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Mitya’s calm saved her sanity. She clung to that as his body continued to piston into hers. He gripped her hips hard as he surged into her, dragging her back into him. Each time his cock drove through her tight, reluctant folds, the friction sent waves of scorching heat and savage pleasure rushing through her. It was violent, it was brutal, it was the most amazing sex she’d ever experienced, but it wasn’t enough.

She was going to die if the flames didn’t stop. They were consuming her. Eating her alive from the inside out. She had no idea how long Mitya’s body pounded into hers, but suddenly the car stopped, and pulled to the side of the road. Mitya withdrew, his hands biting into her hard.

“What are you doing?” she wailed. “You can’t stop. You can’t.”

“Trust me, baby. This will be so much better.”

He opened the door and dragged her out into the fading light of the day. The other cars were out of sight. The car had been left on the side of the road, the fencing telling her they were near Bannaconni’s ranch. They were out on a private road, but still in plain sight of anyone passing by. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but making the fire stop. Miron had gone from driving their car to hopping into one of the others and disappearing down the road to leave them in privacy. She had no idea where Sevastyan was.

“Mitya.” Her voice was filled with urgency.

The breeze felt cool on her skin. There were droplets of water in the air, a very fine mist or a promise of rain—it didn’t matter, her hot skin soaked it up.

Mitya caught her in hard hands, spun her around and lifted her up onto the hood of the car. He yanked her thighs apart and she fell back, throwing her arms out to keep herself from slipping. Then she screamed, uncaring if the entire valley heard her. His mouth was there, hotter than hell, devouring her. Eating her alive, his tongue flicking hard at her inflamed clit. His teeth found her and tugged, biting down just hard enough that he triggered an explosion. The waves rolled through her entire body like flames.

He took his time eating her, his fingers working her, front and back, driving deep and then shallow. By turns gently and then rough. His mouth never stopped moving, tongue stabbing deep, then licking, his teeth biting down until she screamed with need, pain and pleasure mixing together to add to the wild, hot ride. It wasn’t enough. The burn just got hotter until she was writhing, out of control, begging him for something she didn’t understand.

He dragged her from the hood, spun her around again and shoved her over it, bending her at the waist, kicking her legs apart. Then his hand was there, turning her red cheeks to a brilliant crimson, sending those flames unfurling throughout her entire body. Each stroke was a blaze of fire and it radiated outward, stroking scorching heat deep inside so that flames rushed up her spine and down her legs, licking up her thighs, until she was an inferno.

Mitya took her savagely, half-mad himself with the drive of his leopard and his woman completely in the throes of her heat. Her body was his and he used it, riding her hard, stroking, petting, swatting and biting when the need drove him. His cock felt like a red-hot steel spike, so hard he might shatter. She was so tight and scorching hot, he thought he might burn up while inside her, and yet nothing could stop him from taking her. Nothing. No one.

He knew he was acting like a man possessed, but it didn’t matter. He wanted to crawl inside her, stay in that paradise that was more hell than heaven or more heaven than hell, the madness claiming both of them. Her screams drove him on. The way she pushed her sweet ass back into him, desperate for his cock, seeking his hand. The way she reacted when he buried his finger and then two between her cheeks as he fucked her harder and harder. All of it came together into a whirling vortex of complete pleasure.

Both of them had spiraled out of control. They moved together in a savage dance, while heat and flames burned them alive. He felt his body grow hotter and harder. Hers coiled tighter and tighter. Then she screamed again, a long, low sound somewhere between ecstasy and torment. Her body clamped down on his and he felt that same ecstasy and torment. The vise was vicious but felt so damn good he couldn’t think straight. His cock jerked hard, while her silken muscles milked him like tight, skilled fingers. Jet after jet of hot semen rocketed out of him, splashing the walls of her sheath, coating them with him. Branding her his.

Tags: Christine Feehan Leopard People Paranormal