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“Don’t leave me hanging.” Seth grins cheekily. Kent releases me and I walk to Seth, repeating the process over again.

“I thought the two of you were going to finish setting up the tables?” Mark grumbles. They laugh, and Seth releases his hold on me and they get to work.

“What time are the others getting here?” I ask Mark, following him into the kitchen. He turns to face me, but instead of answering, he lifts me from my feet, yet again. Only this time, he places me on the center island that separates the kitchen from the living area.

He steps between my legs, bracing his hands on the counter on either side of me. “My buddies can’t seem to keep their paws off you,” he says, bending and kissing my neck.

“They were saying hello,” I point out. I’ve not seen this side of Mark, not really. We’ve been easygoing in our entire relationship, if that’s what you want to call it. So this is new. This… territorial thing he has going on.

“They can say hello without touching you.” His blue eyes bore into mine.

“Why does that bother you?” I ask.

“Pixie,” he says just as Ridge and Kendall walk into the house.

“Hey, guys. Sorry we’re late. Everly did not want us to leave,” Kendall says.

“Aww, you should have brought her,” I reply.

Mark kisses the corner of my mouth then turns to face them, remaining between my legs where I’m perched up on the counter. “You know the kids are welcome,” he tells them.

“Momma needs a night out,” Kendall says. “Don’t get me wrong, I love our children with everything in me, but it’s nice to get a small break once in a while.”

“Of course it is,” I assure her.

“Where do you want this?” Ridge motions to the crockpot in his hands.

“Oh, just park it over there on the counter. There’s an outlet for you to plug it in.”

“Cheeseball?” Kendall makes a goofy face as she pulls a container out of the bag she’s carrying.

“Fridge for now, at least until we’re ready to heat everything up.”

“This place is great,” Ridge says, coming to stand beside us. “Nice work, Adams.” Ridge holds his fist out for Mark and they bump.

“Amelia’s on her way,” Seth says.

“I’m glad to see she’s still in town,” Kent comments. “I wasn’t sure when she left for college if she would ever come home.”

“Did any of you, you know, date her?” I ask.

All five of them shake their heads.

“We were all just really close growing up. She’s like a little sister to all of us. She went away to college for some kind of math degree or some shit. She’s smart as hell,” Mark explains.

“It’ll be nice to have another female around to balance out all this testosterone,” Kendall says with a laugh.

“Right? Then y’all keep having boys. Ben, Beck, and Knox. We need someone to start making some baby girls,” I tease. “Poor Everly is never going to be able to date when she gets older.”

“Damn straight,” the four guys say in unison.

“You get right on that.” Seth smirks.

“Who says we’re not?” Mark counters.

“Who’s not doing what?” Tyler asks, coming through the front door. He stops and holds it open for Reagan.

“Nothing.” I’m quick to shut down the conversation. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but making babies is not something that we’ve talked about. Not that I’d be opposed to it. I just think it’s best if we table that discussion for just the two of us for the first time. “How are the boys?” I ask Reagan.

“Perfect.” She smiles. It’s a smile that lightens her features, one we didn’t see for a few months. I’m thrilled to know all is well with Ben, and Beck too.

“Just put it anywhere,” Mark tells Tyler when he holds up the pan he’s carrying.

“We have enough food for an army,” I say, looking at the littered countertop.

“We’ll eat,” the guys say, making the women in the room laugh.

“What about you?” I ask Kent. “No date tonight?”

“Nah, just wanted to be with family.”

“Hey, I’m dateless,” Seth reminds me. “You not worried about me?” He gives me puppy-dog eyes.

“I just assumed, Amelia….” I let the words hang between us.

“Nope.” He checks his phone. “She’ll be here in ten.” I don’t comment further. He says they’re just friends, I trust him.

“All right, well, I’ll put my dips in the oven to warm them up and then we can eat.” I tap on Mark’s shoulder for him to move, but he doesn’t budge. Leaning around him, I smile goofily. “Hey, tall man up front. The short girl has food to make,” I say, making him chuckle.

“Fine,” he concedes. He turns and grips my hips, lifting me into the air. As he slowly brings me down his body, he stops to steal a quick kiss before placing me on my feet.

“That’s new,” Seth announces.

“Not so new,” Mark rebuffs.

“It’s pretty new,” Kent agrees.

“What? We’ve… been together for months now,” Mark argues.

“That’s not what’s new,” Tyler chimes in.

“What you just did there.” Ridge points his finger and makes a circular motion toward the two of us. “That’s new.”

My cheeks growing hot, I move to step around Mark, and he lets me go.

“What? Kissing my girl’s a crime?” he asks his friends.

“Nope,” Ridge quips, and even though I’m not looking at them, I can hear the grin in his voice.

“So,” Reagan whispers, “did you two finally have the talk?”

“No,” I hiss.

“What talk?” Tyler asks.

“Nosey.” Reagan sticks her tongue out at him.

He smacks her on the ass, wearing a shit-eating grin before taking a seat at the island. “Really, what talk?” he asks again.

“Nothing,” I say quickly.

“It’s something,” Kent says.

“I wanted her to ask Mark if they could watch the boys for us,” Reagan tells them.

“What’s the big secret about that?” Seth asks.

“Nothing. I just didn’t know if Mark would be up for it, that’s all.” Reagan’s lies fall from her lips, and she’s rather convincing.

“You tell me when and it’s done,” Mark says, nodding. “I need more time with my nephews.”

It takes extreme effort to not let my shoulders drop with relief. That’s all I need is our entire group to be involved in the “are we more or aren’t we” conversation. Maybe I don’t need the conversation after all. I mean, he called me his girl.

Shaking out of my thoughts, I get busy heating up the dips that I made. I’m excited to spend a night with our friends and am determined to have a good time. To start living again.

Chapter Ten


I’m buzzed, well on my way to drunk. Midnight passed us about an hour ago, and my kiss at the stroke of midnight was one for the record books. Dawn has been so carefree tonight, laughing and joking with the girls. They turned the dining room into their dance floor. I’m sure it was a sight—the four of them out there dancing as if this was their last chance, and the five us standing in the doorway watching their every move. Well, I only had eyes for my pixie. She’s beautiful, and I don’t think I tell her that enough. I need to do better.

“Do better at what?” Kent asks.

“Shit.” I chuckle. “Did I say that out loud?”

“Yep. So don’t leave me hanging.”

I raise my hand that’s holding my red solo cup full of some type of concoction that Seth created. I don’t know what it is, but it’s damn good. And it’s damn potent. Pointing to Dawn, I say, “I need to tell her she’s beautiful. I don’t do that enough,” I confess.

“That she is,” he agrees. “You going to tie that down?”

I turn to look at him. His eyes are on the ladies as they dance like no one’s watching. “I thought I already had.”

“She know that?”

“She’s with me, isn’t she?”

“She is. She’s been through a lot.”

“You think I don’t know that?” I ask incredulously.

He finally turns to look at me. “I know you do, better than any of us. She’s all alone,” he says sadly. “I just think you should make it known she has a place with you.”

“I gave her a key.” My buzzed brain seems to think that’s enough.

He nods. “Good.”

Before we can take this riveting conversation any further, the girls descend upon us. Kendall and Reagan drag Ty and Ridge to the middle of the floor. I watch with amusement as Amelia drags both Seth and Kent, and they sandwich her between them.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance