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I can’t cause my brother that pain. I can’t undo all of the hard work he’s done. I can’t hurt him like this… even if it means tearing myself apart.

“Gabby, I can’t hurt him…”

“Yeah, I get it,” she says, her voice so quiet I have to strain to hear it and the pain threaded into it is enough to bring me to my knees.


“It’s fine, Dom. You’ve made your choice. You can’t hurt your brother,” she says, using her fingers to wipe her tears away. It doesn’t work, they’re falling too fast, each one like a nail driving through my heart.

“Gabby, Baby…”

“You can’t hurt your brother, you’d rather destroy me,” she whispers and then, before I can stop her, she takes off running.

Running away from me…

And I let her go…51Kayden“Promise me that we’ll always be this happy,” I murmur against Chains’ chest.

We’re lying in the bed in our private bungalow in Cabo. The breeze is blowing through the white gauzy curtains, the smell of salt air rolling in and you can hear the waves lapping lazily on the shore. If there is a heaven on Earth, then, this is definitely it. We’ve been here for two glorious weeks and tomorrow we head home. There’s still so much up in the air about our lives there, but I’m not nervous about it. I know in my heart that everything will click into place. As long as Chains and I are together, that’s all that matters.

“I can promise you that whatever happens, we’ll always be together and I that I will always love you, Baby Girl,” he says, his voice groggy with sleep and so sexy that my body instantly softens, wetness pooling between my thighs.

“I will always love you too,” I whisper, squeezing him again and closing my eyes at the happiness that I feel rushing through me. I can hardly believe that this is my life now. That Chains is my husband. I always thought I wanted a man who was smooth and a business man, one who didn’t understand the club life and wanted nothing to do with it.

I was obviously a fool.

“You better,” he grumbles, kissing the top of my head.

“I don’t want to go back to Kentucky.”

“Well, as much as I’m dreading looking at your father again, we kind of need to. I need to get back and sort out my life. Plus, I want to take you and introduce you to my sisters. Let them see what a lucky son of a bitch I am.”

“What if they don’t like me?” I ask, genuinely worried.

“They will love you. Shit, Baby, have you ever seen one person that doesn’t like you?”

“You’d be surprised,” I laugh, rolling over on my back. “Can’t we just find jobs here and live the rest of our lives as beach bums?”

“Well, that does sound good, but I think life’s realties would intrude on us soon—not to mention your daddy if I don’t get you back. Besides, I need to get my ass back to Kentucky and figure out what I’m doing.”

“Are you going to regret giving up your old life, Chains? I know you said you were okay with it, but I can live anywhere with you, even traveling.”

“That’s not realistic, Kayden. You were made for a nice house, with kids playing in the front yard and a man who busts his ass to bring that to you.”

“But this thing between us, heck us in general, Chains, it only works if we’re both happy. It can’t be all give and no take on your end, Sweetheart.”

“Trust me, Baby Girl, I’m getting a lot. Just last night I got the best blow job a man could want. I bet you’d even give that sausage chick, that we met in the restroom, a run for her money.”

I roll my eyes, but I do it laughing.


He moves so that he’s positioned over me, looking down at me, his eyes so intense that there’s no way to doubt the sincerity or the emotion in his next words.

“Kayden, I love you. I’d be happy anywhere as long as I knew you were. If you want to live on the back of my bike, traveling, we can do that. If you’re happy, I’m happy. But, with you in my life, for the first time, I’m looking forward to putting down roots. I want us to have a family and one day I want to be the stupid motherfucker who makes sure my daughter gets a man she deserves and beat sense into him when he fucks up.”

I laugh, I can’t stop myself, as my fingers sift through the hair on his chest.

“Did you just call my dad stupid?” I giggle.

“You don’t have to tell him that,” he grouses.

“It will be our secret,” I agree and I’m rewarded with his kiss. Once we break apart, I lightly rub his beard. “So, we’re going to buy a house, are we?”

Tags: Jordan Marie Savage Brothers Second Generation Romance