade shave you. Or is that what you want?”

I stumble back hitting the closed door. “What the fuck? Is that true?”

She nods. “Yep.”

I watch as she stirs what looks like dark green slime.

“I use the very best wax. Don’t worry—you won’t even feel it.” She snickers.

“I hate all of you. This is so weird. They’re like cavemen.” I’m rambling but nervous.

I jerk my shorts off along with my panties, climb up on the table, and close my eyes. When she spreads the warm wax on me, I jump a little. It doesn’t hurt, though it feels warm. Then she rips—and I mean rips—off a patch of my skin. At least that’s what it feels like.

I nearly jump off the table. “Are you insane? You said it doesn’t hurt! That hurt.” I’m glaring at her and she’s smiling. “God, you’re like a mean little elf.”

She giggles. “Come on, you’re a toughie.” She spreads the wax and swipes again. “And you’re blond. You should see when I have to have Doug do me. So not fair being dark and hairy.”

“Okay, please just stop.” I cover my eyes as she continues to rip. After what seems like an hour but is probably ten minutes she stops and sprays some kind of shit she says calms the redness, and I’m back in her chair where she’s finishing my hair.

“Perfect. Let’s get you everything you need.” She applies some red lipstick and grabs her purse.

“You ready, Doug?”

“I was born ready.” He sashays out of the kitchen carrying the best saddlebag I’ve ever seen.

“So, it’s already almost noon. Since she literally needs everything, we need to do the mall.” Dolly is checking to make sure she has all she needs for our excursion.

The mall. I cringe. I’ve never felt comfortable going to the mall. The one time I went with Marina, it seemed like everyone was staring at us.

“God, if only we had time, we could take her to Fred Segal,” Doug grumbles.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic