Page 16 of Baron

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“I’ve got it from here. You can expect that I won’t be in the office tomorrow, brother.” He says nothing else. Just walks away with her in his arms. This day just keeps getting weirder by the minute. Thank God it is time for me to go home. I don’t think I can handle anything else at this point.Chapter NineBaron“Marquise, wait,” I shout to his fleeting back, but he doesn’t stop until he reaches the street.

He manages to hail a cab with the girl still in his arms. He's a badass. I don’t think I’d have the coordination to pull something like that off so effortlessly. It’s not what I was expecting when Frannie called us out here. A scared and filthy girl crouching behind a dumpster. No, not in the least. It must have been her tears that clinched it for Marquise. The one thing he can’t handle is a crying woman. It has something to do with his time before the orphanage. He never talks about that time, or at least, not with me. Though I’ve wondered about it, I know him well enough to leave it alone. He doesn’t like to dwell on the past. Instead, he focuses on the future.

“What was that all about?” Esther asks, staring after Marquise.

“I have no idea,” I answer honestly. He’s never shown an interest in a woman other than in passing, and its mostly actresses or anyone like them. I am in shock about the whole thing.

“Poor girl. She looked scared,” Frannie says. I nod my head in agreement. If I know my brother, and I think that I do, this means something. And it will be something big.

“She’s in good hands,” I promise.

“I am sure she is,” Frannie says.

“How much time do you have left before you are off?” I ask her.

“Ten minutes,” she says looking at her watch.

“Esther, will you excuse us?” I ask without looking at her. My eyes are glued and won’t come off of Frannie. Only Frannie. She keeps getting more gorgeous every fucking time I see her. I am about to the point where I will lock her ass in my penthouse and lose the fucking key.

“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you when I see you, Frannie,” she says as she is leaving.

“Bye Esther. That was rude Baron. What is so important that you had to send my best friend away?” She asks.

I move toward her, until she is backed against the wall and I’ve crowded her personal space. Taking a moment, I look down into her sparkling green eyes. Fisting my hands in her curly red hair, I pull her face closer to mine. Her perfume surrounds us.

“You are what’s important, Frannie. I can’t stand the thought of you working here. Your boss thinks he can touch what’s mine. I won’t and can’t stand for it to continue to happen. I need you to quit. This place is awful. You can do better and are so much better than this place.”

“Excuse me?” She says, pushing feebly at my chest.

“You heard me, baby. You don’t need this place,”

“I do, Baron. I really do. I have to get back inside, and you need to leave.”

“You are insane if you think I am leaving you here alone with your boss,” I say dryly.

“Of course, you’re not,” she says pushing past me.

I grab her slender arm and pull her back to me, kissing her intensely. She returns my kiss with fervor. A moan escapes out of her mouth before either of us knows it. I have her against the bricks again, yielding to me and my touch. I run my hand up her thigh and underneath her uniform skirt. This time, she doesn’t stop me. So, I continue upwards, until I reach her soaked panties. Pushing them to the side, I lightly run my fingers through her folds until I find her clit. I rub it briskly while pushing my cock against her hip.

“Stop, Baron,” she says. I do so immediately. “Oh fuck, don’t stop,” she moans, and I continue with my fingers running through her wet slit.

“I will never stop, Frannie. This pussy is mine. Mine. Do you understand me?” She nods, biting her lip. “Say it,” I demand, stopping the actions of my fingers.

“Say what?” She asks, confused.

“Say that this pussy, this pussy right here, is mine.”

“Uh… my pussy is yours Baron,” she squeals as her pussy clenches my fingers.

“Damn right,” I groan as I come in my pants like a fucking teenager. She does this to me. She drives me fucking crazy. Lust is nothing compared to what I feel for her.

“Oh God, that felt sooo good,” she says gripping my shoulders as she comes down from her orgasm.

“Enjoy the rest of your shift, baby,” I say kissing her again.

“Don’t think that we won’t be talking more about this quitting business later,” she says, rolling her eyes at me. Fuck, even that little bit of sassiness coming from her turns me the fuck on.

Tags: ChaShiree M, M.K. Moore Romance