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“Be careful, Polly.”

“You too. I’ll be in touch soon and e-mail you the link when the press release goes out across the wire.”

“Thank you, Polly. For having my back and believing in me.”

“Again, it’s my job and I love doing it. We’ll talk soon. Be safe.”

“Will do.”

She hangs up and I immediately pull up Coach’s number.

“Sparks, I’ve seen the report, son. It’s good news.”

I make my way into the living room and sit on the couch. “Yeah, I’m relieved.”

“Unfortunately, there’s still the matter of the contraband found in your locker. What was it doing there?”

“Coach, I have no idea! I swear on my love of the game, I did not buy those steroids.”

The coach sighs heavily. “That doesn’t solve the problem. It was in your locker. Now we have to test the entire team. The guys are pissed.”

Fuck. If they didn’t already hate me for believing I was juicing, now they’re going to hate me for putting them through unnecessary testing.

“I am too! This is my whole fucking life, Coach. I’ve worked my ass off to be here and someone’s trying to take it away.”

“Just tell the truth. You’re selling it,” he states flatly.

“Are you kidding me! NO! I said I’m not dealing, and I have no idea who put that there. I’m being set up and I’m going to find out by who!”

Coach pauses and another sigh can be heard. “Not sure what to say. We have rules.”

“I’m going to clear my name! Speaking of, do you remember the girls you brought to the party that night?”

“Son, they’re cheerleaders on our team. Of course, I remember them. Tiffany and Jessica. That Tiffany is a good girl, but naughty as fuck. One of my favorites,” he says smarmily which has me trying to hold off the bile rising in my throat. Dirty fucker.

“Not Tiff and Jess. Mindy, the other one.”

“Hmm, Mindy. Can’t recall. She just appeared at my side at some point and then left me to go hang with you.”

“So, you don’t know where she came from?”

“Nah. I entered the party with Jessica and Tiffany arm-in-arm. You know how I like a twofer when I play.”

I have to swallow and breathe through my nose hearing the way he talks about women I consider my friends. Though I’ve also fucked Tiffany—hell, half the team probably has. She likes to party. To each his own, I say, but still the way the coach views women is just gross.

If I had bigger balls and wasn’t afraid to be kicked off the team, I might say something. Except these women are of age. They make their own choices. No one is forcing them to do anything. I actually checked in with Jess and Tiff about it in the past. They enjoy having a pool of men to party with and have wine and dine them. They feel safe with the team. Something about living it up in their youth too. Far be it for me to rain on their parade if it’s what they want to do. Honestly, it’s no different than how most of the guys on the team are.

“Mindy is the one that doped me with the Rohypnol, Coach. I’ve got to find her and find out who put her up to it.”

“Shit. Good luck, son.”

“Yeah, sounds like I’m gonna need it. What happens now team-wise?”

“We test every player. If any one of them has juiced, they’re off the team. Breach of their contract. Since we’re still investigating, even your contract is uncertain.”

Fuck me. Just as I suspected. Still, needing to hold onto my last hope, I make the suggestion. “Maybe whoever planted the dope is trying to frame me? It’s hard to believe, though. These guys are like brothers to me.”

“You never really know a person, son.”

And that right there is the problem. People do crazy shit for all kinds of reasons.

“Well, I hope you’re wrong. Polly is sending out a press release with the full medical report. That should take the heat off me in the press.”

“It’s a step in the right direction.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Keep your chin up. Only time will tell.”

“Thanks, Coach. Stay safe and keep me posted on what you find.”

“Will do.”

My mood plummets as I ease back against the couch and cover my eyes. This time next year I could be unemployed and unhireable. Though so far, I’m not feeling sick so I should be counting my blessings.

Entering the kitchen, I pull down the huge bottle of whiskey and drink straight from the bottle. I walk over to the stereo system and put on Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Suck My Kiss.”

Fuckin’ A.

It’s going to be one of those days.

Booze. Music. Rain.CHAPTER 7


EVANIT’S STILL RAINING. MEANS NO Sadie. I grimace as I plop three ibuprofens in my mouth and suck them back with a full glass of water. Last night’s pity party for one sure did a number on my head and heart today.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance