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“Yeah.” His voice was thick as he stared down at his hand. “I think I know, but I just want to be sure. You know? What do you want now?”

I dragged in a deep breath as I vaguely realized he was going to make me say it.

One of his fingers moved, coming so close, a strangled sound came out of me. “Anything you want. Always. You just have to tell me.”

“Touch me,” I gritted out. “Please.”

Those glowing eyes shot to mine. “Of course.”

And then he touched me, and my hips bucked and my head fell back. I thought I heard him curse over the pounding of my blood. He might’ve said my name, but I couldn’t be sure.

I was moving against his hand, hips lifting and twisting while he watched me, his eyes fixed to my face, soaking in every response. With anyone else, I would’ve been too uncomfortable, too self-aware to fully let go, but with him …

With Luc, anything seemed possible.

He swore again, and then he was leaning over me, taking from my lips as I clutched at him, my fingers digging into the taut skin of his side. He didn’t let up. He didn’t stop. My back arched off the bed, and he followed me, the tip of his tongue tasting the gasps parting my lips.

“I’m going to have to remember that,” he murmured against my mouth. “You seem to really like it.”

I did.

I so did.

Picking up my thoughts, Luc chuckled and then nudged my head back. His mouth blazed a hot path down my throat. “I know you’re going to like this more.”

My entire body jolted, legs curling, hips lifting. I grasped his wrist as a low moan escaped me. Not to pull his hand away but to keep it there.

“Knew it.” He nipped my neck, eliciting a sharp cry from me.

His mouth closed over mine again, and I lost all sense of time, lost to the darkness of the room, to Luc. Breathing heavy against my parted lips, Luc cursed under his breath—

It was all too much.

The tension broke, and my cry was silenced by his mouth, by a kiss that was as fierce as the pleasure pounding through my body.

There was a good chance my heart stopped at some point, and the only reason I knew I was still alive was because I could feel the soft kisses Luc dropped along my damp brow, my closed eyes, the tip of my nose, and across my cheeks.


The way he said my name forced my eyes open, as if he were begging and cursing me in the same instant. There was a faint whitish glow surrounding him. His face was inches above me, and the need to shower him with the same attention powered through me. I wanted him to feel what I’d just felt, to share—

I reached for him, slipping my hand down his stomach, farther. My heart about stopped again.

Luc caught my wrist. “Peaches.”

“What?” I strained against his hold. “I want to tou—”

“God,” he groaned. “Don’t finish that sentence. You’re killing me.”

“I don’t have to finish the sentence. Just let me finish what I want to do.”

His laugh was strangled. “You have no idea how much I would love to let you finish me.”

My cheeks flushed.

“But not here.” He lifted my hand to his mouth and he kissed the center of my palm. “We’ll wake Sylvia.”

I stared up at him. “Now you’re worried about her?”

“Yeah. Trust me. I’ll definitely wake her,” he replied, and my brows lifted. “You want to give me something I want?”

“Yes.” I did. I really did.

“Just let me hold you.” He threaded his fingers through mine. “That’s what I would like right now.”

Based on what I’d felt seconds before, I doubted that was what he wanted, but I had forgotten that we weren’t home alone, and we were pushing our luck.

“Later, then?” I felt my face burning. “We have later.”

A soft smile played over his lips. “We do.”

“Okay.” I squeezed his hand. “I guess we can be responsible now and sleep.”

He chuckled as he rose over me, kissing me quickly before settling beside me. A moment later, he had one arm underneath me and the other around me. My back was to his front, and he held me so close that there was no mistaking he was being responsible.

More so than I was.

I wiggled a little, grinning when he groaned in my ear. “Behave,” he warned, squeezing the hand he still held. “And go to sleep.”

“Okay.” My grin grew into a smile and several moments passed. “Luc?”

“Yeah?” He sighed.


“Please do not thank me for that,” he cut in. “I know it was amazing. I could tell. I watched you the whole time. But it was my pleasure.”

My eyes opened wide as I looked over my shoulder at him. “Wow, Luc. I was going to say that was something special.”

Tags: Jennifer L. Armentrout Origin Romance