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I stand and stare out of the Wolves for a second longer before deciding that I’m good to turn my back again, and this time as I shove my foot up on the stool, I make my move quickly.

I push up and then step right onto the bar before turning and facing every man in the room, baring myself and letting them see the real me. Every eye in the room stares up at me, waiting to see what I have to say for myself. It’s then that I notice Russo standing in the back of the room, covered by shadows and watching me through narrowed eyes, clearly not liking what he’s seeing.

I stare out at the men who all look as though they’re wanting to skin me like some kind of animal and then wear me like a trophy, and I realize that I only have one shot at this. “I didn’t ask for this,” I start, keeping my voice strong, my chin raised, and my attitude fierce. “Just as you guys didn’t, but I’m not a fool. I’m not going to stand here and expect that I’m entitled to your loyalty. I know if I were standing in your position, I’d sure as hell not be giving it. But I can guarantee that I will earn it.”

A few scoffs come from around the room before a deep voice tears through the silence. “You’re just a fucking kid. How the hell do you think you’re going to earn our loyalty?”

Well, that’s a good fucking question.

I take a shaky breath and try to pinpoint the guy who had asked but come up with nothing so just keep addressing them as a group. “I’m going to be real with you, I don’t know why Russo put me here. That’s something you’re going to have to take up with him. However, I do know that I came here with one goal and one goal only. I want to take down Dominic Garcia.”

More scoffs sound around the room, and I quickly realize that’s their arrogance talking. “Good luck, princess,” someone says. “A kid like you couldn’t even get within ten feet of the guy.”

I raise a brow, actually able to find the guy who spoke. “Then it might come as a surprise to you to know that Dominic Garcia has been in love with me for over four years. I am his weakness, and I’m the only person on this fucking planet who is capable of getting close enough to destroy him. Up until a few weeks ago, I thought that I was going to need a whole fucking army to take him down, but it turns out that all I need is me. He killed my father and my boyfriend’s father, so no, I’m not just going to sit back and let you fuckers walk all over me. I have a fucking job to do. So you know what, follow me or don’t. It makes no difference to me. I came here with one purpose, and I intend to see it through with or without you.”

All eyes watch me and after a beat of silence. I give them their choice. “Take your pick,” I tell them. “Either stand with me, or turn your backs on your brothers and walk out the fucking door. But I can guarantee that if you walk, you won’t be going free. Turning your back on me is turning your back on the Wolves and aligning yourself with our enemies. It’s fucking ride or die, so what’s it going to be?”

The silence is deadly and my nerves are at an all-time high. I’ve never felt anything like it, but when Jaren launches himself over the bar and stands in front of me, I feel things beginning to shift.

He drops to one knee before me. “I’ll follow you.”

Christian follows, sending a wave of pride soaring through me. “I’ll follow you.”

One by one, men begin dropping to their knees, realizing they have no choice but to give me their loyalty or to turn their backs on their brothers. I’m not stupid enough to think that from here on out it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows. I haven’t got their loyalty, I have a chance at gaining it, and I’m going to have to make some drastic moves to prove that I deserve it. Otherwise this is going to be a shitshow.

Within a moment, every knee is on the ground except for one, and I stare him down, knowing that this guy is going to be a problem.

Snake and I stare at each other in a fight for dominance, and our stare only breaks when a sharp tone cuts through the Den. “KNEEL TO HER,” Russo demands, stepping out of the shadows. “She’s your leader now. You will give her your loyalty.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance