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“I don’t know anything new, Nicole. I’ve got Freak working and the entire club is out looking.”

“If something happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to her, Mama. I won’t let it,” I promise her.

I just hope it’s a promise I can keep.17ChainsMy sweet Kayden is up to something. I have no idea what it is, but she’s been acting strange ever since I stopped at the gas station. She’s probably plotting a way to get free. With any luck, I’ll work this anger out of her the right way and leaving will be the last thing on her mind.

That’s the plan at least.

I haven’t slept. Instead, I drove through the night. I’m going to have to stop soon, though. Kayden hasn’t said anything, but I know she needs a break. I’m feeling a little guilty for taking her, but not enough to stop now. Kayden has been catered to her whole life. I can tell.

If she thinks she can play me like she has the other men in her life, she needs to think again. Taming Kayden is definitely not going to be easy, but then, if she wasn’t a challenge, I probably wouldn’t be under her spell like I am.

I take the next exit off the road. I’ve stayed on the interstate most of the time, but the last little bit, I’ve been driving backroads. If Dragon’s men are close behind me, they won’t be expecting me to take the backroads—at least that’s what I’m banking on.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m tired. I can’t keep driving, I don’t want to risk getting you hurt.”

“It’s the middle of the day.”

“And I haven’t slept in over twenty-four hours.”

“I thought bikers were tough as nails,” she mocks.

“If we were on my bike, I’d be good. But, in a cage, with you here smelling so fucking good, I’m staying hard as a rock and I need a bed.”

Her eyes dilate and her mouth opens into a perfect ‘o’. I grin.

“I’m not sleeping with you,” she huffs. I keep grinning. “I’m serious, Chains. We are not having sex.”

“You can’t deny you want me, Kayden. Or did you forget how good it was when I got you off?”

“It was good. Then you played games.”

“The hell I did. A man doesn’t play games. I don’t know what you’re used to, but I’m nothing like those boys you’ve been hanging around with. I know what to do with a woman.”

“Yeah, that much was clear when I showed up at the club and you had Twinkies hanging all over your ass.”

“You can’t complain about that, Kayden. You’re the one that was there to pick up another man. Never mind that you were doing it not hours after riding the fuck out of my hand.”

“I was there to pick up Thomas. He needed a ride.”

“Tell me another one, Baby Girl, tell me another one.”

“I’m serious. They’re doing something to his bike and Dom was busy, he needed a ride.”

“Did you give him one? I mean I worked you up for it right?”

“You’re disgusting,” she mumbles, curling her nose. “You need to stop at the store before we find a hotel.”

“Don’t have time for that.”

“Then make time,” she orders.


“Listen, Chains, I don’t know what kind of girls you’re used to—”

“None. I make sure they’re women,” I tell her, then mutter under my breath, “That could be where I went wrong here.”

“Fuck you,” she says, telling me that there are no problems whatsoever with her hearing. “I think you get my dad is black and my mom is white, right?”

“What are you bitching about now?”

“All this fabulousness,” she says waving at her dark hair that falls in gorgeous curls all around her head.

“It is pretty fucking fabulous,” I admit, wanting it in my hands as I fuck her hard from behind.

“Well it doesn’t just happen without work. I need coconut oil.”

“Coconut oil?”

“I usually special-order stuff, but I doubt you’re going to find anything like what I want. So, this will work in a pinch.”

“You’re sending me to the store to get shit for your hair?”

“You don’t like it, you can let me out and I’ll call someone to come get me and get shit for my hair.”

“Jesus, how did I not know how fucking high maintenance you were?”

“Jesus, how did I not know how psychotic you were?” she mimics and turns back around to look out the window.

She’s not looking so I figure it’s safe to smile then…

Damn it… I really like her.18Kayden“What are you doing?”

I look up at Chains in surprise. He’s been pretty quiet since we got here. I am completely worn out, despite it being daylight outside. I’m not sure I can handle talking to him right now. I have too much going through my mind and I don’t know what to think about him. The fact that he’s kidnapped me and insists on dragging me with him—apparently through the entire state of Virginia—leaves me wondering if he’s Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.

Tags: Jordan Marie Savage Brothers Second Generation Romance