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Great. What have I done now?

I clench my jaw. I haven't exactly been upfront with these guys about killing her father or Charles Carrington. If they knew what I’d done … fuck. I’d lose them all. I let out an irritated sigh. “Not this fucking bullshit again,” I snap, getting ready for the same old argument. “I fucking told you; we had a disagreement.”

“A disagreement?” he scoffs, his voice quickly rising into hysteria. “Fucking bullshit. A disagreement doesn’t lead my fucking girl to waltz into the Wolf Den.”

I snap my gaze back to Kai and Sebastian and just like that, they know exactly who this is about. “What the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean she went to the Wolf Den?”

Sebastian’s head snaps up. “What?” he demands as Kai stares with wide, horrified eyes, a million different scenarios flying through each of our minds.

“I mean what I fucking said,” Eli snaps, his following growl more vicious than I’ve ever heard him. “What did you do to her? I’ve been with her all fucking morning. She said you didn’t give us the full fucking story, and when she went to leave, I followed her only to find her pulling up in Blaxlands Grove and walking straight to their fucking door like she owned the place. WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?”

FUCK. Fuck. Fuck.

The betrayal slices through me like a warm knife through butter, and I might as well be the traitor bleeding out on the cold ground. If they knew I went there and held a gun to her head, forcing her to choose between me and Colton … FUCK.

My silence speaks volumes, and as Kai and Sebastian stare at me, knowing whatever I did would have been awful, Eli’s voice comes rumbling through the phone. “You’re fucking dead.”

The call goes silent and my hand instantly clenches around my phone. “FUCK,” I yell before launching my phone across the compound. It smashes against the brick wall and splinters into a million pieces.

“What the fuck did you do?” Sebastian demands, stepping right into me and blocking me. “Where’s O?”

I slam my hand against his chest, forcing him a step back. “What does it fucking matter now? That bitch betrayed me. Betrayed us all. She’s the fucking Wolves problem now.”

Sebastian pushes me right back, and within seconds, we have the eyes of every fucking Widow in the compound on us. Slowly they creep in, waiting for the moment they're needed to protect their leader from a threat. But they should know, if any other fucker lays a hand on one of my boys, they’ll have me to deal with, even if one of them has a gun against my head.

Oceania Munroe is a fucking goddess. She’s the love of my life, but the fact that she’s in the arms of that rich prick has me going in-fucking-sane. None of that matters right now. All that matters is how badly I screwed up. I pushed her too far; sent her straight into the arms of the enemy. They have her right where they want her now, ready to squeeze every last ounce of information out of her, and then fuck her over for fun. She’ll give them what they want with a fucking smile on her face, just to stab me in the back.

She’s the real traitor here. She turned her back on her family and I will never forget it. If I didn't love her, she would have been finished when she chose him over me. Why doesn’t she understand that she belongs with me? We’d be unstoppable together.

Sebastian steps into me, crowding me as his eyes narrow to slits. He’s the fun-loving one, but when he needs to be, he can be dangerously lethal. “What the fuck did you do?” he growls, repeating himself so low that Kai flinches, getting ready to jump in to pull us apart.

My hands curl into fists, more than ready to lay his ass out when a high squeal of tires comes to a screeching halt just outside the roller doors. Eli comes tearing in, ignoring all the Widows who now have their guns out, ready to face down any threat.

Eli comes storming up to me and grabs the front of my shirt, hauling me away from Sebastian, and within the blink of an eye, his fist smashes against my jaw like a fucking freight train. I stumble back and crash into Sebastian, who pushes me right back at Eli, who’s ready with another punch, this time straight under my ribs, instantly winding me. “FUCK,” I grunt, spitting out a mouthful of blood before straightening up.

I throw myself right back at the fucker and we go crashing down against the hard concrete floor of the compound. I nail him back, right in the eye, knowing damn well that the dick is going to have one hell of a black eye for the next few weeks. The fucker bruises like a peach.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance