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He shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced around the huge space at the busy guests coming and going. A tall shaven-headed man strode past Adam, almost bumping into him, and his nerves were eclipsed by anger. Not because the guy had almost knocked him, but because he’d reminded Adam of Tariq. Preti had told him about Tariq’s visit to the boutique earlier, and the thought of that thug being anywhere near Amy sent anger straight from his brain to his muscles. He would gladly fight to protect Amy. He wanted keep her away from the madness in his personal life; to make love to her over and over until she could barely walk. Until she agreed to stay with him forever.

Forever? No, no, no! His idea of a long-term relationship usually just meant staying for breakfast…

But inviting Amy to his parents’ anniversary party was a huge deal. This was the first time the family had gathered since Ivan’s funeral two weeks ago, and he knew his parents were going to feel torn and fragile. He was optimistic that turning up with this beautiful and intelligent woman would thrill them, just as she thrilled him; she was so… lovely – as the British would say.

He shook himself out of it as his eyes were drawn again towards the grand staircase. If this had been a movie, violins would’ve burst into song, and the extras in the crowd would’ve fallen silent and turned to look at the beautiful, glamorous woman who was now walking down the steps, like a superstar.

The suited-and-booted men and women in the lobby stared in awe – just as Adam did – unable to hide their admiration for his date. His heart pounded with pride. His cock hardened with arousal. She was his, plain and simple. And she looked perfect; that body, those curves. Her blonde hair had been twisted up at the back to look sophisticated and glamorous, and her subtle make-up highlighted her natural beauty, making her big blue eyes glisten and her red lips pout.

Adam was momentarily assaulted with a flash of Amy’s spectacular blow job this morning, making him yearn for another session with those marvellous lips around his cock. He forced himself to act cool. What was it about this woman that he desired so much more than the leggy blondes he’d usually date? Amy was feisty and fiery; independent and strong. But now – thanks to Adam – she had a weakness for mind-blowing orgasms, and he couldn’t wait to give her another.

She spotted him across the bustling room and waved shyly. He grinned, trying to remain casual. He knew he looked good in his tux.

She floated over and halted. “Good evening, Adam.”

“Amy, you look more beautiful than any woman I ever saw.”

She chuckled modestly. “I doubt that, but thank you.”

He reached out and took her hand, then gently kissed it, maintaining smouldering eye contact. Amy blushed at this display of public attention, which caused lust to zoom through Adam’s body. This gentlemanly act masked a deep passionate desire to fuck her hard in front of all these people, and he sensed that he

r prim and proper act was hiding similar desires. He couldn’t wait to get her out of that silk gown so he could take her slow and hard, ensuring total satisfaction for her – which would automatically ensure his own delight.

He gently brushed his fingers over her bare shoulder. “Your chariot awaits.”

“Thank you.”

She smiled – almost sincerely. He was determined to get her smiling with affection for him before she left America – he wanted her to lose control outside the bedroom, too. It was for her own good; her face came alive whenever she smiled and laughed – it was such a welcome contrast to the steely serious expression she seemed so keen to maintain.

He held out his arm, so she linked her hand through it, then he led her outside and towards his chauffeur-driven Jag. Adam owned five sports cars, but this was his favourite – it was sleek, powerful, and possessed plenty of room in the back for sex on the move.

Amy halted. “Wow, nice car!”

“Only the best for you, babe.”

She grinned shyly. “Remember what I said about flattery not working?”

He chuckled and held her hand. “Come on, let’s get in.”

The chauffeur opened the door, and Adam noticed that even he double-taked the beautiful Amy. She glowed with a natural inner-radiance that emphasised her external beauty. She was confident, yet humble. Adam adored that about her.

The driver set off for the hour-long drive to his parents’ house so they got comfy in the back seat with their arms around each other, like a married couple on the couch in front of the television. But it felt new and sparkly as well as secure and cozy. Adam squeezed Amy tight, suddenly desperate to ravish her here and now. But there was something he needed to ask her first.

“By the way, Preti said Tariq Shard interrupted your shopping trip earlier. You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. He seems… harmless.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, babe. Did he try to contact you again afterwards?”

“No. But he said you and Dylan are up to no good.”

“He’s just trying to cause trouble. I promise, everything’s above board, okay.”

“I want to believe you. But why would he be so desperate to talk to me?”

Adam kissed her on the forehead. “It’s good to be sceptical, but just believe this: Tariq Shard’s not a good guy. He was once, but now he’s bitter and full of revenge. Promise me you’ll stay away from him. Not only for the business side of things, but for your own personal safety. Please, Amy?”

Amy smiled kindly. “Okay. I will.”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance