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“Oh my God,” I moan. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything this good.”

She smiles. “Enjoy it, Eve.” So I do. I let her have carte blanche with me. The only time I ever get my hair cut is when I can’t stand it. And I always go to Supercuts. Dolly happily chit chats with Doug and Jenny, trying to include me. But I’m the most relaxed I’ve ever been and almost asleep. When she starts the blow dryer, I jump.

“You okay?” She blows the warm air on my face getting rid of all the little hair clippings stuck there.

“I guess. I’m not used to this although I love it.” Glancing at my reflection, I grin. Even with my hair wet, the cut looks amazing.

“Wait until we shop and get makeup.” She turns to Doug and squeals, “How many appointments do you have today? How much fun would you have doing her makeover with me?” She waggles her eyebrows at him.

“My eleven a.m. canceled, so as long as we are back at two p.m. I’d love it.” He scans my face. “How much money do we get to work with?” He rubs his hands with glee and I notice a diamond stud in his nose.

“Blade said whatever she needs.” Both of them start laughing. I slink into the chair. Now I have two of them to deal with. It was bad enough when only Dolly was keeping a hawkeye on me. Doug seems ten times worse.

“If you’re not with Edge, who are you with?” I ask, trying to distract them.

“Aaand on that note, come get me when you guys are ready.” Doug spins around toward the reception desk.

Dolly sighs. “My dad used to be Blade’s dad’s VP, so I have been in the club since birth. But, I’m not with any of the guys.” She sniffs and pushes her shoulders back. “I’m done with those types of men. They think they own you, but God forbid they be faithful to you.” Her blow drying becomes aggressive.

“Sorry, it’s none of my business.”

She looks like she’s going to cry. Great just great.

“Sorry, Dolly. Men are pigs.”

She laughs. “You’re a little young to think that. At your age I was boy crazy.”

I shrug. “Not me. I couldn’t care less. Actually, if I could support my dad, I don’t think I would ever be with anyone.”

She stops the blow dryer. “Um… does Blade know you hate men? I mean are you into women?”

My whole face heats. I glance around only to see a curious Doug staring at me.

“I’m not into girls,” I snip. “But I don’t need a man to make me feel whole.”

Doug slithers over to Dolly and they both look at me.

“Okay, enough.” I go to stand up. They both push me back down.

“Why are you blushing, Eve? If I didn’t know better I would think you’re a virgin.” Doug leans into my face.

I push at him. “It’s none of your business. I need some air. All this sharing is not my thing.” I try to get up again only to have Doug circle me.

“Holy shit! She is. Oh my God, I’m in love with you.” He leans forward caging me in.

“What is wrong with you?” I push at him again. I hate people getting in my space.

Somehow my relaxing morning has gone to shit. And I’m starting to dislike Dolly and despise Doug.

“Doug.” Dolly hits his chest. “Let Eve breathe. Sweetheart, are you a virgin?” Her big brown eyes almost glow with excitement. She whirls and grabs Doug’s arm. “She is. Do you realize? I mean Blade is going to freak. Oh. My. God. I almost wish I could tell him.” She claps her hands.

“Look, I don’t need this.” My face is literally on fire. The last thing I want is for Dolly to tell Blade that I’m a virgin. I mean he’s gonna find out, but not through her.

She reaches over and hugs me. If I was mortified earlier, it seems this morning can keep getting worse.

“I am in awe of you. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.” She grabs the blow dryer again.

I don’t say anything because I’m pretty sure if I did, I would burst into tears. I’m Blade’s property, a debt, and everyone knows it. Think about Dad, I chant in my brain. But what if he’s a liar? What if he uses me as his whore and gets tired of me? He’ll stop paying for my dad. No, I don’t think so. I sit up straight, If I know one thing, I know that men are ruled by their dicks. All I have to do is get Blade, Jason, whoever the fuck he is to fall for me and I’m golden. This is why I need to stay on my toes. Every chance I get, I need to tuck away money. I’ll never be at any man or woman’s mercy.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic