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We get shoes, makeup, bras, panties. Clothes, so many clothes. I manage to steal a ton of lipsticks and panties and some face cream. By the end of our shopping trip, I’m kicking myself for not tackling the mall before this. So much easier to steal from, nobody actually watches, and as long as you take shit that doesn’t have alarms, you can walk out with anything. We pile into Dolly’s car with all my bags from Bloomingdales, Victoria’s Secret, Topshop, Kiehl’s, and so on. I had to spend most of the money, but I think I still have four or five hundred left. I’ll find a hiding spot and start saving. Which means I need to be able to get out of the compound.

“Hey, do you think Blade would let me get a job?” I lean in the middle of the seats so I can talk.

Doug and Dolly are smoking.

“I guess. Discuss it with Blade.” She guns through a questionable yellow light.

“Well, is he reliable? Like if he says he’ll do something, does he?” I look at my nails.

“Are you kidding? If Blade says he’ll do it, it’s done. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t have to.”

She looks at me through the mirror. I flop back against the hot leather seat and close my eyes. Everything is going too fast. Yesterday I was in my crappy trailer worrying about everything. Today I’m sitting in a sports car with way too many clothes and a $3,000 bag.

I rub my temple and try to tune out Dolly and Doug’s incessant chatter. If only they would turn some music on. Who doesn’t listen to music when they drive?

Dark thoughts take hold. Visions of my dad and how desperately frail he looked. A broken man. He was good, loving, kind. He deserved more. And maybe just maybe I can give him that. For once he can be comfortable, have clean sheets. Jesus, oxygen that doesn’t make his nose bleed would be a relief. Dolly said Blade doesn’t lie, so I have to trust that. I can do this—be whatever Blade wants me to be as long as my dad doesn’t suffer. He’s all I have left.

I’m jolted out of my morbid thoughts by Dolly’s loud curse as she peels into the alleyway by the salon. She jumps out. “I’ll see you guys inside. I’m gonna pee myself.”

Doug laughs as he lets me out and reaches for my bag.

“Hey.” I push at him. “What are you doing?” My eyes dart around the parking lot.

“Just seeing how good you truly are. I get it. I used to have the same problem. But eventually everyone gets caught.” His brown eyes find mine then dip to my bag. Reaching into his bag, he hands me a brand new iPhone.

“I used to be you. But you need to be smart. Don’t try and fuck Blade over because you can’t. He’s like some kind of genius or something. He will find out all your stuff and you’ll be screwed.”

“Um…” I don’t know how to respond to this guy. His brown eyes seem way too smart for his age.

“And this is a gift from me and Dolly. We already programmed our numbers. If you need me anytime, I want you to know I’ll answer.”

I take the box and frown. “Thank you, but I can’t…” I hand the phone back.

“I told you, Eve. I was you. Take the phone.” I cock my head to get a good look at him and he’s actually letting me see him: his insecurities, his pain.

I shake my head. “Why would you guys do this?” Emotion hits me, whether I like it or not, and my eyes swim with tears. I’ve lost count of how many iphones I’ve stolen, but this is my very first gift in years.

“Because you need a phone. And sometimes giving someone a totally unexpected and unwanted gift makes them feel good.” He takes my hand and places the phone in it.

“I care.” He motions toward the door. Dolly is almost skipping toward the car.

“Dolly cares, and in this world, having a couple of people who care makes all the difference.”

“I feel like I should pay you guys something,” I say, reaching for my wallet.

He stops me. “Someday, when I need it. One of those days when you look at me and see I could use a gift. Do it then.” He looks over my head at Dolly. “Sorry, I gave it to her already.” He winks at us and walks through the back door of the salon, his boots crunching on the gravel. I look down at my new phone and over at Dolly.

“I… I’m so not used to this.”

She laughs. “Come on. It’s gonna take us awhile to get back with traffic.” I settle myself in the recently vacated front seat, which is still hot from Doug’s presence.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic