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She closed her eyes, unable to stop rocking, unable to stop seeking all of his cock. That beautiful instrument that would assuage the burn. Her breasts ached; every vein in her body pulsed with the hot blood rushing through them.

“That requires a statement from you, Ania.”

“Yes. I’ll go.” She heard the sob in her voice. The plea.

His cock slammed home, and the fire engulfed her. Her muscles clamped down on him like a vise, locking him to her. He stilled, the head of his cock pushing into her cervix, just holding there. She felt his heart beat right through that thick shaft. She felt the vein throbbing, pulsing with power.

“You never put my men in the position you put Sevastyan. If you hit them or kicked them and they retaliated, know that I would kill them.” He bent over her, his mouth against her ear. “I am not just saying that. It is not an empty threat. If a man hit you, I would kill him. If Sevastyan had lost his temper and hit you, I would have killed him. My cousin. A man I love and respect. A man only doing what I asked him to do. Do you understand what I’m saying, Ania? You never put them, or me, in that situation.”

She nodded her head as his teeth closed over her ear and he moved his hips, sending a charge of electricity zinging through her body.

“I understand,” she whispered. She did, but she couldn’t think. Her body was on fire, every sense overloaded. Thunder rolled through her mind. Chaos reigned in her brain. There was only one thought. Mitya’s cock. His beautiful, perfect cock. She needed it desperately.

He knelt back up, caught her hair in his fist and yanked her head back. His hips began to move, a hard plunge that had her crying out. There was no stopping being vocal. She didn’t care who heard. He moved in her with absolute confidence, the way he did everything. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he gave it all to her. Hammering deep. Again and again. Changing his rhythm. Switching from rough to gentle. Excruciatingly slow, but so hot she could barely breathe. Pistoning like a machine, a jackhammer, a swift brutal invasion that had her sobbing for more.

She couldn’t move. He had her effectively pinned. She could only take what he gave her, all that delicious heat. The fire. The lightning. Every brutal plunge sent her breasts rubbing along the mattress so that the bells jingled and pulled, stretching her nipples and breasts, shooting lightning strike after strike straight to her clit.

It seemed to go on forever, that wild wave building and building, growing so large it threatened to take away her sanity. She couldn’t find air, the dizzy feeling heightening the euphoric high that came with the friction as her muscles coiled tighter around his cock. She didn’t want it to end, but she needed the release.

She felt his cock grow thicker, pushing against the tender tissue, the small desperate muscles that tried to stretch even wider to allow him to stake his claim on her insides. Then his cock was jerking hard, and the hot splash of his seed coating her sheath triggered the tsunami. It rolled over her, crashing through so that her insides tumbled and rolled, and she was flung far out of her body, someplace else where she floated in absolute ecstasy.

Her body throbbed and burned, pulsed with those lightning streaks, and lights burst behind her eyes. She heard his voice soothing her. His hands stroked over her skin. He eased her down and immediately released her ankles. She just stretched her legs out and let the aftershocks consume her.

Nothing had prepared her for that. No orgasm she’d ever had came close. She heard her heart thundering in her ears as he released her hands next. She pulled her arms back to her and tucked them close to her head, drawing her knees up until she was in the fetal position. Just that action sent another orgasm rolling through her.

“I need you on your back, kotyonok,” Mitya insisted, his hands moving her into the position he wanted.

She felt his fingers at her breast. “The blood is going to come back fast, baby, and you’re going to feel it.”

Before she could respond, he slipped the clamp off. Every nerve ending burst with the stimulation as the blood immediately rushed back to her super-sensitive nipple. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound emerged. His eyes locked with hers, Mitya bent his head and sucked her nipple into the soothing heat of his mouth.

She didn’t know if it was the stimulation of the blood coming back or his mouth triggering more quakes, but her body seemed bent on doing her in with orgasms.

Tags: Christine Feehan Leopard People Paranormal