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“Good to know…in exactly three and a half days.”

“Oh, are you keeping track?” she teases.

“You know I am. Better yet, I know you are too. You want a piece of this bod as much as I want all over yours.”

She purses her pretty pink lips. “Hmm. True.”

I grin. “Let me hose down and grab a beer and some snacks. I’m feeling like loafing with my woman today.”

“You’re the perfect man. And I’ve got lots of snacks. What were you thinking? No!” She holds her hands up. “Let me surprise you! I’ll make you a smorgasbord!”

I chuckle and stand up, not bothering to cover my junk or the mess I made in her honor. “All right. Try and put something healthy in there, yeah?”

She frowns and her entire face squishes up as though she’s smelling something putrid. “Um…healthy? Huh.”

Laughing I shake my head and leave the laptop where it is. “I’ll let you think on that, princess. Be back in ten.”

I rush through the process of showering off a great afternoon delight and tug on a pair of sweatpants and a red T-shirt. Once I’ve donned a pair of socks, I pad back into the living room and head for the kitchen. I snag two cans of beer and the fresh cucumbers I already peeled and cut along with the homemade hummus I made. Tagging my loot, I bring it back to the table and set it down.

“Check your door!” I hear her holler but don’t see her face on the video screen.

This girl. I smile and go to my door to see the offering she left me.

Oh no, she didn’t.

Grabbing the plate, I bring the lot back to the couch and sit my ass down. When I get there, she’s got a clear bubbly drink in hand with a lime wedge shoved inside it.

“Soda, lime, and vodka. My favorite.”

“Baby, what the fuck is this?” I lift up the plate.

She sits cross-legged on the couch and puts her own plate on her lap. “Okay, the square shapes are Triscuits with Cheez Whiz on top. You know, cheese…healthy.” She beams while explaining. “Those brown things are dark chocolate-covered almonds. I know, I know. So good for you!” There is honest to God pride in her tone and I can’t help sucking my lips between my teeth and letting her carry on with her joy. “Then of course, the pièce de résistance…the hunks of salami.”

“What’s in the center of them?”

She positively exudes excitement. Her cheeks pink up and her eyes are a stunning blue and shimmering beautifully. “Cream cheese and pepperoncini! It’s a veggie! Look at me. Feeding my man the good stuff. Keepin’ that body fit and toned! Mmm hmm.” She wiggles around happy as a clam.

I do not have the heart to tell her that none of this is exactly healthy, but it’s not all candy and that’s a plus. “Thank you, baby. This is wonderful. Though I draw the line at eating canned cheese.”

She frowns. “Really? That’s the best part!”

I laugh and point at the TV. “What channel is this vampire story on?”


We both turn on the TV and get to the right channel.

“Ohh we are right on time! It’s just the opening sequence. Awesome! I can’t wait to find out if you’re Team Edward or Team Jacob. I’m firmly in the Team Edward camp but I can see the appeal of Jacob. I mean a wolf-shifter is all super alpha and hot. I bet you’d make a great shifter.”

“Are you for real? A wolf shifter? I thought we were watching vampires?”

“We are. There are all kinds of paranormal things happening in the movies. The books are even better, but I think you’ll find Bella to be sexy and sweet. You seem like you enjoy the girl-next-door types.”

That has me cracking up. “I like curvy, gorgeous blondes who eat garbage, speak their minds, and make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.” I lift up the rolled bit of salami.

“Hmm, and I thought you liked me for my awesome phone and video sex skills. I slay at that!” She lifts her chin.

“Baby, you are unlike any woman I’ve ever known. Everything I learn just makes me like you more. Now eat your fake cheese and tell me why we’re watching children in high school. I thought you said this was a romance with a lot of action?”

“Oh, it is! Just, you know, pretend they’re in college. That’s what I do.”

I laugh. “They’re clearly in high school, babe.”

“The actors are older though. Anyway, they get out of school soonish. Just pay attention.”

For the next two hours I get sucked right into her vampire-shifter world. By the time movie one ends I’m fired up to watch the second but hungry as a horse.

“Let’s pause the TV and I’ll make us some dinner, cool?”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance