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“You know you can talk to me,” I say, barely above a whisper. “I love you, and I would never judge.”

“I know,” she says, and she stands, wrapping me in a hug that surprises me. I wrap my arms around her hesitantly while she squeezes me tight. “And I will. One day.”

When she releases me, she hangs her hands on her hips, eyes on her closet. “Welp. Time to figure out what the hell to wear.”

“To therapy?” I smirk, pushing myself off the bed to stand. “I’m sure what you have on is fine, Ex.”

“Well, I might go to dinner after, so I just want to be prepared for both.”

I cock a brow. “Dinner? With who?”

Her eyes widen as she finds me, but she shrugs quickly. “Just some kids from therapy.”

She doesn’t elaborate, and I take it as a cue that she doesn’t want me prying, so I drop it, but not before giving her a look that I know lets her know that I know.


I just don’t know what I know.

“Alright,” I say, still eyeing her. “Well, I’ll see you at Chapter tomorrow. Love you.”

She makes a kissy face, dipping into her closet as I let myself out.

Skyler is nowhere to be found when I make it to our room down the hall, so I put on some music while I get ready. I take my time, brushing my teeth and applying my makeup with care before slicking my long hair back into a fierce, high ponytail. I dig out one of my favorite little black dresses, slipping it on over my head — but only after layering up my new, hot pink lingerie set — complete with a garter belt and stockings.

When I’m dressed, I slip into my high heels and make my way downstairs, a wicked grin on my face as I fire Kade’s car to life. It’s a short walk down Greek Row to the Alpha Sigma house, but I want to remind him that I’m the one with the power in our little arrangement.

Plus, high heels and long walks are not friends.

I haven’t talked to Kade since he showed up on the Kappa Kappa Beta front porch during rush week. Now that recruitment is over and the first week of classes is under my belt, I’m ready to deal with him.

And he may think he’s ready, but he’s nowhere near.

I park my car in the Alpha Sigma parking lot, ignoring the blatant stares and gaping mouths as I strut my ass through the yard, shoving the front door open without knocking.

I know the code, obviously, because I’m fucking J-Love.

Adam is in the living room with a group of his brothers, and they all stop talking when they see me. But I don’t acknowledge a single one, keeping my eyes locked on the hallway as I make my way toward it.

Every open door I pass is quickly filled with heads leaning out to watch me walk by, and I smirk at the power I feel rushing through my veins. When I make it to Kade’s room, I stand in the doorway, popping my weight onto one hip.

He’s on his bed, with two other brothers in the room with him. One is in the bean bag on his floor, and the other is sitting backward in Kade’s desk chair, all of their eyes locked on the television screen.

On some stupid video game, to be more exact.

At first, none of them look up, but the one in the bean bag glances toward the door. He looks back to the television, then does a double-take, and his jaw drops as he hits the leg of the kid sitting on the chair.

“What the fuck, you’re both going to die,” Kade says, still hammering away at the remote control in his hands. He scowls. “What are you losers gaping at?”

Then, he turns and sees me, and all the blood drains from his face.

Carnage ensues on the television screen with the three of them watching me, and I smirk like the devil I am.

“Out,” I say simply to the two brothers with their jaws on the floor.

They jump up without question, averting their eyes from me the best they can as they make their way past me and into the hall. As soon as they’re gone, I shut the door behind me and turn to face Kade.

He swallows.

“So,” I say, walking toward him with my hips swaying slowly and purposefully. His eyes drink in every inch of me, and when I’m right in front of where he’s sitting on the edge of his bed, I stop, just out of his reach. “Have you been a good boy?”

His eyes grow hungrier and hungrier, his erection already so hard and strong that his basketball shorts look like a fucking tent.

I reach out and forcefully grab his chin, tugging it up until his eyes are on mine. “Answer me.”

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance