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“With this ring I know Jace Seymour belongs to me, and I thee wed.”

Jace’s grin of happiness made Aggie’s heart soar.

“By the power vested in me,” the priest said. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Eyes a bit watery with tears, Jace drew her against him and kissed her as if he never planned to stop. Passion and emotion warred within Aggie until her senses were so overwhelmed by Jace—her husband—she could do nothing but cling to him and let him have his way.

“You may kiss your bride,” the priest said unnecessarily and slammed his Bible shut.

The guests and bridal party clapped and cheered as the kiss deepened and their passion intensified. Tears of happiness leaked from beneath Aggie’s eyelids, and she didn’t bother trying to stem their flow. She and Jace were now one. In her heart, they’d always been one, but now she understood the importance of weddings. It allowed a couple and those they cared about to celebrate the rare and wondrous love that two people found in each other. What could possibly be more glorious than that?

A brilliant glow lit Aggie’s face from the enormous stained-glass window behind the altar. The sun had found a break in the clouds.

The cheers and applause died at once, replaced with gasps of astonishment and whispers. Aggie tugged her lips from Jace’s and turned her face toward the window. A pair of human-shaped, misty apparitions embraced before the glass. Aggie smiled. Thomas and Katherine had found their way back to each other. It was about damned time.

“I think they’re kissing,” she said to Jace.

“I guess they finally sorted things out.”

“Thanks for coming to our wedding,” Aggie called to Katherine and Thomas.

The fading figure of Thomas lifted a hand in farewell, wrapped an arm around his wife, and then they vanished together.

“Maybe love really is forever,” Aggie said, turning back to Jace, “and we really can spend eternity together.”

“I hope so, baby,” he said, squeezing her hand and staring deeply into her eyes. “But we’ve still got a lot of living to do first.”

“And loving,” she said, crushing his handsome face between her palms and grinning until she was sure her cheeks would explode. “That’s the best part.”

Sneak Peek of Sinners in Paradise

Coming soon!

Need even more Sinners? The weddings are over, but the honeymoons are just beginning…

from Take Me to Paradise

For Brian, there was only one thing in the world more wonderful than waking up with his cock in the mouth of a skilled lover and that was knowing this amazing morning wakeup-call was being delivered by his spectacular wife, Myrna.

“Well good morning to you too,” he said, lifting his head from the pillow to watch her work her magic.

Since her mouth was otherwise occupied, she smiled a greeting with her pretty hazel eyes. She took him deep into the back of her throat and increased her suction as she pulled back.

His belly tightened in an involuntary spasm of delight and he dropped his head back on the pillow wondering what he’d done to deserve this fantastic alarm clock.

Myrna bobbed her head until he was so hard he could have used his dick as jack-hammer and then she pulled back until his cock popped out of her mouth. He watched her in silent awe as she crawled up his body to straddle his hips.

“I just took my temperature. It’s optimal,” she explained and reached between her legs to press his cockhead into her slick opening. His flesh rippled with pleasure as her tight pussy swallowed him inch by glorious inch.

Myrna wanted a baby almost as much as he did, and though they’d been trying for months, so far they hadn’t found success. She had recently resorted to taking her temperature near the middle of her cycle hoping to find her fertile time. She’d switched from a romantic approach to a more scientific one when fucking like rabbits anytime they were in the same room together hadn’t produced the desired results.

“I should be on top,” he said, “so gravity isn’t working against us.”

She pursed her lips together and nodded, blinking against the sudden flood of tears in her eyes. He understood her upset. It did seem like more than gravity was working against them.

Brian sat up and wrapped both arms around her. “Don’t cry, baby. It will happen.”

“How can it happen when you’re always on the road?” she said and snuggled her face into his neck.

She clung to him as if afraid he was about to desert her. Again. He knew most of their problem was that the current tour with his band kept them apart so frequently.

“I’m not on the road now,” he said.

“Only because the tour bus was ripped in half.”

“Maybe your ovaries planned it that way,” he said and rolled her onto her back. He was hoping to bring a smile to her face, but she just scowled at him.

“Don’t joke about the crash. I thought we were all going to die.”

He kissed her deeply and began to rock his hips, willing memories of that horrible experience to leave her mind and his. When she relaxed beneath him and began to explore his back with gentle fingertips, he churned his hips to give her more pleasure. He knew he could give her pleasure. He just wasn’t sure if he’d ever give her the baby she wanted so badly.

Myrna moaned softly, grinding against him as her pleasure built. He lifted onto his elbows, so he could watch her as he plunged into her, receded, plunged into her again. He would never tire of looking at her face or its countless expressions—her joy, her anxiety, her passion, her fear, her sorrow, her anger and tenderness and wonder and love. He cherished every nuance of her beautiful face and doubted he’d ever grow tired of watching her—not even when they were both old and wrinkled like a couple of enamored raisins.

“I love you,” he whispered when the emotion became too raw to hold inside any longer.

She smiled up at him and lifted a hand to touch his beard-stubbled jaw. “I love you too, Brian.”

They deserved to have the ultimate expression of their love. They deserved to have a baby. So why was making one so fucking difficult for them?

He made love to her slowly, filling her deeply, waiting for her to find her peak. He followed her in orgasm, making sure he was planted firmly against the entrance of her womb as he found release inside her. He withdrew slowly, trying not to disrupt what he’d left behind and the

n rested his head on her chest as he slowly regained his breath. She ran her fingers through his hair while he prayed that they’d made it happen this time. Please God, let her be happy. Let her have a baby. My baby. Please.

“Let’s go away somewhere,” she said after a moment. “Just the two of us. We never got to have a real honeymoon after our wedding and Jerry said it will be weeks before you’re able to get back on tour.”

That sounded like a great idea to him. “Where would you like to go?”

“I’ll go anywhere as long as I’m with you,” she said. “Except Canada. Canada doesn’t seem to like me much.”

The bus accident had occurred in Canada, and they both knew it had nothing to do with a place liking anyone, but he understood her hesitation in wanting to return there so soon after tragedy had struck the family of their little metal band.

“I’ll call a travel agent,” he said. “Are you hungry?” He bent his head and kissed her flat belly. He wondered what she’d look like with his baby growing inside her.

“A little. Are you?”

“Starving,” he said.

“I’ll get up and make you breakfast.”

He pressed her firmly into the mattress. “You stay here and incubate,” he said. “I’ll bring you something.”

“I appreciate that,” she said, her eyes growing moist again. Damn she was emotional while trying. He couldn’t even imagine how emotional she’d be once she actually got pregnant. He wouldn’t mind being there for her though. He was more than happy to make midnight runs for pickles and ice cream to keep a smile on her face.

“No problem,” he said and kissed her pouty pink lips. “It’s the least I can do after that wonderful wake-up you gifted me with this morning.”

“When my ovaries say it’s time, it’s fucking time,” she said with a laugh.

“We have at least twelve more hours to take advantage of their cooperation,” he said.

“Better make that breakfast a large one,” she said and patted his ass. “I think we’re going to need our stamina.”

Tags: Olivia Cunning Sinners on Tour Billionaire Romance