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I’m done with that now. The time has come to rise up again. The time has come to claim back what’s mine.

I walk through the hallway, a cocky as fuck smirk on my face knowing that this is going to go off exactly how I had planned it. I’m not going to lie, there may have been a few extra bonuses along the way.

Today is the day. We've been waiting for this for so long, planning every little moment right down to the end.

I’m going to have to go underground, going to have to keep silent, keep my head down. I’ve even been toying with the idea of an alias, but I can figure that shit out later.

I look left and then right before slipping through the door of the infirmary. It took me weeks to get on the cleaning roster for this room, and now that I’m here, I won't be wasting a single second. This has to go perfectly.

The infirmary is cold. It’s always fucking cold, but lucky for me, I haven’t had to come in here often. I’m usually the one putting dickheads in here in the first place. The room is empty, just as I knew it would be, but I don’t have long. The old Doctor is due back from his lunch break in twenty minutes.

My hand slips into the front of my pants and stepping out of the line of cameras, I pull out the key that leads through to the back room. As the camera scans, I make my move, running to the door and slipping inside the room before the camera comes back around.

I duck down, hiding behind the window, and I have to crawl like a fucking toddler to get through to the next door, but when I do, it’s so fucking worth it.

Right where I knew it would be is the black body bag of the dickhead I’d put in here only two days ago.

The room is freezing, but I put that to the back of my mind as I walk over to the body bag, grinning as I take hold of the zipper, and slowly drag it down, revealing the face of Ocean’s nightmare.

Jude Fucking Carter. I’ve been waiting for the day that I got to take his life, and it was fucking perfect. The fact that it worked well with my plan was just the cherry on top.

“Good afternoon,” I say, grinning down at the fucker. “I trust you’re having a nice little rest in here, but unfortunately, it’s time to fuck off.”

I grab his heavy body and glance around. Now, where the fuck am I supposed to stash this? There’s a supply closet where his body will start decomposing quickly or the freezer. Hmm, choices, choices.

I take the supply closet. The fucker can rot for all I care.

I throw Jude’s body into the supply closet before looking back at the black bag and cringing. This is the part of the plan that I wasn’t all that thrilled with, but I do what I have to do to get back on top. It will just never get spoken of again.

I climb in and zip it up, sending my world into darkness as I do my best to try not to breathe in the stench of Jude’s dead body. I hold back vomit. I have to be careful. If I get caught in here, I’m fucked.

An hour ticks by before I hear the door finally open, and I listen carefully, not moving a fucking inch. The table starts moving, and I’m rolled out a back door to where I hear the familiar sounds of a transport van. There are birds, the sounds of men working in the yard, chains and gates, but the one thing I don't hear is the alarm.

The roller table that I lay on is pushed right to the back of the van and I feel as the tags on the bag are all checked. I hear a familiar voice who confirms numbers with the guard in charge of the transport, and after double-checking that this is indeed Jude Carter’s body bag, the whole bag is grabbed and carelessly thrown into the back of the transport van.

The engine starts, and soon enough, the van is driving out of the gates, stopping at every checkpoint to have the van searched. I hold my breath every time. I can not get caught, especially after getting this far.

When the van finally makes it out onto the road, I let out a breath of relief, and before I know it, the zipper is yanked down and light floods in through the fucking dirty ass bag.

“Hey, brother,” Kairo grins, looking down at me. “Long time no see.”

He instantly helps me out of the bag and claps me on my back before tossing a pair of clean clothes at me. “Here, take these. You fucking stink like death.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance